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Jefferson Memorial Encounter Glitch/Bug[]

Upon visiting the BoS pair shooting/flaming Mirelurks the following errors have been observed:

1. Game will crash after moving away a certain distance from the encounter area, when attempting to fast travel from the area, or attempting to save the game. Crash only happens after first drawing close to the BoS flamer initiate or the mirelurks around him. Moving up to the road leading to the Supermutant camp does not trigger the crash, but clearing the slight slope to shore where the initiate is produces the crash.

When I first visited the encounter the flamer initiate was roasting mirelurks by the shore as intended, but still had a crash on save. Subsequent times the initiate was swimming in the water near the mirelurk corpses which were now several game meters offshore. After not visiting the area for 3 game days the corpses and flamer guy were back on shore, but still had crash on save/fast travel.

2. Water in the area was still radioactive. But after not visiting for around 3 days the water was rad-free. Presume this is meant to happen as soon as Broken Steel is installed, but I was visiting Rivet City and its surroundings often. So maybe the area needs to be left clear for the respawn period?

I run very few mods. Mainly the Unofficial Patch and texture replacers, none of which, according to FO3Edit, appear to affect this area. 15:09, August 23, 2010 (UTC)

Megaton Encounter Glitch/Bug[]

Upon exit of Megaton, the front gate was attacked by an ant for the fiftieth million time or so, and after which all of the Megaton Settlers drew weapons and became unspeakable. They seem to be following (and strangely not shooting at) the scavenger and his Aqua Pura-holding pack Brahmin. Anyone else run into this? XXCrocmonXx 07:48, 17 June 2009 (UTC)

Yep happened to me a lot of times... The water beggar even died because of that since he was running west were theres a bunch of vicious dogs... The only I can really avoid this is when I dont use the Megaton entrance at all!!! BloodOmelet 11:15 July 1,2009

For me, there spawns Enclave Soldier in Hellfire armor with Plasma rifle, rapes everyone including caravan merchant and goes patroling Dumbassador 18:26, 1 July 2009 (UTC)

I have only been able to trigger this encounter once, I have waited more than three days and it has not respawned despite being repeatable according to the Broken Steel Encounters page. Any ideas as to what is going on? FalloutJRob 00:20, October 19, 2010 (UTC)

NPCs not firing[]

I've noticed on occasion, my follower, (Charon), and some NPCs will stop firing their weapons, usually during a very close encounter. Despite having plenty of ammo and weapons in good condition. Doesn't happen a lot, but I never noticed it before installing BS.

Enclave controlled deathclaw killing enclave soldiers[]

Did this happen before BS? Occasionally I come across an Enclave camp, and will see the Enclave controlled Deathclaw attacking the enclave soldiers, with no apparent attack from the outside, (that is, nothing that might damage the deathclaw's controller).

Repeating Encounters?[]

Do these encounters start again after you have activated them? Such as the instance west of tenpenny tower, when the raiders/BoS members are dealt with, a few days later, does the encounter happen again?

Enclave Mutiny Details[]

Walking from Andale along the road toward the Nuka-Cola Plant I first encountered the Outcast patrol (and continued past them) and then the 3 Enclave Soldiers not wearing helmets and their dead officer. The Enclave troops responded with "I've nothing to say to Wastelander scum", or some such. As the Outcast patrol neared, the Enclave troops rushed towards them and then said something very close to "We've fragged out lieutenant, we surrender, we only want water". One of the Outcast members responded with "You're thinking of the other Brotherhood of Steel, this is how we treat scum like you" (or again, some approximate to that) and a battle broke out. So I guess that's the intended encounter? (As it happens, the Outcast clobbered the Enclave, but not before the Enclave had knocked out the Combat Inhibitor on the Outcast Sentry Bot. Lone Wanderer enjoyed the spoils of both sides in exchange for a single shot on the crazed bot.) 16:36, October 1, 2009 (UTC)

Yup,i'm sure theres another one if you blow up AAFB where the enclave and some normal BOS have an argument,the Enclave surrender,because they need water,while the BOS Paladin argues against it,stating that they don't deserve it.Eventually a fight breaks out,not much to be had,but occasionaly the paladin has a Tesla cannon you can nab. The Daddy Banhammer.gif 17:06, October 1, 2009 (UTC)
Yeah I can confirm the scripted encounter with the Outcasts, someone should include this info in the main article. 00:34, October 5, 2009 (UTC)
I've seen it too, but the Outcasts just walked on their patrol, never said anything to the Soldiers. Is there a specific trigger? Nitty 00:40, October 5, 2009 (UTC)

Another mutiny?[]

I just came from the random encounters page and there was something about an officer executing two soldiers(enclave). Its at the camp where the terminal talks about the mirelurks and their genome and whatnot. I found the soldiers already dead(didn't see the execution), but I did note that they aren't wearing helmets. Could someone look in the geck to see if this is a location encounter like the 'we fragged our lieutenant' one? thanks in advance. JerichoRCDF 22:53, December 21, 2009 (UTC)

Raiders vs. Enclave?[]

Twice now I have come upon what at first looks like an Enclave encampment much like those you would normally find, only upon closer examination it is filled raiders wearing Enclave Power Armor and Hellfire Armor. There's always the possibility that there was an overlap of the two groups and that the raiders simply killed the Enclave, but this seems unlikely for a number of reasons. First off they were directly inside the encampment and seemed to be waiting there (much like the Enclave normally would). The second thing that makes it seem like a specifically scripted event is that on both occasions at least one of the raiders was wearing an Enclave Eyebot helmet, which is a rare find at these places. It also seems like the normal raiders shouldn't really be powerful enough to beat out a bunch of Enclave Soldiers. The second of these two encounters seemed to be an ambush. There was one Enclave soldier with very little health at the camp, as well as a regular first aid crate and regular ammo crates in addition to the Enclave crates. Immediately after accessing the first aid there was an explosion, which appears to have been a raider in Hellfire Armor firing a missile, though he and several other raiders had not been visible prior to this, nor had they appeared on radar. It could all be random coincidence, the fact that one of the raiders was holding the Firelance certainly was, but it seemed quite planned out. Even the barricades that identify the encampments appeared to have been vandalized.UglyCannibal 08:46, February 19, 2010 (UTC)
