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Fallout Wiki

Into the heart of the sun?[]

So I'm wondering: am I the only one whose first thought about a "bright" brotherhood of ghouls flying to a radiation-filled "better place" are going to end up flying straight into the sun? There's lots of radiation there. And these ghouls don't seem to be particularly good at engineering. Or am I even more twisted than whoever thought up this quest?

Well, one of the Novac ending involves the ghouls returning so it's unlikely their destination is the sun.-- 04:55, December 24, 2010 (UTC)
This line of thought reminded me of a certain interview.--OvaltinePatrol 20:46, December 27, 2010 (UTC)


the ghouls were looking for a place on earth not space, before they launch you can adjust their path to land closer to their target. so shouldnt it be changed on the page from starting a new life in space?

it seems to make more sense, but Jason's pretty vague about his promised land. The metaphorical prattle he constantly speaks could conceivably mean anything.
Those ships certainly wouldn't make it to another planet, but maybe with 1950s nuclear physics they would. But which planet? There aren't any suitable for human life, even ghouls need to breathe, and a reasonable temperature. So it's probably right they're off to somewhere on the Earth. But WTF would you take the most dangerous mode of transport to get there? Maybe since they're pathetic fighters a rocket is safer than on foot for them. But who knows? 15:19, January 21, 2015 (UTC)

Old Nuclear Test Site[]

Why do the followers need to be leaving the Mojave at all? From their trajectory they seem to be heading south, and that would put almost directly in the path of the Old Nuclear Test Site. Altogether that would make more sense than the sun or space, wouldn't it? The Nuclear Test Site can't be entered, but merely going to see Trash's body can get up to 12 rads/sec. That would kill the Courier in less than two minutes, which would be consistent with what the Jason said about Chris Haversam.

~The Wandering Editor

Maybe they're going to the Glow? :/ Nitty Tok. 16:16, January 2, 2011 (UTC)

Going South? Wouldn't the Glow be South East/East? Besides, I can't think that those rockets are durable enough to make it all the way into California. That said, this is purely speculation, so obviously no point in putting it in. Just thought I'd throw something out there. --The Wandering Editor 21:15, January 3, 2011 (UTC)


Whose brilliant idea was it to continually replace the image on this page with more heinous pictures consisting of JUST Jason? Nitty Tok. 22:05, February 25, 2011 (UTC)

Exactly my thought when I visited the page coincidentally. xNOKIx 08:06, February 26, 2011 (UTC)

You could call it... a bright idea 14:05, September 7, 2011 (UTC)

Contact with the outside.[]

How can it be said that their contact with the outside world was limited to just the courier when they're dead bodies are found all over the Mojave? ReapTheChaos 07:30, June 15, 2011 (UTC)

Jason Bright *is* his real name[]

The Official Game Guide says that it isn't, but he very clearly says that Jason Bright was his name even before the war in a possible conversation with him ("So, you're name's Bright? Funny." or something to that effect.) Just thought I'd throw it out there. 15:06, November 27, 2012 (UTC)
