Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Accurate info[]

I've typed up a new bio (nothing spectacular, just a summary of what can be gleaned from talking to her for a few seconds). Not sure if we should keep the bit in "Player Interactions" about the Lady Killer perk, as that dialogue option never popped up for me during Silus' interrogation or the other events that Lt. Boyd is involved in. I might have just not followed the dialogue tree properly to get that option, though.Ctmnt08 18:46, October 29, 2010 (UTC)

When first meeting her there seems to be a deviation from the interrogation conversation by choosing "let's talk about something else". I didn't choose it coz I thought maybe I had to finish the interrogation first, but after doing it and her other tasks still no option. Maybe you gotta do the interrogation "physically" by punching the guy ? Or maybe it's false information. -- 01:44, October 30, 2010 (UTC)

I believe this info is pure speculation, as i have not seen any proof of having a Lady Killer dialog option for Lt. Boyd. I vote the info removed until it can be confirmed by a screenshot.TrixorXD
I have removed all mention of the "Lady Killer dialog option" until it can be confirmed with a screenshotTrixorXD 20:59, November 1, 2010 (UTC)

Asking about thefts.[]

I asked about the interrogation, then about "Something else" then about the missing person and finally thefts, and when I did so Boyd was subtitled for a whole paragraph and only delivered "Not the kind of things you'd like to go missing." Anyone else get this? Zarts 05:06, November 15, 2010 (UTC)

glitch with auto save[]

Well, I came to the unmarked quest, with two companion EDE and cass. The fact is I have not saved for over 60 hours now as I never (luckily?) bumped on any bug. Now, when Carrie and I moved to the interrogation room, I first punched silus and my companion started to shoot at him. When silus turned passive again (blue), Carrie started to talk to him, but my companion killed him.

So the dialogue script is locked at Silus is supposed to reply and Carrie waiting for his reply. resurrecting silus will make him sit on the chair and does nothing, punching him back will turn him permanently aggro and killing him will make Carrie trigger the "why did you killed him" chat.

So, I haven't found any way to force silus to continue his dialogue with Carrie, and when I try to talk to Carrie, all she say is "let's finish this up".

Both white wash and silent treatment are impossible to turn in. and killing silus will give bad karma, therefor, turn all the NCR against me with no exp reward (smiling troublemaker).

so if anyone want to do Carrie quests, make sure to save before talking to her, and make your companions wait outside.

celebrity resemblance[]

She looks just like Helena Bonham Carter.--Morty343 05:33, December 26, 2010 (UTC)

I always thought she looked like Frida Kahlo

What the....?[]

Okay I wait for her to introduce me to Silus, she pulls out her 9mm and walks out the door, I hear gun shots, and lo and behold 3 Great Khans are attacking. Boyd, Hornsby and an unnamed trooper are among the casualties. How the hell did the Khans get through without being shot?--Callofdutyfan5695 18:01, January 9, 2011 (UTC)

Did your screen randomly zoom in for no reason before this? Occasionally on my game the screen will zoom in and 3 great khans will spawn. They are friendly to me , but boone or any members of the NCR automatically attack them. user:icommandoxx


Anyone care to add a "quotes" section?

I loved when she came in midway through Silus' interrogation and says...

"All that shouting! Honestly, Silus, you get free room and board. The least you could do is be a good guest!" (Ava Elzbieta 01:21, April 18, 2011 (UTC))

Character Design?[]

Is it just me, or is Lieutenant Boyd notably more attractive than most other female NPCs in the game?

--Cyberweasel89 03:06, July 24, 2011 (UTC)

I think the design team just lucky on that one. Much like with Layla and Sunny Smiles. I think it's the longer faces, larger eyes and less puffy cheeks that set them apart from the other NPC's. :--Kastera (talk) 03:43, July 24, 2011 (UTC)
Huh. Usually, other NPCs in the game only comment on characters with blonde hair being attractive. Examples are Sarah Lyons from Fallout 3 (as mentioned on Elder Lyons' terminal) and Melissa Watkins in Hidden Valley (as implied with the head scribe's treatment of her). A lot of male NPCs comment on Veronica being beautiful, but I think that's just to draw attention to the fact that she prefers women. I personally don't see Veronica as all that attractive. But I'm a girl, so I'm only going by an aesthetics view on each of them.
Another thing of note is that Carrie Boyd's voice is identical to that of Vera Keyes and Julie Farkas. And I find it an extremely sensual voice, strangely enough.
--Cyberweasel89 22:19, July 25, 2011 (UTC)