Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


While fighting Stripe my head was crippled, but i had the Brainless perk on. How is that possible? 05:20, July 27, 2011 (UTC)

Near as I can tell, the perk will automatically restore your head to full condition as soon as it takes damage. So, if you take enough damage to cripple your head from full, you'll still get the crippled indicator, but if you go into your Pip-Boy, your head will be at 100% health. I could boot up FNVEdit and check to be sure, but I really just don't wanna. :P Nitty Tok. 05:32, July 27, 2011 (UTC)

After Old World Blues[]

Do you keep this perk, along with Heartless and Spineless? I haven't completed the DLC yet, I was just wondering if the perk stays. There's nothing to say either way if you keep it or lose it.

You'll always have the choice to switch your body parts at the Auto-Doc.


This perk works by constantly restoring your head to full limb health every frame. This means that, should an attack cause enough limb damage to cripple your head with one hit, your head will be crippled. However, it will still be immediately restored to full the next frame. You can't ever have damage to your head for longer than a single frame with this perk.--SushiSquid 06:30, August 20, 2011 (UTC)
