Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Bug with companions[]

Currently this is semi-bugged with some companions. I did this quest with Curie and I immediately got a message stating she hated this act. Then she tried to attack the person I collared. Once I stopped her from doing that I got a game menu of where to send her to as though I had dropped her as a companion. When I picked a location after that she immediately started attacking me.

Seems like the attitude adjustment for companions who don't like this action may be a bit strange depending on the companion.

Also to keep from making a settlement hostile you must lead the target completely outside the settlement, even if using the "necklace" option as the person will immidiately start running away shouting for help and anyone that hears this in a settlement will turn the entire settlement hostile to you.

Rangermanlv (talk)


I noticed this page was recently edited to change the questgiver. As I recall due to the fact that this is a radiant quest, the quest may be given by multiple characters and not just by Nisha or Mags Black. ight now I've got this quest in my log given by Mags Black, while the most recent edit changed the page to say Nisha. --Litheen (talk) 14:51, November 22, 2016 (UTC) Edit: I am now doubting my own statement that this quest may be given by multiple NPCs. May need verification or debunking.--Litheen (talk) 15:08, November 22, 2016 (UTC) Can now confirm all 3 Raider group leaders in Nuka-World give out this radiant quest. --Litheen (talk) 20:36, December 15, 2016 (UTC)
