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Clearing out Vault 3 during this quest can be one of the more satisfying experiences during the entire game. Killing the Fiends doesn't have to be difficult, because after you've talked your way in you can pick the wandering Fiends off one by one with silenced weapons, then drag their bodies out of sight. (Ever played Hitman?). So, in case you decide to fight the entire gang in Vault 3, you have basically two choices - the quick and difficult way (guns blasting) and the easier but slower method (killing them one by one with silenced weapons). 12:42, November 12, 2010 (UTC) ATR

Maybe it was just me but I had a ton of fun going Rambo on this place. Fiends die in like 1-2 shots from even a small arm like Lucky, I loved just blasting down waves of them. Crazy fun with Pushy/Ballistic Fist as well as they are often in very close proximity to you. Either way, don't be afraid to have fun with this one, the enemies are hardly a threat and can really load you up on ammo, guns and exp. --JPro 13:10, November 13, 2010 (UTC)

Being a melee-oriented Courier, I massacred them using Motor-Runner's Chainsaw. Seemed like poetic justice. There are a few areas where you can wait in the doorway for the idiots to throw themselves at the Chainsaw in droves. Everywhere else, simply running up to them while dodging bullets does the trick. — Lovable Sociopath 21:24, December 2, 2010 (UTC)

Me, I loved mowing them down with a riot shotgun. Add the knock down effect from the 'And Stay Back' perk and watch them tumble down the hallways and pitch head-over-heels down stairwells. It was like wading through a butcher shop. Zac hemker 06:59, January 23, 2011 (UTC)


Strange thing happened while completing this quest... was also doing Still in the Dark and Aba-daba Honeymoon, since all happen in the same vault. I got in using the Great Khan armor.. found Bryce Anders, healed him, and then told him to go back to McCarran. He made it out (and back to McCarran I later discovered). Then I went and delivered the drugs, got the filter parts, and stealth killed Motor-Runner. Everything going fine n dandy. I then went to the other vaults to get the other parts for Still in the Dark, stopping by Diane's on the way to complete Aba-daba, and then went back to Hidden Valley and completed Still in the Dark. So all that was left was going to McCarran and collecting the bounty for Motor-runner's helmet... I fast traveled there and everyone outside.. and in the courtyard.. was hostile (except Bryce Anders who was sleeping). Hadn't killed any NCR, stolen anything from 'em, wasn't dressed as Caesar's Legion, nothin. Managed to sneak in and get inside.. they were all like "hey buddy" and Colonel Hsu paid up for Motor-runner's helmet. WTF? 02:30, March 24, 2011 (UTC)

edit: I just stealth killed all the hostile NCR, looted their bodies, rode the monorail to the Strip, and got drunk.

Bryce Anders bugs[]

I've noted a couple more bugs/quirks concerning Anders that aren't on the main page. When I found him, told him to go back to McCarran, and checked to see that he was leaving he would open the passage and within a few seconds be killed by fiends (usually in the doorway between the entrance chamber and the rest of the vault) (PC, I tried this several times with the same result. I then reloaded, hacked the terminal to open the passage myself, then went through and closed the door between the entrance chamber and the rest of the vault before going back to speak with Anders. This time, he was able to get out without being attacked.

After freeing Anders I returned to McCarran without killing Motor-Runner (as I had not done Aba Daba Honeymoon yet), and spoke with Hsu and Anders. Anders says he's heard you've killed Motor-Runner and could have done that himself, even though Motor-Runner is obviously still alive. -- 17:48, February 28, 2013 (UTC)

Completing Aba Daba Honeymoon after starting Bounty Killer[]

What's mentioned on the Aba Daba Honeymoon page about not be able to complete Aba Daba Honeymoon if you've spoken with Hsu/Anders already is incorrect. After leaving McCarran I went to Red Rock Canyon, obtained Aba Daba Honeymoon and was able to complete it (Motor-Runner was not hostile). Perhaps this was fixed in a patch?-- 20:20, March 19, 2013 (UTC)

Peaceful solution[]

It should be mentioned on the page that a peaceful solution is possible. In dialogue I told Motor-Runner NCR had sent me to take care of him, and I am eventually given his helmet (which gets stuck in my inventory), either way, I show it to Hsu, and I get my NCR karma. 23:29, April 12, 2014 (UTC)

Anders Repeats mission conversation back at McCarran[]

This is coppied from the anders page, but should really be here also :D so copy paste~~

For some reason if I interact with him at McCarran he talks like he's still on the mission. He repeats everything up to the point where you can tell what he should do, however he won't actually follow you or run back to Vault 3 to try to kill Motor-Runner. And he'll do this every time you talk to him. It seems like this might actually be a patch introduced bug, because way back when I finished the quest he responded with the normal "I could have handled it on my own" dialogue.--Darth Oblivion 19:15, August 6, 2011 (UTC)

I can confirm this on PC. so what i did was talk with him, but not start the healing dialogue, then headed back to Camp McCarran got the quest from James Hsu back to vault 3, sold oodles of drugs to Motor-Runner at the 22caps/unit. went and did the great kahan's drug missions, after thoes were completed I went back to v3 medic'd Bryce Anders and told him to go back to Camp McCarran. After he opened the wall pannel, and he was outside, I could initiate dialogue again as if he were sitting in the vault. Even getting more exp by making him work together, though the medic option was gone. I could then ask him to wait or come with me, though he accepted he kept heading for Camp McCarran. After the wait command was given he only had "goodbye" available. On top of that I was able to get 2 Vault 3 maintenance keys and finally when I told him to go to Camp McCarran again, he did the "oh im so bad at this ive lost the key" thing. After I killed Motor-Runner, and headed back to Camp McCarran, I turned in the quest to James Hsu and went to find Bryce Anders. When I did I could start the in-vault dialogue all over again but only the "I have some other questions" section, though when that is asked and gone back you can then speak with him about returning to Camp McCarran. This really out to be added to the bug section or tested on other platforms. Willhelm555 (talk) 04:33, July 10, 2015 (UTC)