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About the note of joinable with other companions, I believe the person who posted it lost Dogmeat. I have heard multiple accounts of being able to get more than one human companion by killing/losing Dogmeat. --Voidvector 14:44, 15 November 2008 (UTC)

Removed to talk: She is joinable with another character, such as Jericho or Charon. (This has proven to be false on the Xbox360 and PS3 versions; It will tell you that you can only have one follower at a time.) Travb 05:05, 16 November 2008 (UTC)

PS3 confirmed - she will join you with another human companion(but only after already having lost dogmeat T_T). 10:13, 14 December 2008 (UTC) Grav

Xbox 360 confirmed - Clover will join you with another human companion, with dogmeat dead. --User:homework178 18:38, 22 June 2009 (PDT)

Well I have good news for PS3 Fallout3 players who want multiple characters - I can only vouch for the Charon/Clover/Dogmeat combination. It can be done, but it is a little tricky. I got Charon first, then while still Evil bought Clover. As someone already posted about acquiring multiple characters, sequence and proximity are important; I fired Charon while standing next to Eulogy, talked to Eulogy and bought Clover, then before talking to Clover (and if she's close enough she will initiate conversation, which blows the whole deal), re-hired Charon before he walked away. Then with both of them I went to the Scrapyard and got Dogmeat. Superhauler 02:44, 15 December 2008 (UTC)

Could we get someone with a PC version to volunteer to put up her stats like we have for Fawkes and Star Paladin Cross? I'd do it myself but I'm on PS3. 10:32, 14 December 2008 (UTC) Grav

So, uh, what happens if you turn good while she's with you? Will she leave? Can you send her away? If so, where does she go? Another "If so"; will she care about karma when you try to get her again?--Three Dog 05:45, 16 November 2008 (UTC)

I suspect the alignment requirement for Clover only applies when hiring her. The karma boost I got from leading the ex-slaves to Lincoln Memorial temporarily shoved me into neutral territory, and Clover still cooperated with me despite me no longer being evil. Just to be sure, I murdered the lot of them and ate their corpses after getting the dart gun schematics, though. -- 18:57, 21 November 2008 (UTC)

What is her dialogue if you ask her to enter the Purifier during "Take it Back"? She's a mindless drone, why can't you make her enter?

best weapon[]

what is the best weapon for clover that has easy to find ammo and higher damage than her sawn off shotgun I tried a sydneys ultra smg but she wasted about 1100 bullets in a half hour so I couldn't keep up. she now uses the terrible shotgun but range is important (x0 RG 0x)

I gave her Blackhawk, but expect her to fire off at least 2 more unnecessary rounds after each kill. This means I buy up any .44 ammo being sold. --Phiont 03:52, 15 December 2008 (UTC)

Lincoln's Repeater is an ideal choice for all followers, as the time it takes to cock the rifle reduces the number of rounds wasted in those invariable "overkill moments". Major T0m 13:18, 16 January 2009 (UTC)

Vengeance. she tears throughh the ammo, but it can be bought anywheres: Rivet, Paradise Falls, carabvanwith Charon on the Terrible Shotgun, I rarely do moree thaen pick away with my 418 chinese fire pistol. 0909 EST August 2009.

Clover happens to have the piss-annoying habit (like most followers) of chewing through ammo like gum. This wouldn't normally be an issue, but it's a big problem for Clover because she has a preference for melee weapons, and is forever searching for a "better gun" meaning that if it isn't better than her sawn-off, she won't use it, and even it is she still might not go for it. If you give her an SMG in good condition she'll use it, but the only thing this really guarantees is a lot of 10mm shell casings rolling around and not necessarily that many dead bad guys, due to her overkill habits. Tom was onto something with his repeater, but the trouble is, .44 ammo is terribly hard to find throughout the game, and costs a good chunk. If you're lucky enough to have access to the ammo press in the Pitt, this isn't an issue, but for the rest of us, we need something that will take long enough to ensure no shot wasting, but also have ammo in plentiful supply.

If you can keep up, either type of assault rifle generally does pretty well, and the ammo is common, but not common enough for many players to keep up, unfortunately. Leaving her with the sawn off is a bad choice, mostly because it's shit through and through, especially later in the game. The ideal option is the .32 hunting rifle, with its plentiful ammunition and small clip size, limiting Clover's craziness ability. However, this is not powerful enough for her to equip (stuck-up bitch). I haven't tried it yet, but it might be a good idea to give her the more powerful version, 'Ol Painless. This may crack her arrogance and give her an efficient weapon, but I'm not sure. I'll write back as soon as I've tried it out. 5chiz0

You might also try a Lever-Action Rifle. It shoots about as slow as a Hunting Rifle, it uses 10mm ammo which is very common, and it won't deteriorate from use in the hands of a follower. Kris (talk) 18:34, July 29, 2010 (UTC)

I'm confused why people are talking about them wasting ammo, i play on the 360 with the GotY edition, I put one single bullet in their inventory and that's it, the bullet is always there and they can fire as much as they want, same with enemies, let them have a bullet and they can fire their gun as often as desired. - Aka


Does she use them? Jeri's article says he does but it doesn't say here whether she does or not. Modul8r 03:52, 13 December 2008 (UTC)

Yes, she definitely uses them. Either that or she's been dropping them on the ground when I'm not looking. ;)

OK, then for consistency purposes, I think we need to add the fact that she can use them (like on Jeri's page). Unless all follower NPC's can use stimpacks? In that case I see no reason that it's specifically stated on Jeri's page. Modul8r 16:22, 15 December 2008 (UTC)
Apparently, even RL-3 is able to use stimpacks, so it's quite likely that they all do.
I have observed clover using stimpaks. She, just like all followers though, is an idiot about how she uses them in combat. It takes a follower about 4-5 seconds to use one, and in the meantime they are getting shot all to hell. They also only ever use one per battle.-- 03:22, 5 May 2009 (UTC)
After a big firefight, I found her dead with one in her hand. --Fenix Kage 23:30, October 17, 2009 (UTC)

"Better her than me."[]

It seems to be a generic comment from followers. In my game, Sydney also says "Better her than me" but only after I killed a female raider. Sydney also sometimes says "Good Riddance" after I killed someone.

NPCs (any) say this somtimes when you kill an NPC in their presence. When I was first playing through the quest "The Power of Atom", when I shot Burke to stop him from killing Simms, everyone in the bar said at the same time "Better him than me."

  • Last night I heard her say "better him than me", but was referring to a female raider I'd just killed. Have the two lines been muddled up? Xbox version by the way. Major T0m 12:25, 9 January 2009 (UTC)

Doesn't Charon do this to? The Mercenary

All companions will say better (insert gender) than meYou have failed again young one 12:36, 30 July 2009 (UTC)

For me, Charon always says "Better her than me." regardless of the person's gender. 01:51, April 12, 2010 (UTC) Bigs

I believe this has to do with your gender, my character is female, anytime I kill anyone with Charon around he says "Better her than me" as such I'm thinking he was more or less stating it was better for you to get shot at and to kill than him. - Aka


"If you stumble into Paradise Falls and decide to wipe them all out, beware of this pink little ballerina! She is a walking, spinning buzzsaw and at lower levels can be very hard to kill. (I fought her at level 10 and she was harder than a Mutant Behemoth!) An actually creepy fight as she is apparently insane."

In the Notes section this bit seems a bit unnecessary: the only really useful information it conveys is that she'll attack you like any other if you kill the slavers, which is discussed in the next note down the list. Its description of how hard she is to kill is also more than a bit of an exaggeration. Anyone against deleting it? 03:47, 18 December 2008 (UTC)

It's an exaggeration, I agree. It should be pointed out she has more health than the rest of the people in the city, though. When I ran in there shooting everyone with a missile, she actually took two to the chest (with Star unloading a minigun at her) before dying. --DarkJeff 04:15, 18 December 2008 (UTC)


from the article - "Many people experience a glitch in the game where Clover will never use any weapon but her sword. No matter what guns she is equipped with She will only ever attack with her sword, not even using her default shotgun."

I've never experienced this as long as her tactics are set to 'keep your distance, try to flank them.' Is this a bona fide glitch?

I've just played a few hours paying special attention to Clover's behaviour, and I can see how someone could get that impression, but I don't think it's actually a glitch - she's just been given VERY strong preferences a) for melee weapons (I really had to pay attention to catch her using her SOS, but at normal encounter ranges she invariably starts with it, then charges in with the blade), and b) her own twisted fashion sense - no matter what headgear I give her, even if its 3-5 points more DR she still wears that damn Psycho-Tic helmet I gave her as a joke. Haven't the heart to take it away ... poor little krazy chick ...Superhauler 03:37, 22 December 2008 (UTC)
She has a perception of 4, so could it be that low lighting conditions are giving her too big a negative to ranged accuracy? I've noticed she sticks to melee more often in dark and/or cramped areas. She'll also do this if she drops a gun given to her, so it's a good signal to check her and the ground around her. -- 20:50, 2 January 2009 (UTC)
No, I'm sorry, I had this confused for an RPG for a moment, but that's just crazy talk! Of course they don't pay that attention to details in FPS mechanics. -- 23:10, 2 January 2009 (UTC)

Clover went back to paradise falls[]

I bought clover and stored here in my megaton house. Because she always said she was bored I stored here in the megaton bar with the other people there to dance and hear radio galaxy. After a few days i got the message, when returning to megaton "Clover went back to paradise falls".

I looked there and she was sitting at the counter of the slave bosses house. It was as if i had fired here, but i had not. I could rehire her.

I think that is strange. Seems she was so bored because I never did something with her, she decided to go back to paradise.

All followers leave and have to be hired again if they are left waiting for a long time.--Mehbah 19:54, 17 February 2009 (UTC)

I have the Anchorage DLC for Xbox 360 and when i went into the pod chamber completed the mission then came back, clover was gone. so i went to paraidise falls and check eluiges pad and she wasnt there, i have no idea where she could have went. Any hints?

Followers can disappear when you start Operation Anchorage. I don't think they reappear. It's better to fire followers before starting OA.

Useless TAG skill[]

Like Butch, Bethseda gave this companion a useless Tag skill: Barter. Simply because that is a default Tag skill for the Slavers doesn't mean it has to be the Tag skills for a recruitable NPC! Can't they have manually assigned her Tag skills, like Sneak, instead?-- 15:09, 29 January 2009 (UTC)

Sneak too is almost useless for the companion because they attack enemies on sight rather than try to sneak past them. Of course it is easier to get Clover than Charon (with sneak skill) at low level, but it is all in the way you like to play the game. For a sneaky character no companion at all is the best choice, or a heavy tank like Fawkes or Star Cross, taking the combat in charge while the player can snipe undetected. Each companion has it's drawback. Jericho can't carry as much as Clover and is quickly encumbered with a heavy weapon and after some quests he will not rejoin if the player's karma changes, Charon don't have the very useful melee combat skill (She is very good with a ripper). It depends of your gameplay but I think she is a well balanced character. She is still viable at highest levels, so the barter skill is not a handicap. On the paper Jericho seems to have more useful skills but I found him more easily killed than Clover Croquignol 02:08, 5 February 2009 (UTC)

I believe Sneak works for companions when you ask to flank the enemy. --ChicagoWanderer 23:29, 7 August 2009 (UTC)

Oddly, clover is pretty good at sneaking. I gave her the chinese stealth suit from OA and she will sneak if i do. Which is good, because im a ninja 02:55, 19 August 2009 (UTC)

Equipment Effect Stacking Exploit[]

EDIT: I wrote up a description on how to use this exploit on the Fallout 3 followers article. Hopefully it's clear. Dcruze 20:26, 8 February 2009 (UTC)

equipment "recommendations" moved from article[]

She loves the Shishkebab; if equipped with the Shishkebab, she will use it almost exclusively, regardless of more effective weaponry in her inventory (although she will still use guns when forced by circumstances).

Clover can wear Power Armor, and is proficient with all weapons. However, she will not use a weapon with a lower damage rating than her default weapons. Because of this, and her low energy weapon rating, she will not use 10mm Pistols, 10mm SMG or basic Laser Pistols but she will use more powerful weapons.

Be aware that many common forms of Power Armor (Brotherhood, Outcast, Enclave) boost Strength but lower Agility, will tend to negatively affect her Small guns but will enhance her Melee attacks. If you plan on having her use her favorite Shishkebab (with which she is deadly) Power Armor is a great choice, giving her much-needed protection and increasing her Melee damage. If you'd prefer to see her using Small Weapons most of the time, don't give her a Shishkebab, and consider instead obtaining Ranger battle armor, which will significantly increase her Small Arms. A particularly effective combination may be to give her Ranger Armor, Desmond's eyeglasses, and a standard Combat helmet, giving her protection almost as good as Power Armor while significantly enhancing her Small Arms capabilities.

She will pick up and equip weapons on her own, including a Fat Man if she sees one. In this case, it would be wise for the player to "trade" with her and take it away before she finds ammunition for it, otherwise she might end up killing herself and the player with it. Be advised that even giving her a Fat Man will not quench her thirst for 'a better gun.' --Kingclyde 08:25, October 18, 2009 (UTC)

Clover picking up weapons???[]

I've had her as a companion for many many hours, and I've never seen her pick up anything. Also, on the main page it suggests that Clover will complain about boredom if you revert to good. I've never noticed any difference in her tone, or frequency of complaints regardless of alignment. Perhaps my install is buggy, can anybody else verify these.

What I seem to be experiencing now, is suicidal Clover. I've changed her weapons many times, and she is equipped with both a hand to hand and ranged weapon. She is just as gung ho as ever to rush into the middle of any dangerous situation, but now tends to just stand there and wait to get shot at, or ripped apart in hand to hand battles. I'm wondering if she's stepped on so many landmines at this point she is just too crippled to fight anymore. Her limp seems to dissapear if I send her back to Paradise Falls for a spell, but she doesn't seem to be as motivated to fight back anymore. NOTE: I do not use her as a pack mule, so it's not a weight issue.

Would have been nice if you could have gradually changed her demeanor and eventually removed her slave collar. The psycho chick from hell is amusing at first, but doesn't seem to make sense as we're doing good deeds and wiping out slavers. Also it would have been nice if she occasionally slept or sat down. I feel sorry that the poor girl has been standing on her landmine ravaged legs for the better part of 2 months without a rest.

Anybody else think she may have been inspired by Tank Girl? 02:23, October 25, 2009 (UTC)Blib

slave color[]

how do you remove her slave color people have said here that you can and you can wear it and it gves a little extra dr but how do you

Yes, it's an interesting question and I wonder why this is mentionned in the article, as the slave collar is not playable and can not be worn by the player, or removed from the NPC without cheating or using a mod. By the way, ANY slave collar adds 3 to the DR, not only clover's one and the one she wears is a generic one, nothing special about it. the best option would be to remove this part from the article, as the way to obtain this item is already mentionned in the special slave collar article, (here http://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Slave_Collar) and here it is confusing, leading people to think Clover's one is a special unique item.Croquignol 15:25, April 30, 2010 (UTC)

I can't wait in Eulogy's Pad[]

I used to have Clover as a follower but I went to go off to complete Point Lookout. I was going to use the RL-3 fire/rehire glitch to get most of the followers. The problem is, I can't wait in Eulogy's Pad. I know you need to be inside in order to do this so I can't leave the pad or else it won't work. Anybody think they have a solution?


I was in the metro tunnle going to Hubris comics and in a fight with ghouls. Dogmeats puppy was killed and clover had low health. So i just fell back. clover then was killed and got the meaasge of her death. So I went back to Megaton to get Jericho back and he said i already hav e a companion then got the message saying I still have hereven though she died. Should this be added and how do i fix this? Bmoreravens12 02:53, July 24, 2010 (UTC)

No option to purchase Clover anymore[]

I said something about not wanting a crazy body guard by accident, and now there's no option to buy her. I'm on PC, so is there any way to reset Eulogy's dialog?

EDIT: Well, I found the command. That's the good news. The bad news is I still can't hire her--even if I fire Jericho. Maybe this has something to do with the mod I have installed for followers. The question now is if it is possible to hire her through the console.

--Spades Neil 20:14, June 27, 2011 (UTC)


The G.E.C.K. lists her as Asian not Caucasian as she is listed on the page

Behind the Scenes[]
