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Is there any way to get rid of the bodies on the Bridge, I have dead alien corpses all over the place and they don't seem to disappear. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

Having a home[]

This really does seem like the coolest place to have a home. Access: Easy via the beacon Bed: Healing Archway Containers: Yes Security: Aliens can't pick up your stuff Awesome 01:44, 11 August 2009 (UTC)

Nope..... the way I got rid of the bodies is by dragging them all behind the teleporter..... This is also the best place to store all special gear since it wont disappear at all--BloodOmelet 02:39, 12 August 2009 (UTC)

lol, i found that using the bloody mess perk with a shishkebab on the dead bodies makes for an interesting bonfire in the corner near one of the containers, and what made it even better for me was after i finished my macabre bonfire, elliot would start saying "man, i really don't want to go down there", i know he says that anyways, but for me he only started saying that AFTER said bonfire was made... plus i use the stasis chamber for my drug collection... don't ask me for my occupation in a game, and i don't ask you for yours! Geomexis 14:27, October 27, 2009 (UTC)

I've found it extremely irritating to use Zeta as a home. I beat the quest and started moving all my items from the cave in Point Lookout to the engineering core containers and I noticed that the small chamber with the healing archway and the teleporter to the core kept getting laggier and laggier... Not just being in it, but also looking at it from the captain's chambers or the bridge itself would make my game lag and lag, and now it's started to crash the game. I don't know if it's because I'm storing a buncha items in the Mothership or if it's just that particular area that's bugged, but I'm moving all my crap out of there. --Penumbra 23:26, March 11, 2010 (UTC)

Can you beat the other ship at 100%?[]

I tried to kill the other ship and I always get hit to 75%. Is this scripted? Or can you keep your ship in mint condition? --Zyan 16:24, September 6, 2009 (UTC)

Yes, it is absolutely possible. I suggest setting it to Very Easy, just in case it effects the battle (I don't know for sure.) When firing use max charge (right button,) and when fired upon use max shield (left button.) Save in between shots, because how powerful the enemy ship fires is supposedly random, and could mean you would take damage before destroying them. Saving and reloading to get a weaker shot from them is helpful. -Anonymous Editer 22:00, March 19, 2011 (Central Time, USA Canada)

Safe containers ?[]

Are the 2 containers in the bridge safe ? I'd rather be safe than sorry. --Penumbra 00:08, March 9, 2010 (UTC)

As far as i know they are safe but i dont think it has been confirmedM0T0RIDER3737 02:47, September 15, 2010 (UTC)

Warning about the Bridge.[]

I have been using the engineering core for my house for some time with no problems. Now no matter what I do, reset PS3, wait 72 hours, reload game, ect; I cannot enter the bridge from the ground teleporter without the game freezing up. That means I just lost every rare item I ever collected and stored, hundreds of weapons, and much more. Stick to the Super Duper Mart for a player house as MSZ in general is too buggy to be safe.

The Bridge... of Course...[]

The glitch isn't just for the 360, it also gos for the PS3. A while back, I had EVERYTHING in the Bridge, but (luckily) I moved my stuff back to Megaton, except for my alien weaponry... so I now lost every alien weapon that exists in the game, I don't know if it will ever work again, but I hope to God it does...

PC: Lag on the Bridge?[]

Whenever I go on to the bridge, in the area with the Healing Archway and the stasis pod, there is a ridiculous amount of lag which drops the frame rate down to extremely low levels. I've tried getting rid of the Healing Archway AND the stasis pod, but the frame rate remains extremely low. Is there a fix for this? Or should I just forget about it and try a better graphics card? --Shadeseven 17:22, October 29, 2011 (UTC)
