Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Article merge?[]

Hey, just an idea, maybe this article could be merged with a generic child article? As these Shady Sands kids are nameless and not unique, they all could be put under one roof. Then, the Child article could also list and keep track of all the unique kids and have links to their respective articles. Just like the dog article does. lol at comparing kids with dogs. :D --TheBearPaw 20:56, December 24, 2009 (UTC)

Well, but Shady Sands children have their own dialogue files and this way all Shady Sands characters, including generic ones like children, citizens or peasants, can be found in the Shady Sands characters category and in Template:Navbox Shady Sands FO1. Same for other generic characters, like Megaton settler. For FO1 and 2, I think it's best to have separate articles for each separate generic character type with a separate dialogue file. Ausir(talk) 21:06, December 24, 2009 (UTC)
Allright.--TheBearPaw 09:27, December 25, 2009 (UTC)