Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


the good ol' days-- 15:13, 8 May 2009 (UTC)

Myron was a little bitch, so I let my BOZAR chew him up. A few seconds after releasing the the beast all over him... his entire upper torso was gone. lol
The kids in fallout 2 were annoying,by the time i killed them all babies in the womb were afraid of the light,even though bozar dont cause THAT much light Werewolfhell 18:25, 26 May 2009 (UTC)
man don't say womb i lost my boner -- 15:50, 29 May 2009 (UTC)

er......... check out my daily things and then vote on what you wanna see the next day 17:06, 29 May 2009 (UTC)

Err, what? What do you mean children are "unkillable"? I know they cannot be targeted in VATS and you can't hurt them directly or indirectly. However, I still can't get it. All children are set to be essential charaters by default (ie. even if you "kill" them, they get up a few seconds later with full HP)? I think I've seen children with reverse-pickpocketed weapons killing each other PERMANENTLY.--Amitakartok 21:12, 8 June 2009 (UTC)

Could someone add you can also kill the squire boy in the citadel if you have broken steel installed? -- 22:18, 14 August 2009 (UTC)


A lack of imagination?


Anyone else here think that Brian Menze suffered from a distinct lack of imagination when making the "Childkiller" image? There's lots of ways to imply the death of children or innocence without ever actually depicting children or pregnant women being hurt or killed. Try a teddy bear with its head torn off and left close by. Or a power armour boot footprint in mud, with a blossoming flower crushed underfoot in the impression left by the boot. Or even a ragdoll with a long pin or dagger shoved through one of its eyes, with the other end coming out the back. Granted, none of these suggestions would have included Fallout Wiki Boy, but that's a small price to pay.
Here, I've got one that would have worked- foreground, a cowering child is visible looking up toward one of the image's corner, a black shadow is cast over the child with a vague humanshape appearing on the wall behind him/her. Would that have been any harder to draw? No. Would it have been less offensive than a kick to a pregnant woman's body? Hell yes. Hell, I've got another idea that would have worked, Fallout Wiki Boy dressed in a Freddy Krueger-like outfit, slashing at the viewer. No child in that image, so it would be even less offensive than my previous idea. Nymphonomicon 23:45, October 20, 2011 (UTC)
It's also kind of strange how the gaming community used to tolerate killable children but has largely given up on this. Bioware's other famous CRPG series, Baldur's Gate, featured killable children quite a lot, one of which was actually a demon in disguise and could attack you (quite painfully) even without dropping its child-like disguise. Then there's also Arx Fatalis, the prequel to Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, which featured exactly one child, but gave you a lot of liberty in what you did to her. There was a quest to save her from a gang of Demon-worshipping cultists, and you could either leave her alone to let them sacrifice her and summon a Demon, or get in there, slaughter the cultists and rescue her, or even slaughter the cultists and make a human sacrifice of the child yourself to summon a Demon. If something like that were published today, I doubt the media would ever let the developers hear the end of it.
Probably the last, most famous game that let the player kill children-like NPCs was Prey by 3D Realms. It was probably the last, most famous game that prominently and unavoidably featured children-like NPCs killing each other. 17:05, April 7, 2010 (UTC)
It's not a small price to pay. If you haven't noticed, Vault Boy is the staple of SkillDex images and to not include him is to break the art convention. Also, Arx Fatalis is a prequel to Dark Messiah? Not really, no. Arx is its own setting, as is Might & Magic. Personal_Sig_Image.gif Tagaziel (call!) 08:39, April 8, 2010 (UTC)
Yes, I noticed Vault Boy's ubiquity through out many of the game's interface icons, but I was implying that his absence from the "childkiller" reputation would be something even he wouldn't associate himself with. And there's still more ways to skin this cat--just have Vault Boy pose facing the audience with his trademark mirthless grin, with a ripped-off teddy bear head in one hand, and the bear's headless body in the other. And yes, I misspoke--Arx Fatalis is the first game developed by Arkane Studios, while Dark Messiah was their second, but unrelated, title. To my knowledge, Arx will probably be the only 3D game to feature human sacrifice of a child for demon-summoning purposes. Next to that (and the ingame cutscene of a little boy getting impaled by the possessed spirit of a little girl in Prey), "childkiller" in this game looks positively G-rated. 16:57, April 8, 2010 (UTC)
Why is killing a child is worse than killing an adult?
Yes, I've been wondering this myself. Anyone care to explain? HeadManiac 01:04, November 14, 2010 (UTC)
i believe i can explain. the reason child killing is not allowed in fallout 3/New Vegas is probably because of Bethesda. why? i'm not sure. the reason killing children is worse than killing adults is simply moral standing. by making children killable, Bethesda would think SOMEONE would raise hell and therefore did not allow it. but they can't win; Unkillable children: someone raises hell. make them killable: someone raises hell. know what i think? i think the people who raise hell for them being killable, are idiots. if you don't want to kill children, then don't kill children! if you do, the option is open! what i think is that 3 and new vegas should have been the same thing 1, 2, BoS and Tactics were like, only with the gameplay like it is now (3D, reload whenever the hell you want to, shoot whenever the hell you want to, etc.) with the option to play the games like 1 and 2. anyone else agree?

For those who were wondering[]

Children were made unkillable in Fallout 3 and New Vegas in order to get the game approved for sale in Germany and Australia, both of which passed laws in the early 2000s stating that any game containing violence against children would be banned from sale. Fallout 2 came out in 1998 before the laws were in place. Many games (like Half-Life 2 and Grand Theft Auto) have dealt with it by having no children at all, and some simply made them invincible (like Fallout). If you want somebody to blame, listen to Liberty Prime.

                                          fucking nazis..........

er...no, I believe he means the Communists. Presumably the socialist nanny-state censorship-lovin' governments of Germany and Australia. Did you even play FO3? 02:24, October 23, 2013 (UTC)

I kinda feel on the fence about bringing this title back. On the one hand, it's kinda hard not to feel like a sick fuck by wanting it back. On the other hand, you get to fulfill your darkest fantasies in killing bratty kids such as the ones from Little Lamplight, it can be used as an otherwise easy and legit means to have bounty hunters come after you, and it provides a degree of added realism.

PROTIP: Australia had previously banned any game or movie depiction of "realistic drug use", which is why Med-X isn't named "Morphine", the originally proposed name. Same for Jet (methamphetamine), Psycho (crack cocaine), Buffout (anabolic steroids), and Mentats (Ritalin). There's actually an Australian government censorship board (like the US's MPAA, except far more evil) that demands a preview of every game, movie and TV show released in the country so they can decide if there's any child-killing or drugs so they can ban it from ever hitting the shelves. Australia is not a huge market for video games, but one day's worth of self-censorship from the programmers opens up an entire country for sale. Kind of a no-brainer for the corporate suits. Selling video games is a business, after all... Court Appointed Shrub (talk) 10:56, July 27, 2015 (UTC)
