Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Does anyone know where to locate this Bitter Springs Infirmary? -- DiamondKnight19 20:42, October 30, 2010 (UTC)

I had problems finding it too. When you fast-travel to Bitter Springs, walk forward until you see a NCR flag upside down. Go up there and the clinic is in front of you. Although you need to speak to the superior behind the clinic to start the quest(she's usually in the tent). Hope this helps. -- Schredas 20:47, October 30, 2010 (UTC)
Thank you so much for the help.
My problem is not so much with this particular page, but with the entire Wiki for New Vegas. I understand that it's new & that it will get better, but I would hope that someone would step up and post some maps or at least screen shots showing where these locations are. -- DiamondKnight19 20:58, October 30, 2010 (UTC)
Bitter Springs is zone 3.08 (if you have the map supplied in the Official Game Guide) - or, without such map, it is due north of Lake Mead. If you drew a line north from Hoover Dam, through the lake, and all the way to the border, Bitter Springs would be just south of the border (game boundary). About halfway down the section of road that runs above the northside of Lake Mead, there is a little side road that runs south to the Lake (Callville Bay - beware of the flying Cazador). At this turn-off, if you go north, instead of south, you will reach the Bitter Springs Recreation Site. North of there is Bitter Springs. If you already know the location of Ranger Station Bravo (via other quest map-markers), Bitter Springs is just WSW of Bravo.

Song reference?[]

The White Stripes had a song called St. James Infirmary blues and I'm pretty sure that this quest title is a reference to the song. PhayzeShift 08:57, November 9, 2010 (UTC)

If no one is going to dispute this should I add it in the wiki then? PhayzeShift 23:14, November 12, 2010 (UTC)
Seems a bit of a stretch. There is also Hard Luck Blues. Blues is a pretty generic term these days.
I dont know i think it is a reference. if i were you i'd add it saying "This quest is most likely a reference to the song..." Nivlac96 03:52, May 3, 2011 (UTC)

Overview Item 4 - Medical Supplies[]

What is meant by item 4 "Return to Markland with the medical supplies"? Does this just mean to return to Markland once (or to complete) all three Doctor's Bags and two special books are given? I.e., in order to receive the reward (Karma, stimpaks, etc.)? "Medical Supplies" are a unique item used for the Dealing with Contreras quest (and possibly - if the Official Game Guide is correct) for the Et Tumor, Brute? quest.

no it just means the books and doctors bags; its a whole quest goal. Nivlac96 03:53, May 3, 2011 (UTC)

I gave the medical supplies to Markland and one of the books but I am certain I bought both from Blake but now Blake does not have the Stress book for sale. Is there some bug where Markland takes both books but it doesn't complete the quest?

I already have Ed-E and Boone as companions.  What else can I do?

Is there ANOTHER way to get the books?[]

I could have SWORE I never bought any books from Blake, but rather, *found* the two quest books somewhere in the wasteland. I didn't hire Gannon until WAY AFTER the the quest was finished. Could the books have spawned as loot? Kschang 04:16, March 26, 2012 (UTC)

Lacey from the Mojave Outpost also sells them. I was surprised to see that this page only mentions Blake as the possible source.
