Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Don't do optional![]

Word of friendly advice- DO NOT do the optional objective. You do this by hacking the terminal on the top floor and opening the door. Regardless of whether or not you finish the experiment, that won't matter because the game still thinks you didn't (you don't get a reputation boost with Curie either). I wasted 30 minutes because I pressed a button so I could get more xp. Don't make the same mistake.

Random solutions?[]

When I did this I had to put in 611 Gold and 11317 Hydrochloric Acid. I don't know if it's random, or the original author was just mistaken, or what, but the article is off either way.

Edits: Removed "My Little Pony" Reference[]

I removed the "My Little Pony" reference in the "Behind the Scenes" section. Such things are a leap to conclude. It would be nice if a FACTUAL website can perhaps stay away from speculation, especially that of a children's cartoon about talking horses and "magic". - AdrienRemaz

OK let's pretend for a moment that this isn't driven by your personal feelings about any particular show or it's fans. Let's go so far as to assume it's cool to remove something because it makes you personally feel "icky." Even if that were ok, you still refused to say what it was you removed other than the fact that it cited a show about magic (unlike, say, Lovecraft mythology). Take for example when people jumped to the conclusion that Harkness from Rivet City was based on Doctor Who and/or Torchwood, it was stated why this was unlikely. However in this case, we're left wondering what unfounded reference it is. There's a difference between this:
I deleted the reference to "My Little Pony" from the Supervisor White page because it seems like BS to me.
and this:
To state Supervisor White at Graygarden is based on Rarity simply because they sound alike would be silly since (a) the NPC was clearly based on Eva Gabor, who's character from Green Acres was more of a languishing brat than an industrious seamstress, (b) Friendship Is Magic is from the 2010's which wouldn't fit with the 40/50/60's aesthetic of pre-war culture, and (c) there's no purple in her paint job.
See? Any of those 3 points are fine. And even if you don't think it's worth mentioning, why bother mentioning the removal at all? If the unsupported conclusion isn't worth mentioning, why is the show worth mentioning? Noobyorkcity (talk) 05:20, December 23, 2015 (UTC)

The original reference text was saying something along the lines of "... DERPI, a possible reference to My Little Pony" which I think was a bit of a leap and needed more thought and evidence to conclude. We're going to need to know the true intentions of BethSoft to actually say it's a reference to the show. Since we don't, the reference seems a bit unnecessary. I'm sure the statement "hey, let's put an MLP reference in this while at the same time not point fingers at an IRL organization" was not going through BethSoft's mind when Cambridge Polymer Labs was being constructed. A more down-to-earth statement like "hey, let's not point fingers at an IRL organization" makes truckloads of more sense. It makes sense that any grownup making a video game for other grownups would reorder certain words and phrases to keep ridicule off of a certain influential organization. Personally, I'm indifferent about the show. Its influence over the wikia, I'm not as indifferent.AdrienRemaz (talk) 19:50, December 23, 2015 (UTC)

There are several pretty blatant MLP:FIM references in the game already. "DERPI" is likely to be another, under those circumstances. I don't believe the white 'bot at Graygarden is based on Rarity, as Noobyorkcity says, but the others are pretty much direct quotes from the show. Derpy is a fan favorite, and someone who would put the other references in very likely would put that one in too.

DARPA is a government agency, and would be fair game for mockery. MIT is a private school, so was changed to CIT. I doubt it's 'avoiding pointing fingers'. --Azaram (talk) 07:26, February 20, 2016 (UTC)

Right then. Fair point. I motion for the reference to be reinstated. AdrienRemaz (talk) 17:20, February 20, 2016 (UTC)

Security door in decontamination control room[]

In the decontamination control room there is a security door with maglocks on the wall opposite to the decontamination control terminal. I tried all available terminals to get in but didn't get any results. How does one open this door? The room behind it seems to be beneath the director's office, The regional map shows a short corridor to the lobby which doesn't exist. EDIT: I removed the door with the console. There is a small (1.5 m x 1.5 m) empty room behind it. Maybe it's used in PAM's cache quests?

"One will NOT be able to drop the samples after the quest Cambridge Polymer Labs ends. However a player can use the computer to identify each sample, then collect each identified resource, which can later be used to craft. In effect, the samples convert into resources when identified by the computer."

This is not my experience on PC. I still have all of the identified items in my inventory and am not able to remove them, as 'quest items can't be removed'. I finished the quest and got the armor, so it's not that. --Azaram (talk) 07:29, February 20, 2016 (UTC)

The Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch fixes not being able to drop the samples after completing the quest and it notes that it's because the associated quest doesn't complete properly ("Cambridge Polymer Labs (DN015) leaves undroppable quest items in your inventory even if the puzzle quest (DN015Puzzle) to make the armor is completed. DN015 was not stopping DN015Puzzle in stage 100."). The version history for the patch can be found here and links to download the patch can be found here.--Sekrin (talk) 15:23, May 14, 2016 (UTC)
