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Fallout Wiki

Usefulness perk[]

I currently don't have bloody mess (in my future build), but I would prefer that perk over this; because that perk while 'only' adding 5% damage; it adds that to EVERY body part, works for all weapons and most important: it works outside VATS. Oh, and the gore animation is pretty epic as most of us know from Fallout 3 :) --The Bart 01:13, December 6, 2010 (UTC)

The animation for bloody mess is pretty cool, however after about 150 times or so it gets very OLD! I took that perk once in Fallout 3 and will never take it again. ReapTheChaos 02:47, January 12, 2011 (UTC)
Does it include melee weapons? They are very prone to hitting the torso in some cases, most notably the thermic lance (scrap heap thrust attack in VATS) and chainsaws (overhead chop). Mictlantecuhtli 01:46, December 22, 2010 (UTC)

Bloody Mess includes melee weapon damage, yes. Medeasin 00:49, June 30, 2011 (UTC)

How does this compare to Sniper? It seems like Sniper is a lot better even if it's harder to qualify for. -- 21:27, June 13, 2011 (UTC)

Sniper increases chance to hit the head in VATS, while Center of Mass increases damage with torso shots in VATS. Medeasin 00:49, June 30, 2011 (UTC)

To answer the question another way: Sniper is typically far superior. Headshots generally do ?1.5x-2x? damage, so getting +15% damage to the torso is much less valuable than increasing the chances of making a headshot to ABOVE the chances of a torso hit. 20:41, March 27, 2020 (UTC)

Explosives effected?[]

was wondering if "detenate on impact" explosives would be effected by this, or if any grenage lobbed at the chest will have a +15% dmg bonus regardless of whare it lands. Any help would be appreciated, thnx. Enduvus 07:59, July 9, 2011 (UTC)

Explosives do 95% of all their damage through "area-of-effect". Yes, the perk will affect the impact damage of the grenade hitting them in the chest, it will NOT affect the damage of the resultant explosion as the explosion is all area of effect. Just like you cant get critical hits with area of effect I really doubt any perks aside from splash damage and demolition expert affect the damage it does.
