Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

BS Seemingly Reset but Can't Be Completed (360)[]

Last week I played Fallout when not logged into Live so BS wasn't loaded (I already beat it previously) so none of changes were around (I no longer had the Tesla Cannon, and I couldn't get more experience). Now that I am back on Live, the BS changes were applied and I saw that The Pitt was reset (I noticed that I no longer had any of the items I got in TP or BS) so I did it again. I went to see if I could do Broken Steel again but Lyons wasn't waiting for me and when I went to the J Memorial, it was empty but Colonel Autumn was dead and so were the two soldiers with him. After looking around for a min, I went up in front of the barrier blocking access to the control panel and there were a couple of small explosions and the screen whited out but it went back to normal and I was stuck in the one spot looking through the barrier but I could turn and look around but nothing else. Do I redownload it? Or am I stuck? Saudogg

Ditto here. Same exact issue.

same here can't play it again i even went back to the citadel to see if i could maybe restart the attack on project purity but no luck....... .

Error Message[]

I'm not sure if this is a problem with my computer or the software, but when i finished downloading the 3rd DLC from the Windows Live Market Place, it said "Install of item Broken Steel failed. Not a cryptographic message or the cryptographic message is not formatted correctly. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8009200D)". If any help to resolve this conflict would be most appreciated.—Preceding unsigned comment added by Konoha457 (talk • contribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

PC DLC Purchase[]

  • Does it still count as bought though? Meaning, once they get it fixed, will you be able to re-DL it without buying it again?
I've noticed they've taken down broken steel from the market palce. only the french version is up. :( -DragonJTSLeave me a message 19:36, 5 May 2009 (UTC)
Second guy here; it still shows up in your file history as "Purchased May 5 2009" so... phew. Dodged THAT bullet.

Xbox bugs?[]

Is there any reported problems with the xbox version? i cant get to bethesda's forums on school computers

  • Look at the article and you'll see... Note that I think some of them may be just Fallout 3 - not Broken Steel - bugs. There's loads of them in the article, so I'm sure some are just Fallout 3 bugs, and others don't affect everyone.

Three Dog Discussion Bug[]

One thing I noticed is that Three Dog already mentions your character having used the purifier, mentions something about drinking clean water etc. etc., Even though I haven't gotten to that part of the game yet. 19:16, 5 May 2009 (UTC)

Yes, i have heard Three Dog say it. Even though i didn't finish "Take it back!" probably a scripting error or something, it's only minor after all.ViperXeon 14:18, 7 May 2009 (UTC)

Its only minor if you've played the game allready :D "What! my Dad dies? I activate the purifier, and save the wastelands? gee thanks Three Dog" -- 21:46, November 14, 2009 (UTC)r3in

Was just walking around Megaton, haven't even been to GNR or DC yet, and Three Dog starting talking about Project Purity and "my" parents and that there would be free/clean water for all (XBOX 360). I'm only level 5 and have been playing super slowly, just exploring and doing Megaton based side quests. ShadowSentinel 21:07, January 20, 2010 (UTC)

2 Dogs[]

yoo guys just thinking about something: with the puppies! perk i am speculating that there maybe will be a glitch with that you can have 2 dogs (if dogmeat doesn't die but you will have another dog. Halfgod 19:45, 5 May 2009 (UTC)

Well, it dosen't seem likely, but i'll test it later anyway. I have afew characters aside for reasons for testing certain things.ViperXeon 14:25, 7 May 2009 (UTC)

I'm almost wholly certain that this is not a possible bug without the player's intervention via the console. I say this because if I remember correctly Puppies! works by resurrecting Dogmeat (6a775), resetting the quest, forcing his health and other stats to a higher value, firing him, and moving him to Vault 101. If true, that means there is no script to generate a second Dogmeat (from the same baseID, with a new refID), making the glitch incapable of occurring "naturally". -- 15:27, 16 May 2009 (UTC)

Bug Elder Lyons[]

May 5th, 2009 - A bug after the download of Fallout 3: Broken Steel is if you have not completed the american dream, you may freeze within 5 feet of elder lyons and be unable to talk or move...and everything is normal expect you cant move. The quest does not continue, and elder lyons does not speak. weapons cannot be draw apon entrance to laboratory.

is there any known fix to this glitch? i can't play the new DLC until this is fixed or there is a work-around. it happens to me every time

Also the fix that they posted about talking to elder lions and telling him youre not ready then going to the courtyard, returning, then saying you are won't work if you can't talk to him in the first place. I've tried to fix this many times and I still can't play the DLC to my liking because of this horrible glitch. Does a patch need to come out to fix this or do you have to delete the DLC redownload it and do something else?

This problem still has not been fixed any awnsers?

Pretty big mistake...[]

...for some reason some characters don't reward XP (See bug I posted in article). Does this happen to anyone else?--Cc123 02:29, 6 May 2009 (UTC) ...Ive been having the game not give me my xp and i just get booted with the ending before the dlc was released im playing on xbox360

Level up screen freezes[]

  • When you level up after downloading the Broken Steel the game freezes right after you finish the level up process
    • Not true. And sign your posts.--Cc123 04:29, 17 May 2009 (UTC)
  • I am also having a problem with leveling up; I cannot go past level 20. I have the game patched and using console codes cannot circumvent it. 22:47, 24 May 2009 (UTC)
  • I as well have trouble with leveling up. At level 23 (seems to be when this bug starts), the game would freeze at the level screen after confirming your perk. I used advlevel twice to skip the problem but it came again at level 26 (level 25 was good though). I tried the same trick without success. I am using 1.4 plus fake patch and unofficial patch on the PC. --Forgelineage 02:27, 25 May 2009 (UTC)Forgelineage

This is how I fixed it, and it works beautifully now. Copy the most recent save from the GFWL file to the generic save game folder. Load F3 without loading GFWL. Load the save game that you just copied, then sign in GFWL. Save the game. Quit, then load up F3 with GFWL. Big McLargeHuge 22:34, 12 June 2009 (UTC)

I found a bug[]

I downloaded the DLC on LIVE and well my character started swinging his sword and refusing to stop. I loaded an older game, and the same thing happened. I loaded a third game which wouldn't let me shoot or reload..... Yay for glitches that don't allow you to play!

Did you make sure you restarted your 360? It sounds like the old bug when your game seems to gain a mind of it's own and refuses to comply with controller commands. It would shoot and do weird things by it's self.ViperXeon 14:11, 7 May 2009 (UTC)

Yeah, a similar thing happened to me once. I was bored, so I tried out using a console command cheat to get a Vertibird machine gun (Don't worry, I save before I cheat, I'm not a cheater), and after firing it and trying it out (it sucked), I loaded my previous game. I was fine until pulled out my Ol' Painless, and then all of a sudden I started shooting constantly. When I holstered the weapon, it would come out again and start shooting. Can't remember how I fixed it, but I'd say it just fixed itself when I restarted my computer.

Followers disappearing[]

Both of my followers have disappeared. I told dogmeat to stay at my house in megaton and I brought Charon with me to Project Purity, and have both gone after i activated it. I checked back at my house for Dogmeat, at underworld for Charon and they're not there. Any ideas what could of happened to them ? --KieranBOS 10:00, 6 May 2009 (UTC)

Check the Citadel's clinic (where you woke up). I first thought I had lost Fawkes as well but I found him there - either I overlooked him (unlikely) or he was not moved there until I left the B-Ring, no idea. -- Porter21 (talk) 10:11, 6 May 2009 (UTC)

Thanks for the suggestion, i'll check it up after i'm out of the Old Olney power station--KieranBOS 16:20, 6 May 2009 (UTC) I found Charon in the clinic, but still can't find Dogmeat, any more suggestions to where he could be?--KieranBOS 13:54, 7 May 2009 (UTC)

Try outside Vault 101. If he's not there, it's most likely he's gone.ViperXeon 14:13, 7 May 2009 (UTC)

Thanks for the suggestion, I'll have a look.--KieranBOS 14:15, 7 May 2009 (UTC)

When I was doing that quest I got a message saying dogmeat died after leaving him at my megaton house for no apparent reason and I cant find his body, its simular to another glitch. Maybe you just missed the message.-- 16:45, 8 May 2009 (UTC)

I found Dogmeat at Vault 101, like ViperXeon told me, thanks alot--KieranBOS 12:35, 9 May 2009 (UTC)

the irradiated water bug[]

Hey I didn't download the Broken Steel yet but I read the bugs... wow. In the minor glitches I came across the irradiated water bug. So here's what I'm thinkin. Maybe the rivers connected to the Project Purity maybe no longer be irradiated. But what about the isolated rivers/streams/ponds? There's no way Project Purity can reach those waters, so maybe they remain irradiated? Fallout-dude 206 02:56, 7 May 2009 (UTC)

As i recall, the elder said the water in the "Basin" was only affected. So yes, they couldn't of reached every single water source in the wasteland.ViperXeon 14:15, 7 May 2009 (UTC)

  • Even in the waters surrounding project purity, the water is irradiated.--Cc123 04:31, 17 May 2009 (UTC)

It's back![]

Broken Steel have just returned to the G4WL markedplace!-- 17:35, 7 May 2009 (UTC)

  • Let's pray it works ;l


Is anyone having a problem with this after they downloaded it? I have to press the stick(crouch button) a lot and also move around in circles/different patterns to crouch and then do the same to stand. I can't crouch anymore standing in one spot. This is quite annoying if you ask me. Also does your companion return to their spot (like they are fired) if you go into project purity? I can't seem to find Charon and hes has a bunch of my goodies. Reflect 19:29, 8 May 2009 (UTC)

Charon may be in the Clinic where Broken Steel starts if you are talking about Take It Back!'s trip to Project Purity. I had the same problem with Jericho if I'm thinking straight.

The crouching part is still broken, but my follower was nowhere to be found. He wasn't anywhere and I allowed a lot of in game days to pass. However, I resarted from an earlier save(undoing a couple hours of gameplay) and then fired him inside the ninth circle. After waking up, I went back to get him and he was there. Too many god damn bugs with this dlc. Reflect 23:31, 9 May 2009 (UTC)

Indestructible Fawkes[]

After returning to The Citadel in the Vetibird, I noticed that Fawkes whom I had waiting in my house with some of my other companions (RL-3 and Star Paladin Cross if it makes any difference) I took out my fat man and fired many times at Fawkes. Fawkes survived hit after hit and his health bar never went down, (he still turned hostile though). I fired my fat man at Charon and he died instantly, so it can't be I'm dealing no damage. Eventualy I fast traveled to my house to get my MIRV to see if that would kill Fawkes, seeing as it kills everything in one hit, but not even that depleted Fawkes heath at all, so I guess my Fawkes must be indestructible (He wasn't before I did broken steel as I often kill my companions then reload saves later). (Xbox 360) -- 21:11, 8 May 2009 (UTC)

I've encountered this too, though I've seen him lose 1 bar of health fighting a Behemoth, he didn't lose any after that, despite being bashed repeatedly by the big beastie.Cavesloth 16:32, 9 May 2009 (UTC)Cavesloth

Same here. -- 05:02, 11 May 2009 (UTC)

After getting bored I triggered a bunch of car explosions. Me, Cross, and Dogmeat all died. I was amazed Fawkes lived. So I did a "getav health" on him after a load. The results? At level 22 he had 10500 HP. A level 28 character shows him at having 13500 HP. Perhaps a bug relating to his HP growth beyond level 20? 20:10, 16 May 2009 (UTC)

I play on the xbox 360 and I think he has around 60k health at level 20 now. I turned down the difficulty to very easy and managed to kill him with around 20 fat man shots at 100 big guns skill. So, if you are playing on very hard, then you probably wont be able to damage him enough to knock down more than one or two bars of health. I wonder if this is a bug or if it was intended for him to get this big of an hp boost? --Thq95 09:32, 17 May 2009 (UTC)

Any other Bugs on PC Version?[]

Now that PC users (such as myself) can actually download the DLC without that error message appearing, are there any other glitches, bugs etc. worth worrying about, such as gameplay bugs? As the Pitt had a few worrying ones (they turned out to be fine for me), I'm not risking buying the DLC until I'm sure there aren't any major bugs that will ruin not only the Broken Steel DLC, but my whole Fallout 3 game.

  • No one has replied yet, it's been more than a week :l Please, can anyone just note down some major bugs for the PC in this section, for the benefit of not just me, but everyone. And if there is not any, how about telling me?

Well, i'm so sorry that I never ran over to tell you that I didn't find any bugs without having to be asked. please escuse my insolence.
In case you cant tell im being sarcastic -DragonJTSLeave me a message 22:27, 11 May 2009 (UTC)

  • No, I couldn't tell.

The game crashes when I exit and I have to bring up the task manager to kill the process. SpellChecker 20:08, 12 May 2009 (UTC)

Certain mods seem to be behind this, though this is a result of changes made in the recent patch rather than the DLC --MercZ 20:15, 12 May 2009 (UTC)

Is it a runtime error? If so, It's just an error (I think) that was introduced by the Pitt. Doesn't happen to me anymore though, maybe the latest patch fixed it. If it's not a runtime error, than damn. Thanks for the info though.

I get a bug where Scribe Rothchild says he is going to fill me in on whats happened, says follow me to the map. We walk to the map, he doesnt say anything and I am unable to move, bring up pip boy etc. THEN, his head completely rotates 360 degrees, not like an owl, but as if he tilts his head to the left and doesnt stop tilting until it reaches back to normal. Then it sits ther a bit wonky, and I have to load a previous save and the same thing happens. So I can't play it :/ edit - this is on PC

XBOX 360 and PC Specification of Bugs.[]

Just a note: Please specify what console/system the bugs you type down are on, as many people may think that an XBOX 360 bug is a PC bug and vice versa. Just put it in brackets. e.g. (XBOX 360).

  • Not brackets, parenthesis. And sign your posts.--Cc123 04:32, 17 May 2009 (UTC)

Sign my posts? With what? -Matt?

With four of the squiggly characters ([~] - on the # key on a UK keybard) 03:11, January 11, 2010 (UTC)

Nerves of Steel[]

Can somebody confirm whether this perk functions properly? --Thq95 22:31, 9 May 2009 (UTC)

  • I'm sure it does. Why wouldn't it?

Someone said they tried with and without this perk, timed how long their AP took to restore and it was identical, meaning the perk doesn't work, but of course further testing is needed to verify. 03:59, 10 May 2009 (UTC)Cavesloth

It has been confirmed via the GECK that it only regenerates 1 AP every 10 seconds. In other words, it doesn't work. (Unless you think that 1 AP will really help you out, and assuming you live for 10 seconds to get it.) Sorry. 08:29, 20 June 2009 (UTC)

nerves of steel isn't the best perk to have taken appperently i only gives you 1 ap per 10 secs


After downloading BS I went to complete "Take it Back" and Liberty Prime is not there or anywhere. I cannot make it through or around the final force-fields. I have done everything I can think of. The only save I have where Liberty Prime is still there is 100 hours of gameplay earlier, before PITT and Anchorage as well. This is ruining the game for me. I cannot play BS though I have paid for it, and there is literally NOTHING left for me to do in the Capital Wasteland. Anyone, have any ideas? I would rather set my XBOX on fire than go back 100 hours. It'll probably die soon anyway, this is my 4th XBOX after the rrod has gotten me 3 times. -- 13:32, 13 May 2009 (UTC)EostreRites

Star Paladin Cross[]

I have not had this issue with other Companions, but like some have said Star Paladin Cross refused to follow me after the '2 weeks later' thing unless I fired and rehired her. However, at ANY time I tell her to 'Wait Here' the same problem pops up...I have to fire her and rehire her. Save and reloading did not help nor did firing her and letting her walk all the way back to the Citadel. She also occasionally greets me with generic dialog. In addition, when rehiring her she does not seem to care how many people I have with me, she simply complies. Am I the only one this is happening to? 20:26, 16 May 2009 (UTC)

Well, i have star paladin cross and for some reason since broken steel, every time i tell her 2 wait when i want 2 get her off wait mode, she responds as if i never told her 2 wait but stays there anyway. so it really sucks for me. Silent.Killa78 >:) 09:49, 17 May 2009 (UTC)

This is a temporary solution for PC:
prid 62735 ; Cross
set waiting to 0
moveto player --ThorX 14:49, 18 May 2009 (UTC)

my brother and i share a 360 but have two seperate Live accounts, he went and downloaded all three expansions. when i load up my account and choose to load a saved file i get a message tht says "extra content is loading" or something to that effect, however i have yet to recieve the quests for either operation anchorage or the pitt, do i have to purchase the DLC again on my account, even if its already on my hardrive?

PERMANENT SOLUTION FOR PC!!! The PC solution above seems a temporary fix. It moves SPC to your location and tells her to stop waiting, but it doesn't solve the dialogue tree problem which is at the heart of this bug. When Broken Steel first came out I encountered this problem and managed to fix it in the GECK by altering some dialogue conditions, but I can't remember how I did it. The core problem here is that, after you tell SPC to wait, the next time you talk to her, an incorrect response occurs. Her responses seem to be random greetings. There appear to be three of them and they are:

  • Did you need something?
  • What do you need?
  • Good to see you.

What she should be saying is "It is well to see you again. Shall we continue?". That dialogue line has the correct conditions set (Hired = 1 AND Waiting = 1 AND target is SPC = 1), and were you able to get that response, it would lead to the correct conversation option ("Let's get going.") which would trigger SPC's line "Very well. I stand by your side.", and that would turn waiting to 0.

The problem is that the other dialogue options are conflicting with/preempting what she should say. When I think back to how I fixed this last time, I seem to remember finding the incorrect responses ("Did you need something?", "What do you need?", and "Good to see you.") and preventing SPC from having access to them by including exemption for her in the conditions for each one. Once I did that, SPC's default response was the correct one ("It is good to see you again..."). The problem I'm having now is I can't find the incorrect lines in the Dialogue system. Does anyone know if there is a way to search all of the Response Text options (which is where those two lines would appear), or some other way to track those lines down? Servius 06:06, January 14, 2010 (UTC)

  • I figured it out. Use the GECK to open the esm or esp files associated with Broken Steel. The problematic dialogue options are not there in the original game, so modding any esps that only look at the base game will not work. I use the FOOK 2 mod, so the esm I had to set as Active was "FOOK2 - [DIK] DLC Improvement Kit.esm". Modding it created an esp version with the same name that now appears last in my load order. When you're working on an esm or esp that's linked to Broken Steel, in the Object Window, go to Actors->NPC->AfricanAmerican->Female and in the box to the right, under Editor ID, double-click on StarPaladinCross. That will bring up an NPC window. Midway down the left side is a button that says Dialogue. Click it and SPC's Dialogue window will appear. Find the button at the top that says Topics and make sure it's clicked. Then, directly below that button is a list of Editor IDs (there are two such lists in the Dialogue window, you want the one under the Topics button). In that list, click on GREETINGS. That will populate a box to the right, under Topic Text. Lines 8-10 contain the evil dialogue options (each has the Quest tag "DLC03DialogueCitadel"). Under the Speaker NPC column, you can see that Elder Lyons, Scribe Yearling, Sarah Lyons, and Scribe Rothchild are already prevented from saying these three lines. You want to add SPC to that list. To do so, click on each line and look down to the box under Conditions. You should see how each of those 4 people are prevented from using that line. Click the New button to open the Conditions window, click the INVALID button under Function Parameters, select StarPaladinCross from the dropdown list that becomes available, and click OK to close that window. Now, back in the Conditions window, change the value to 0 and click OK to close the Conditions window. Repeat that process for each of the 3 lines you want to prevent SPC from saying and that will fix the problem. Be sure to click OK to close the Dialogue window and save before closing the GECK. Servius 17:19, January 14, 2010 (UTC)

Crash after the video[]

Just to confirm, i finished Take it back choose sacriface the char and after the end video, the games crashes.
patch 1.5 installed.
no mod related

possible solution for the xbox 360?[]

I had massive errors going on after the game ended (couldn't fast travel anywhere, often froze going out of buildings, couldn't go west of Megaton AND the gme froze any time I tried to talk to a child- even as a ten year old in the vault). After clearing the cache, I deleted Operation: Anchorage and The Pitt off of the hard-drive, although I suspect it was just O:A causing the problems. Everything's running fine now. Wanted to know if this worked for anyone else?

Elder Lyons won't show up in the Clinic after "Take it Back!" quest.[]

A mister Gutsy is stuck behind the door... anyone help me out here?

open the door push him out the way then close, or use tcl to go through the door and push sawbones--Glewis

Can't play broken steel?[]

I have downloaded broken steel on the 9th of June and installed it. At the same time I installed Anchorage and the pitt. I have now completed the pitt and anchorage but have had no mention of Broken Steel. On the main menu the "Downloads" button is dark and cannot be clicked. I cannot log into live either. On the windows live marketplace it says it is installed. After downloading the 1.5 patch i deleted and downladed broken steel again. it finished and installed but I still can play it. It doesnt appear on my data files, nor does it appear on fallout mod manager. please help!--Glewis

UPDATE: I managed to log into live but the game then wouldn't let me save so i can no longer save nor load any games. please help me!--Glewis

Karma Titles[]

None of the karma titles for lv. 21+ appear for me; the character's titles revert to 'Vault Dweller'. For the record, I don't have 1.5 running (I do have Fake Patch) nor do I have the BS files in the GFWL folder. Not quite sure what the problem is, unless the 1.5 patch adds these? Has anyone else seen this? -- 00:56, 14 June 2009 (UTC)

Last time I checked, and I may be wrong, your title isn't supposed to change for levels 21 and up. I know it doesn't for my PS3 version.

Can't reach level 21 (XBOX 360)[]

I recently downloaded Broken Steel and have experienced some problems. I haven't finished the main story line yet but have already reached level 20. I went to irradicate the blood suckers in Meresti Station and in the process leveled up to 21, I'm allowed to allocate skill points just fine and am able to select my perk. However when I select done my concole freezes and every time I reboot the same thing happens again. It doesnt matter which perk is selected or where I am at in the Wasteland. This has become a frustraing problem making Broken Steel a waste of my money. If anyone has any ideas as to what the problem could be i would greatly appreciate their input. I have searched the web and have spoke with local game stores and am having very little luck determining the source of the problem. Someone please guide me to the answer. 23:16, 30 June 2009 (UTC)

Did you try redownloading it or clearing you cache? I heard clearing your cache works for some people. I had to redownload mine for some reason, but forgot what was wrong. I guess it worked... Reflect 00:09, 1 July 2009 (UTC)

Installed BS - Can't Complete Project Purity - XBox 360[]

I am in the Rotunda at Jefferson Memorial and can't complete project purity because the game says I need a key.

I had finished the Main Quest before Anchorage was released. So I went to the last save prior to completing the quest...completed Anchorage and was in the Pitt when I downloaded Broken Steel. Now...I can't access the quests for Broken Steel because the game won't let me complete the Main Quest. I retrieved all my gear from the Pitt but I am obviously missing a key for the Project Purity. Has anyone else experieced this...and is there a way forward into Broken Steel??

Fawkes won't move[]

At the end of the game when I tell Fawkes to activate the purifier I go through all the correct dialog and he agrees and runs into the airlock. However, when I close the airlock he won't move, he just stands there until the purifier blows up. I tried reloading different saves and turning off all my mods and it still doesn't work. Also I have the latest patch installed, version 1.6. 06:23, 18 July 2009 (UTC)

i cannot finish project purity, cross tells me to secure the control room first. what do i do?

at the start of broken steel my charactor just lies down and does nothing.Elder lyons doesent even come in! i can hear the clinic robot who heals u and stuff but i dont see him! i typed in tcl but i still cant move!Any thoughts?

Location Crashes[]

I recently downloaded Broken Steel. I hadn't had any problems with Fallout 3 before, but after installing Broken Steel, I am now unable to exit Megaton, go to the Holy Water Monestary place, or the car tunnel in "Death From Above". I'm working on re-installing Broken Steel, but I wanted to check and see if anyone here has an answer. (Xbox 360)

UPDATE: Fixed problem by clearing the cache.

--LordSuperNova 02:04, 1 September 2009 (UTC)

Fallout 3 Take it Back![]

I installed fallout 3 broken steel on my computer and when i try to go into the room with the purifier (with Sarah Lyons) i walk in and talk to col. autem, when I'm done i turn around and she is not there at all she is nowhere to be seen so i can't finish the quest because, the door locks behind you. anyone else have this problem, and know how to fix it? The other thing is is that Ive had this on my computer before and it worked fine but i installed it again and it wont work.

-- 20:47, October 12, 2009 (UTC)

Try Punching TCL into the console window and passing through the project purity airlock. Then just enter the code as normal. Alternativelty you may set the quest as complete with the console. Sheepbiter 14:46, February 2, 2010 (UTC)

No followers/ puppies bug fix[]

Found a work around for this, take dogmeat to museum of history and stand near to Fawkes. Attack dogmeat till he attacks you, let fawkes kill him off and than fawkes will follow you. Than if you want to switch followers take Fawkes to their location and fire him in front of the follower, than hire the new one. I've tested this with both Cross and Charon. Good luck. -- 02:51, January 11, 2010 (UTC)

I can't play?[]

I am at level 25 (i think) this confirms broken steel. But when i get knocked out after entering the code the end clips come THEN credits and then i get thrown to the menu and i keep loading the auto save at the control room HELP (PS. i'm on PC) -Casperk WAS HERE 09:38, January 30, 2010 (UTC)

I play the PS3 versoin so I'm not exactly sure what you should do for the PC version, but I'll try. Did you make sure that your BS add-on is the offical add-on? It may be a bug and you might need to get a patch for it, but this seems unlikely. That's all I've got sorry I couldn't help further. If I think of something I'll let you know.

Try using the console command setstage 00014E91 (insert stage here) then setstage (xx)000802 (insert stage here) xx refers to the load order with no mods it should be 01, otherwise keep going up from 01 until you get the quest, this will finish Take It Back ! and begin Death From Above.

Broken Steel Disappears from downloads tab (PS3)[]

So I recently bought Broken Steel off the PlayStation store, downloaded, installed, and played for a while without problem. But now when I go to the downloads section, Broken Steel isn't shown, and when I try to load a profile, it gives me an error message saying that some items and places in the save file cannot be loaded. I checked my PS3 files and it appears that Broken Steel just disappeared off my PS3. Re-loading and restarting haven't brought it back. Can I get BS back, or will I have to buy it again? I don't know if this is related, but I can't log on to the PlayStation network either. I don't know why that would effect anything, because BS was completely downloaded and installed, and shouldn't need internet connection right? Any help would be appreciated Queen Quinlin 01:10, March 1, 2010 (UTC) Queen Quinlin

I cant start Broken Steel[]

Whenever I enter the rotunda I kill the enclave soldiers, then Sarah Lyons tells me to secure the room. When i didnt have Broken steel downloaded I was able to complete the game, but now I cant. Ive seen alot of talk about this v1.5 update patch thing... but how do I find it? BTW Im on X360!!! Ive even saved outside the rotunda, then restarted. still doesnt work! WTF do I do?

Broken Steel Dogmeat Bug - Multilingual dog?[]

I thought I had installed BS and PL from the expansion disk. Apparently, I hadn't, as I discovered when I hit level 20 and suddenly stopped gaining exp.

After installing it and loading up my old game, lo and behold, I was gaining experience again. And everything seemed normal... except that "Dogmeat" was now "Canigou " and most of his dialogue options were French, a few Spanish, and a few English. Dogmeat is the only one with the problem. I had Charon and Start Paladin Cross with me as well, and neither of them had this problem. Near as i can tell, everything else is in english as it was supposed to be... all but dogmeat, now Canigou. Any one else have this problem? Or solutions for it on the xbox?

purifier's not working[]

I finished the main quest line, but the purifier still isn't working correctly. I realised it's not working when I activated it at the end of "Take it back!" . I thought i had to finish broken steel first, but now, when I did, it's still nothing. Water is still irradiated, there's no water flowing from the pipes. Everything inside Jefferson Memorial seems normal, I mean Bigsley is there, everything in the rotunda is just fine. Is there anything i can do to fix that bug?

Broken Steel Bug[]

when i start the purifier it shows the ending with the guy talking about war and my life and stuff then it ends and it shows a mesage about Bink and Bink 2 ending i click ok and im back in the rotundu lieing on the floor looking at fresh water and i hear a opening door over and over again in the backround and i can pause the game and all but i cant move also if i send lyons in the same thing basicly happened but im near the switch looking in on lyon's body and i stil cant move 01:34, May 4, 2010 (UTC)

i too get this same bug, its really damned annoying ... first time i have run into it. ill have to try a few things to see if it has to do with mods at all. it looks like the module for BS is looking for videos that arent there or looking in the wrong place. with bethesda its hard to tell -.- . sbseed ~ may 23, 2010.

Dissapearing followers.

After starting broken steel. after the 2 weeks later screen i cannot find dogmeat, fawkes or paladin cross. the only follower i had was dogmeat, who was fired once i entered the memorial in take it back. i am unsure if the other followers (charon, butch, clover, rl-3 and jericho) are still there. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs) 03:35, 24 May 2010. Please sign your posts with ~~~~!


I made a good start at cleanup and organization. But, the article still needs a good cleanup and re-organization.

"Bugs" that should not be added to the article[]

  • Any glitch that is fixable by reloading or rebooting.
  • Clipping issues.
  • Any bug that exists in the base game. See Fallout 3 bugs.
  • Any bug that is not repeatable. If it only happened once, and you can't reproduce it, don't list it.
  • Any bug that is fixed by installing the latest official patch.

--Gothemasticator 16:07, June 28, 2010 (UTC)

Does anyone know of any remedy for the stuck-on floor glitch?

I also get a similar probem if I send my companion in. It's very annonying. I dropped the items. Should I have moved them out of the cell?

Trapped in Underworld bug.[]

It is not fixed by a patch or by rebooting. Why was it removed? Am I the only one who has had this happen to them? FinalWish 18:50, August 28, 2010 (UTC)

Broken Steel Won't Start Once Fallout 3 Ends[]

After starting the purifier and watching the game endings the game returns to the purifier rather than giving me the "two weeks later" message and starting Broken Steel. I have tried allowing Sentinel Lyons enter and the same thing happens; after the ending video the game returns to the Jefferson Memorial and I have no control. Anyone else have this problem or even better, does anyone know how to stop it? 13:37, September 10, 2010 (UTC)

Same problem here. I tried forcing "Take it Back" to end via the console but it changed nothing. After the ending video I first get a dialog that says "Introduction Bink for Ending Sequence" and, after I OK it, another that says "Player didn't side with Eden Bink 2 for ending Sequence ..." and then back to looking up at Jefferson's statue. About a minute later, there's an explosion that blinds me for a few seconds and then back to looking at the statue. A little later my Rad-X wears off and nothing else happens thereafter.

CarlCorey 21:27, October 2, 2010 (UTC)

  • Don't worry mates, I found a solution. There are a couple possible causes like having weapons and armour you are not supposed to, or using a non-standard class. There is a 3rd party fix for if you are using a non-standard class which can be found at Fallout Nexus here: http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6240. It is unverified if it works on other causes for this problem.

The Maxassin 11:36, October 28, 2010 (UTC)

I can confirm that this mod will solve this problem. I didn't have many mods running. Obviously didn't need any custom race fix or anything. Not sure why it refused to work, but this fixes the issue. Thank you.

  • You're welcome. I had the problem because I had a 3rd party ghoul radiation mod (1000 rads = turn into ghoul), that is why I mentioned it.

The Maxassin 16:22, November 15, 2010 (UTC)

Yes, I had this problem as well. I was using a Burmecian Race mod. I was wondering why the ending videos wouldn't show the part of the picture with you and your dad... which makes sense. It just cut back to the Rotunda and did nothing. And a'ploded assuming I never activated it. Doubt they programmed an If-Then for the player playing a rat. :P -- 05:02, December 17, 2011 (UTC)

After the console command fix when your locked in speech with elder lyons (pc)[]

After scribe rothchild tells you to head to paladin tristan there is no quest marker to the car tunnel but a marker at a random spot inside the citidel

Broken Steel Opening Glitch[]

Broken Steel PC, After the Player Character wakes up, Elder Lyons will only greet you with "You are reporting to Sarah now." without going through the Broken Steel introduction or mentioning that Sarah is in a coma.-- 03:35, November 15, 2011 (UTC)

Star Palidin Cross Never Existed?[]

I cannot find Star Palidin Cross!

Well, I cannot find Star anywhere. I looked in all plausable locations, Project Purity, Smithy, Lab, Citadel A and B halls. I looked at every possible video on her location, but nothing was there. in the smithy, Elder Lyons randomly walks in, stands for 3 in-game hours and leaves. The terminal there is a "Dummy" terminal. I have very good carma, and have beaten Broken Steel and the main game. I have never had her as a follower and not insulted her or James, and NOBODY is in the smithy. Please help me!

-- 19:44, August 7, 2015 (UTC)
