Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Wasn't there an episode of Futurama where it was revealed that the Sewer Mutants worship an unexploded nuclear bomb (but "No-one's really that observant...")

Yes, but that in itself is just a reference to Beneath the Planet of the Apes. — 18:53, 14 January 2009 (UTC)

And whether or not this is really a reference to anything is hard to say. It's not a particularly clever idea that no one else would ever think of.

Removing Futurama reference. There's nothing extra to indicate a reference to Futurama. There's really nothing to indicate Apes either, but Apes has the advantage of being first (AFAIK) and iconic. If a reference is implied (I'm not saying it is), it is certainly to Apes, not to something which itself is a reference to Apes. Duncanxxxx 20:43, 2 March 2009 (UTC)

Other cults?[]

Is there any relation between other cults (e.g., Church of the Mushroom Cloud) and the Children of Atom?

They always reminded me of the children of the cathedral from fallout 1. Both worship a power that can kill a large amount of people. And they have the same symbol.
