Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


There is a G the barbaian book inside on the upper catwalk area that leads to the Yao cave. The book is by the generator with the dual light worklamp setup. 15:07, 14 November 2008 (UTC) Marston

Only one entrance?[]

Is there only one way into these caverns? I have low lock pick skills and can't open the gate.

I'm certain there in another entrance, but I could be confusing it with another raider infested cavern. Blahguy 12:01, 30 December 2008 (UTC)

Blahguy, you aren't mistaken. The second entrance has a Hard lock. Inside it's to the East, and outside it's a short trip East up the cliff (you have to go Southeast then Northeast since it's a CLIFF and all). NightChime 02:33, 12 March 2009 (UTC)

I Think what He is talking about is the entrance, DUE WEST from The Overlook Drive-In.    Winding slightly down from the top of the cliffs top.

Apparent Bug[]

Some of the land mines dropped through the floor when I approached. I couldn't target them to disarm them, but they were still close enough to cripple limbs. Duncanxxxx 07:49, 7 February 2009 (UTC)

Can't Find the Sneak Book?[]

The Chinese Army Special Ops Manual in the NW Chamber may be blown to inaccessible parts of the chamber by the Missile Launcher wielding Raider. In some instances, the only way to retrieve it would be to type "tcl" in the console to turn off collision (PC only), or reload from an earlier point.


I searched for "Cliffside Cavern" and got no results. I had to search for just "Cavern". I don't know how to change it, but someone else may want to look into editing this article in regards to how to find it in the search. 23:26, 11 March 2009 (UTC)

Went to check on this and seems like someone has already fixed it. 03:34, 12 March 2009 (UTC)

melee book location clarification[]

On the section entered from the wasteland, there is a platform in the NE of the large rectangular, central room. It is behind a generator there. I was able to jump/climb on the east side I am trying to get minimal experience for melee books right now, and this is useful in missing some raiders.Pir8p3t3 (talk) 05:54, November 20, 2012 (UTC)

Nuka-Grenade schematic should be notable loot, right? It's in the Yao Guai Cave - a chamber to the northwest with some skeletons. -- 01:58, February 23, 2013 (UTC)

Do Raiders respawn?[]

Do The Raiders & Bears Here respawn??  Can i Get some confirmation on this please?

Pre-war book[]

I found one on the bed in the tent. Pages for other places list these among the 'Notable Loot', should this be added? I can do it, I just don't want to waltz in and mess up anything if it's already been discussed and dismissed. Obax42 (talk) 01:17, March 6, 2016 (UTC)
