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Fallout Wiki

Upgrade number 5[]

There is a pipe near the Sunstone building, with a nuke behind it. There is an upgrade at the top of the pipe. Dunno how to add this info to the page, so put it here for someone to work out more better.--Alpha Lycos 08:31, September 21, 2011 (UTC)

"Beam" weapon damage? Are we talking lasers or is this something else?

The ED-Es in Lonesome Road use Arc Welders instead of lasers, so the effect is listed as that so the upgrade affects all instances of ED-E. 'Beam' in this game means 'most energy weapons' OnFyre 11:30, September 21, 2011 (UTC)

A little more detail would be nice 05:59, September 22, 2011 (UTC)


Hey I'm the one who posted the note on this page but I have no idea how to word it in a way people will understand. Any ideas? -The Polar Bear lives 00:29, September 23, 2011 (UTC)

Here's a question which a Google search failed to answer: does ED-E actually need to be in your party for the Camardere-E bonuses to take effect? I'm talking about the ones that affect the player character, such as +2 DT, +5% VATS accuracy, etc. - Papill0n, 13:35, November 18, 2012.

The answer is yes. Dark wizzie (talk) 01:56, January 13, 2016 (UTC)

Level 4 +5 Beam weapon damage[]

If this applies on a per-beam basis... then it has the potential to send the DPS for the Gatling Laser (and to a lesser extent, the RCW) off the SCALE. Planning on doing some testing to see if I can notice much difference, but tbh in game the GatLas tends to evaporate most things in a blink of an eye anyway. With Bloody Mess and Laser Commander and this (example used to make it a nice round number), with the optics mod? Doubles per beam damage (base 10 to 20), putting the DPS to 600. Insane. 22:03, September 23, 2011 (UTC)Arkangelus

Note: It does. 657 DPS on mine, but it could go higher. Legendary cazadore is ash in half a second. Insanity.

Note: It doesn't apply to each beam for Laser weapons that split their damage. I tested this with a fully modded Laser Rifle and a fully modded GRA Tri-Beam Laser Rifle. Before the perk the damage was 11.9x3 and 27.5x3, respectively. After the perk the damage was 13.6x3 and 29.2x3, respectively. The bonus 5 damage is split 3 ways for both which is pretty underwhelming but it's still amazing for automatic lasers.ZalmanW 05:16, January 17, 2012 (UTC)

Regarding the claim that the bonus 5 damage is split 3 ways for Tri-Beam Laser Rifle, this is incorrect. I understand that the Pip-Boy says that's the case, but it's not the case with actual testing. Dark wizzie (talk) 01:20, January 13, 2016 (UTC)

Mother of God I gotta get Ultimete Edition and try this, finally a reason to go to dead wind cavern --Obsidian Rocks 10:18, February 21, 2012 (UTC)

I'm curious as to if the damage is applied before or after multipliers like max charge, robotics expert, lord death, laser commander and the like. I tried adding the perk manually to myself to test it but it doesn't seem to apply like that at all. -- 01:36, January 26, 2013 (UTC)

It applies before those multipliers. With Elijah's LAER which has 65 dmg (and no other perks but Camaradar-E) against a Bighorner with 56 DT (ammo naturally has -2 DT effect, for a total DT of 54), I did 16 damage. Let's assume first that Camaradar-E adds +5 to base damage of the weapon. We have 65+5 or 70 dmg. 70-54=16. The result matches. Let's assume Camaradar-E adds +5 to damage after calculating DT vs dmg. 65 * 0.2 (we don't subtract because that would be below 65 * 0.2) = 13. If you add 5 to 13, you get 18. That's not 16. And we know that the perk multipliers are applied after DT vs dmg is calculated. My testing with other weapons back up my example here. I'm reluctant to edit the article though, lest some mod come in and reverts my edits.
This is further complicated if you use ammunition that increases weapon damage. But unless requested, I won't explain it here, it's pretty convoluted.Dark wizzie (talk) 01:45, January 13, 2016 (UTC)

After, that's why Gatling Laser got jack up like this --Scarvet (talk) 05:49, January 26, 2013 (UTC)

Skill checks[]

Should the improvements abilities (such as making flamer fuel vs. energy cells) be added onto the page?Frantruck 04:00, September 24, 2011 (UTC)

Obtaining the perks[]

Does ED-E need to be with the player when he finds the circuits? Smuff[The cake is a lie] 10:57, September 24, 2011 (UTC)

No. It's the same as you being able to find Ralphie posters without ED-E. Skål! 10:58, September 24, 2011 (UTC)

six locations?[]

why are six locations listed? is this for real, or is someone not checking things properly?--Katikar 16:34, September 25, 2011 (UTC)


Find at least three circut boards ,then start Dead Money or Old World Blues with ED-E following you. You will have the 2+ dt bonus. Caused by game taking away his enhanced sensors perk. Also works with ranks 4, 5 and full mataince. 17:07, June 27, 2012 (UTC)

??? Those three other DLCs start with you alone, no companion. Honest Heart give you a 100lb inventory allowance, Old World Blues whatever you carry, and Dead money zip. do you even try what you speak off?Laclongquan (talk) 11:10, March 29, 2013 (UTC)
He is saying that since the DLCs start with you alone, ED-E has to be dismissed. But a glitch makes it so that the bonus of ED-E's perk is not removed. This means when you go back to get ED-E, you can have more DT than was supposed to be possible. Dark wizzie (talk) 01:49, January 13, 2016 (UTC)