Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Sierra AI bug confirmation[]

Not sure what the procedure is, but I can verify this bug:

"Once after taking the elevator to the vault and following Sierra up the stairs Sierra will become stuck in the corner of the stairwell. To fix this go completely out of the office and into Nuka-Town then re-enter building and return to the vault. Sierra will be talking to the founders head and you can continue the quest. [platforms tag needed][verification needed]"

This happened to me on the Xbox1 and this is the way that I fixed it as well (after trying "save game, shoot her in the head, reload game" which did not work). This was AFTER I cut the power and got the recipe, so when I re-entered Sierra was in the "how could you kill such a great man" dialog. I loaded up a previous save (from before finding the elevator) and tried again and she again froze on the entryway to the Vault. This time I immediately left the building and returned and she was conversing with the head as she was supposed to do. So this has happened to me twice now (Xbox 1) plus the original poster. Not sure how many others have had this happen, but the whole Nuka World dlc seems pretty buggy. I expect they'll do a patch for it within the next few weeks. 02:28, September 5, 2016 (UTC)

Forgot to add that I also was not able to interact with the head in the tank, either, while Sierra was stuck. The only things I had an action prompt for were the Computer terminal and the Fuse box. The eyes on the head were just staring around blankly in the default animation. Seems you cannot interact with him until Sierra gets there. 02:36, September 5, 2016 (UTC)

Yep, I can verify this bug as well (PC). I fixed it by manually dragging her into the room with Bradberton's head with the console command moveto player, after which her AI seemed to jolt awake, and she ran to the base of the stairs and then started the event correctly.
Also for me she got stuck in the middle of the walkway right after passing though the vault's doorway. This DLC's quests are so unpolished and buggy - this is the third one so far I've had to fix using console commands...
Ulithium Dragon (talk) 09:14, September 7, 2016 (UTC)

Sierra not hostile[]

I chose to let John-Caleb live and got the nuka world jumpsuit instead. Sierra was delighted. John-Caleb was delighted too. Then I left the office. This was the last quest before I decided to do Open Season. After open season and restored power to Nuka World, I left and went back to Commonwealth, Home Plate. Then I decided to check on Sierra. I tested to see how she respond if I shut down the power. John-Caleb was dead, Sierra was angry a bit. But she was not hostile. She remained friendly afterward. Strange. But this was just a test. I had no intention to get the big gun weapon though. 15:09, February 27, 2017 (UTC)
