Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

DiMA Dialogue Bug[]

I noticed the issue with being unable to discuss the launch key or kill-switch code with DiMA as well. I think this only occurs when you are at the point in The Way Life Should Be where you must decide how to deal with the Avery synth replacement. Can anyone else verify this? -- DeJuanNOnley (talk) 02:02, July 21, 2016 (UTC)

The way I experienced during my playthrough is that once you discuss the fact that DiMA murdered somebody and wiped a synth to take her place, the other dialogue options of both the Windfarm Killswitch and the Nuclear Launch code are shut off. So, confirmed I'd say Litheen (talk) 17:46, October 2, 2016 (UTC)

Quick walkthrough[]

The quick walkthrough at the moment only displays the steps when choosing to destroy the Nucleus, but lacks the steps when choosing to destroy Far Harbor. I'm not all that skilled with those tables and codes required, so maybe somebody more experienced/skilled in that can provide the alternate quick walthrough. Litheen (talk) 17:45, October 2, 2016 (UTC)

Crusader of Atom / Inquisitor of Atom[]

The infobox currently claims these are two of the possible rewards one can get by joining the CoA. However the page makes no mention of the Crusader perk, only the inquisition one. Furthermore, both pages are more or less empty, but state they do the same thing, with only the base ID being different. So are these actually two separate perks? Or has there been an error somewhere and this is just stating the same perk but with differing names?

13:58, March 3, 2017 (UTC)

Moved reactions from The Way Life Should Be[]

When you go to DiMA after visiting the Nucleus and Vim Pop factory for the synth replacement during the quest The Way Life Should Be, players typically also discuss the launch key and wind farm shutdown codes. Those reactions were found on that page, so I moved them here.

I'm pretty sure but not 100% that "Agree to protect Acadia" was supposed to mean "Agree to protect the Nucleus" (before getting the launch key).

I'm also guessing there should be a row for when you go to DiMA without having the shutdown codes and discuss shutting down the wind farm. Fantastfisk (talk) 22:40, 31 March 2022 (UTC)
