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This might just be me but after i finished this quest there were no more deathclaws not even the legendary deathclaw

Possible Bug:

This mission did not trigger for me. (PC) This mission also did not trigger for a friend. (Xbox)

Killed the Deathclaws and came back to find Chomps dead on the ground. 00:37, November 2, 2010 (UTC)Whocooco!

Alpha Male Bug: PC[]

PC: I did this quest and everything worked but the Alpha Male. When he appeared he would not move (except to spin slowly where he stood) and my bullets passed right through him. My companion, Boone, was able to kill him with a chainsaw, but his body disappeared from the ground when he died and he reappeared in mid air a ways off (but was inactive). Boone killing him still registered as a successful kill so I was able to complete the quest.

Edit: Now running through the game for the second time and the same bug occurred. This time Boone had to use his Machete to kill the Alpha Male. 17:20, May 24, 2011 (UTC)

Scary Fun[]

took on this at level 15, unarmed at like 30 with a very good condition ballistic fist. Regular Deathclaws go down in 1 to 2 hits... but you have to watch out for being swarmed by more than 2 at a time. Took out the Alpha and Mother from the high platform past the big red crane with Annabelle (this also cleared out all the smaller ones in their vicinity..)

besides the rocket work this was a blast. Taking down a Deathclaw with a Ballistic Fist is great when they do the kill scenes in slow motion. --Codeles 20:55, November 22, 2010 (UTC)


If you do this quest, workers show up in Boulder City and will patronize the Big Horn Saloon. The bartender will mention "some badass," wiped out the Deathclaws.--OvaltinePatrol 21:41, December 17, 2010 (UTC)

Very Hard / Hardcore Help[]

For those unable to face Deathclaws in hand-to-hand combat (hardcore mode especially), equip a long-range weapon (Anti-materiel rifle, Sniper rifle or even a Hunting rifle with a scope) and head to the main entrance. Snipe the deathclaw at the entrance using sneak attacks from maximum render distance, but make sure your companions don't go and attack (companions can easily be killed quickly, even by young deathclaws). On the left side of the quarry's entrance there is a cliff - walk along the left side and look for a gap you can jump into and climb up. Set any companions you have to wait back at Sloan (Rex in particular has a bad habit of coming to your aid from long distance).

From there, you should be able to walk along the ledge into the quarry and hit the deathclaws from long range, using stealth-boys or natural cover to achieve multiple sneak attack criticals. You can hit the Alpha Male and most of the main deathclaws from this position, but the matriarch is further back. To get her, you need to kill or sneak past the deathclaws on the opposite ledge (the one that can be accessed by NPCs) and walk all the way to the back of the quarry. In the western corner, there is another ledge you can climb up on that gives a good view of the matriarch's area. Make sure not to get too close to the ground, the matriarch has a long reach.

If you go up to the Great Khan encampment, and bring a sniper or a similarly scoped weapon you can hop up onto one of the conveyor belts that is unreachable to the deathclaws and snipe them one by one, doing this allows you to complete the mission at a low level and keeps your companions out of harms way.Richie9999 04:48, May 27, 2011 (UTC)

Level needed to start?[]

I headed right to Sloan after starting a new game to try to get free stimpaks out of Chomps, but the wily old geezer looked at level 2 me and told me that only the biggest badass in the wasteland could clear out the deathclaws, and I wasn't it. He told me how to kill them but did not provide any stimpaks. Returned later at level 20 and he suddenly had confidence in me and gave me the stimpaks. Does anyone know what level you have to be to get him to provide the stimpaks? 09:57, May 16, 2011 (UTC)

Level 15 (experimentally verified by travelling to Chomps Lewis every time I levelled up). You can complete the quest at any time, but that's when his speech changes, and he supplies you with stimpaks. 07:24, May 23, 2011 (UTC)

Deathclaw mother bug (or maybe I misunderstood something)[]

I went into Quarry Junction to kill the deathclaw alpha male and deathclaw mother. Naturally, I decided to obsvere the damn deathclaws (maxed out sneak + guns and silent running + silenced sniper rifle), to wait until I had a good group, including the mother. I decided to take a shot at the baby, having read here that it would frenzy the mother. Expecting the mother to attack the other deathclaws (and have her weakened and killed + 2-3 regular deathclaws down), I got disappointed when, after checking where I was with no luck, nothing happened. Did I misundertand frenzy, or is this some kind of bug?

Possibly "frenzy" as in what happens when you shoot the antenna off an ant is the wrong word here. The last time I was there, she simply ran around the area at high speed when her babies were killed. She didn't randomly attack anything near her. Wunengzi 22:44, June 28, 2011 (UTC)

Improved Speed![]

Since the last comment is from June, I think not many people did Quarry Junction after patch 1.4. Good Lord, the Deathclaw Alpha Male moves 150% faster and the Mother Deathclaw 175%!!! It's frightening... Brfritos 04:25, August 3, 2011 (UTC)
