Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Yeah it's real. It's given to the player when you finish old world blues

I want this damn thing out of my inventory...[]

I don't want to go back to the Big Empty, so I'd reallllly like to put it in a trash can, but I can't. Way to be lazy Obsidian....

--That's funny, I was just thinking the same thing, just finished it, but now the little 'souvenir' is in the way.

Why would you want it out of your inventory? It is VERY useful, you can instantly travel to the SINK any time you are over encumbered, dump/sell the lot, and instantly return to the Mojave. Its almost like having the Long Haul perk.DarthOrc 03:57, July 29, 2011 (UTC)DarthOrc

EDIT: The Form ID is xx00e1b0 I think if you type player.removeitem 'xx00e1b0' 1 (without the ' ' where xx is the load order of the ESM) it might work. Trying it now.

EDIT:Huzza! It works, but load order thing threw me off. Type exactly what it says in the load order column in FOMM. For instance mine was 0A (zero A) instead of 10. So it was '0a00e1b0' for me.

EDIT: PS if anyone knows how to just make it not a quest item, please do tell. Thanks in advance!

EDIT: Okay, I figured it out if you type in setquestobject 'xx00e1b0' 0 (without the ' ', where xx is the ESM load order) it becomes droppable (maybe). Testing right now. Fingers crossed right?

FINAL EDIT(probably): It works! And you can still use it like normal!

FormerGlory 07:34, July 20, 2011 (UTC)

Doesn't work?[]

In my game this doesn't work no matter where i go, it just gives me the same error as if you use it on the strip. Anyone else have this problem or a fix?

I was able to leave big MT but i cant go back.

-- 20:14, July 21, 2011 (UTC)

Same deal. Can't return to Big MT. I've positively tried at least a dozen outdoor locations: Bonnie Springs, Nipton, Sloan... the various dry lakes, to name a few. I've also tried walking a small distance away from the spawn point. Hell, even the Mojave Drive-In doesn't work, the location where you originally get transported to Big MT. Every time I get the same message: "...blahblahblah doesn't work in certain locations." IF this thing works from some location in Mojave, I'd like to know what that location is.

EDIT: Playing on PC (XP Pro SP3), all official add-ons installed. Plus a plethora of mods...

  • What platform are you playing on? We use the XBox360 and have no problem returning to the Big MT. It works just fine from Goodsprings, standing in front of our Mojave headquarters, Victor's shack.DarthOrc 06:05, July 28, 2011 (UTC)DarthOrc

Same deal too!! i realy want to get back, but i can't... someone tell me the solution please

Ok, as a workaround you can use console commands: coc NVDLC03TheSink and coc MojaveDriveIn to travel back and forth between The Sink and Mojave Drive-In.


this seems epic. the sink (fully upgraded) becomes better housing than fallout 3's houses with all upgrades. this means i can carry tonnes of stuff and just take all of if from my old hoousing to this new way better housing in one jump. WOW!!! this seems too good to be true. just hope it doesn't glitch at any point or anything like that.

It also means that you can recycle all the coffee mugs, burned books, clipboards, toasters, and assorted other crap you find in the Mojave into useful items, including energy gun ammunition and components for weapon repair kits. Whoops! there goes game balance.... as if Christine's rifle and the sneak suit hadn't already done a number on that. Wunengzi 02:59, August 10, 2011 (UTC)


Anyone else's degrading? Also, does anyone know how to fix it with other weapons (if possible) since merchants won't repair it? AR700SAW 14:23, July 23, 2011 (UTC)

I don't think it's supposed to degrade........? If it does use a weapon repair kit while it's equipped? Saxony4 14:28, July 23, 2011 (UTC)

Thanks, I was thinking it over and the idea hit me to use a repair kit :) Kind of wish it didn't degrade at all though, or at least merchants could repair it... AR700SAW 15:10, July 23, 2011 (UTC)

  • Ours hasn't, but, if it did, we would just use a weapons repair kit, (we could use the Sink, but he costs more, as WRK's only cost us 20 chips at the abandoned BOS bunker).DarthOrc 06:10, July 28, 2011 (UTC)DarthOrc

How the player gets it...[]

In the notes it says no one knows how the player actualy got the teliporter, but in pretty sure in the end video it said that the robots of the think tank gave it to him, or at least thats what it said te me becouse i didnt kill them. Anyone care to clear this up for me?


is the portal aspect and color scheme a reference to the portal gun or the portal franchise?


It doesn't create a portal that you walk through or anything like that, and it's color scheme isn't that similar to the Portal gun either.
