Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Bug discussion[]

Having problems getting the edit pages to work with my dodgy internet connection atm (and I suck at it anyway), so I'll leave that to the pro's here.

I was going to add to the "bugs" section that in my case, on PS4, I had already claimed all settlements for myself, and it seemed that I had run into this bug too, but after murdering all the friendly automatrons that were farming crops for the now-enemy gang (and a few sneaky turrets that I had missed) I was able to get into the workshop again.

Maybe this is the cause for the bug? Seemingly "friendly" automatrons, as-yet unnoticed defenses, possibly friendly trapped animals from the wasteland workshop dlc too? I can't test the animals since I had none there, and I only had the one settlement run by the "traitor" gang.

Reestablishing raider settlements.[]

This is either a bug or I'm missing something here. Once you take out a settlement with this quest, there doesn't seem to be a way to give it to another gang. In my game the settlement was Taffington Boathouse. After killing all the raiders (Pack) and taking out the turrets, I left to get supplies to repair them. Upon returning, they were automatically repaired somehow. Anyhow, the map marker changed back to the regular boathouse one instead of the raider one, and I have a miscellaneous quest marker pointing here that states "Establish Raider outposts (2/8) to unlock Tribute Chest". I had sent Shank here, I suppose that quest marker is supposed to be pointing to him.

I had to return to him in Nuka World and do this as if the settlement had never been taken over, only seeing as it had no people, the wipe out settlers option had to be used. After going through this, I sent Shank back there. Now, that quest marker still points here but not to him, to a spot in the middle of the house. ReapTheChaos (talk) 04:16, October 12, 2017 (UTC)
