Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


what part of the wasteland is this area in? what is it located near? Namad 15:04, October 22, 2010 (UTC)

Almost directly east of Sunset Sarsaparilla Headquarters, up the hills. Look for a horde of Cazadores outside. --El Matarife 15:07, October 22, 2010 (UTC)

do you mean west of the headquarters? that's where hills are... east of the headquarters is the strip Namad 20:16, October 22, 2010 (UTC)

Yes, forgive me. I apparently get my cardinal directions confused. It's a shack and you may or may not be able to see the pickup truck out front. There's a small band of Freaks at the base of the hills with some dissembled weapons shipment box item I assume is a part of a quest and is worth something like 9,000 caps. --El Matarife 20:20, October 22, 2010 (UTC)


outside I found a corpse named Gourd is this a type for guard? or was this some sort of important npc i failed to save from the Cazador's in the area?

I found him too, after fast traveling back to the location. I haven't been to figure out anything about him though.

edited page because it seems gun cabinet has random items or at least different items dependent on something[]

my gun cabinet contained nothing but high level ammo like .50 (it still had 3items in it, but no guns and definitely no hunting revolver... despite the fact that's the reason i came here, heh)

apparently it is indeed random, my trip there spawned a gauss rifle.

Test on the 360[]

Someone has made a note under loot that no weapons spawn on the 360. This seems unlikely, can someone with a 360 test? Note: Some testing I did from the PS3 leads me to believe the contents are determined when you enter the building. So set your save to outside, and reload from there to test. If you save in front of the cupboard, open, don't like it, reload, the contents remain the same. 01:33, October 26, 2010 (UTC)

Restricted R3?[]

I'm on the PS3, and I came to explore this place, I entered the basement and I couldn't use R3 to look up, down etc. I entered my Pip-Boy and R3 worked on the world map. I reloaded the save but no change. User:ValoR

Sorry, fixed after I opened the gun cabinet User:ValoR

Is it safe to store things here, like a house?[]

I was wondering if it was safe to store things in the cellar for a house, because it would be helpful to know. Waffles492 03:25, December 24, 2010 (UTC)

Pretty much everywhere that isn't made known to be a player house is not a good place to store stuff. It's fine to drop items in places, so long as you know that no NPC's go there who would pick up items like food, but the way the code works on putting items into containers means that roughly every 3 days, whatever is in a container will be reset, so you'd lose anything you stored there. Now I'm not saying ALL places are this way, for all I know there is the odd few places that are safe but I wouldn't want to risk it, especialy when there are so many player houses in FNV that it's quite pointless. --Lyco499 18:22, December 27, 2010 (UTC)

i have pute my things in there and so far it hasnt disapeeared plus i have tested the 3 day code thing and it didnt reset but i still have saved it before all this.(lee1779).

Thanks, its not a very good place to live anyway because of the cazadors. Waffles492 07:56, December 31, 2010 (UTC)

Removed from page[]

Removed this from the Bugs section while tidying up. I can't make heads or tails of it and it's largely irrelevant anyway now that companions don't walk away when dismissed.

If your companion(s) get stuck, dismiss both and require ED-E first exit the basement and dismiss him your second companion should spawn in after that.

LeDaea 06:13, January 16, 2011 (UTC)

Glad I checked the duffle bag[]

It had so much ammo and a Combat Armor, Reinforced Mark 2 along with Combat Helmet, Reinforced Mark 2. Definitely worth fighting past the cazadores!

Just thought I'd share in case people think it isn't worth it. But I don't want to add it to the main article. User:Shane for Wax 08:48, December 23, 2011 (UTC)

Confirmed the Combat Armor/helmet Rein.Mk2. Level 9, 9 luck, pcv140525. It seem they are fixed loot, then.Laclongquan (talk) 14:55, April 20, 2013 (UTC)
