Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

There are actually two locations on the map named Cave. Both are in The Glowing Sea and neither seems terribly important. One is near the half-buried Red Rocket station and the other is near a parking garage with a Super Duper Mart sign. The one near the parking garage has a full suit of raider power armor (or it did for me, anyway) not sure the one currently described in the article has anything of value. --Limpachn (talk) 04:28, November 23, 2015 (UTC)

I agree that it isn't of much use at all, but I saw that there was no wiki page for it so I figured I should add one, just for the sake of documentation. I didn't know about that other cave though. I (or someone else) might edit this page and make it about the other cave instead. - Chowder183

I did just that! I made a page for the one that has the Raider Power Armor Cave --Indyrenegade (talk) 04:44, December 3, 2015 (UTC)
