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Fallout Wiki

Super mutant haunting the bridge?[]

Has anyone else found a hostile supermutant wandering through the bridge with a sledgehammer? He doesn't attack you, but if you stand in his way, he yells, "What're you looking at?"

First time I saw him I killed him. The second time he walked off the bridge and security killed him in the stairway. Last time (3rd) Security didn't even shoot at him and he just walked all the way off the ship and into the Supermutant camp nearby. Funny as hell, but it's got to be a bug, right?

First two occurences, I didn't not the time, but the last time it was right after dawn.

Armoury B&E[]

I think it would be beneficial to add some information on getting into the armory here. It seems there are four main obstacles to overcome while doing so:

  • Private Jones (the Mr. Gutsy).
    • Passing a speech check with him will cause him to leave the area for some time. Continuously reloading a save game will ensure passing the speech check.
    • Alternatively, the player can shoot the combat inhibitor of Private Jones, causing him to frenzy. Be sure to be hidden in sneak mode at this time. Then the player should flee from Private Jones, as the guards will intervene and kill him. Sometimes, simply shooting him while hidden in sneak mode and avoiding his shots will cause the guards to intervene. With him dead, the player needs to focus on the door.
  • Guards.
    • There are generally guards posted near the door, but they usually sleep on the nearby cot. A stealth boy and a high sneak skill will allow the player to gain entrance to the armory unnoticed.
    • The player can also choose to wait until no guards are present.
  • The Armory Door.
    • The door can be picked with 100 Lockpick skill.
    • A key to the armory can be pickpocketed from Harkness or Lana Danvers.
    • The key to the armory can also be obtained by killing Harkness or Lana Danvers. Sandman kills work great here, but beware of disrupting quests.
    • Twice now, by approaching the door with companion Charon, I've had the turret target only Charon. Then the guards came and unlocked the door. The first time, Charon and the guards destroyed the turret. The second time, the guards left and I destroyed the turret (with karma loss but no hostility).
  • The turret inside the armory.
    • With a high stealth skill and a stealth boy, the player can avoid detection from the turret.
    • If the player has Charon as a companion, he can destroy the turret before the door is even opened (avoiding hostility from any of the guards). In order to do this, the player should approach the locked door until they are recognized by the turret. Charon will run against the door, and the turret will begin to fire at either the player or at Charon. There is an open seam left at the door hinge (on the left), and by pushing Charon towards the seam, Charon can open fire on the turret and destroy it.

This is what I have discovered so far, and any additions would be helpful. Dustin grey 19:53, November 18, 2009 (UTC)Dustin Grey

I succeeded to break into the armoury without a companion, or stealth boy, or speach check, or anyone turning hostile: with 100 stealth and 100 lockpick, crouch to the right of the door, against the wall, and just in range of lockpick ability, and wait for Private Jones to look the other way; after you've got the door open, keep right and back off to the other side of the room; crouch at the top of the stairs, wait for Private Jones to look the other way again, and shoot the Mark II Turret with an infiltrator... I have to admit that your ways sound easier! Also, it might be worth mentioning that there are 8 very hard-locked containers inside, so breaking into the armoury and stealing all loot results in over 700XP and around -50 karma --Davii 00:49, January 3, 2011 (UTC)

Stealth Boy[]

Might be worth mentioning that there is a stealth boy in an ammo crate to the left of the bridge into Rivet City, for those who forgot to bring one with them ;-) --Davii 00:55, January 3, 2011 (UTC)
