Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Hidden Book?[]

I cant find that hidden book , any help?

Yeah, I haven't been able to verify that book, and I haven't found anyone who can. What's going on with that, any ideas? Terminalmancer 17:32, 11 November 2008 (UTC)

No idea. Have scoured most of the debris in the area with no luck. Suggestions? 01:45, 12 November 2008 (UTC)M

It is unclear what 'hidden' book you're talking about. I can confirm that I picked up every skill book referenced in the notable loot section; I was only able to find one of the two pre-war books due to some grenade-related untidiness. To clarify: Grognak and Jerky Vendor in the Underworks, Science and Electronics in the West, and Chinese Spec-Ops and Flamethrower in the East are all confirmed on PC post-patch. Have not tested the respawning Flamethrower manual exploit. :) 06:29, 17 February 2009 (UTC)

U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes (After PS3 update/PC patch 1.6)[]

There was just recently a patch for the PS3 version of Fallout 3. Before this patch, I was able to get repeated copies of the U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes; after the patch, however, I haven't been able to get another copy of the book from the Raider carrying the Flamer in East Bethesda Offices. Can anyone else verify this was fixed?

I also have the PS3 version, patched, and I can get the respawning book. However, I hadn't ever gone to Bethesda Ruins pre-patching, so I'm not sure if that's caused some sort of glitch on your end. Rhordain 18:14, 28 May 2009 (UTC)

maybe I wrong in case of PS3, but don't you guys have to provide patch version number? on PC after patch 1.6 applied that respawned Raider does not carry book anymore. Educated 21:41, 25 July 2009 (UTC)

i have the latest patch for Fallout 3 on ps3 and i got 100 big guns skill from the raider that has the book over and over same with the science book from the ant researcher guy so i have had no problems with this

  • Not necessarily helpful, but the respawning Raider still carries the Big Guns book after respawning for me, post-1.7 patch, PC version. - DaWrecka 19:36, September 1, 2009 (UTC)

Bethesda Underworks[]

Bethesda Underworks information is actually duplicate of Bethesda underworks article. Should the section be removed?

I merged the Bethesda underworks page with this page. If a person is looking for the Bethesda underworks they'll likely also be looking for information on the Bethesda Ruins. No necessary info lost in merge.ABCoLD 08:16, 1 March 2009 (UTC)

If you enter the Bethesda Underworks with the Ghoul Mask on, the ghouls will rush towards the exit into the Bethesda Ruins. If any raiders on the outside are still alive they will engage them (confirm?) 05:06, 2 March 2009 (UTC)Genghis

this happend with me without the mask about 5 to 6 of them was waiting outside to ambush me but my 11 foloweres not 12 i havent goten sydney yet and myself turned them into paste

Let's get this settled[]

All across the wikia, we're getting misconceptions as to whether the Bethesda ruins are really a nod to the Bethesda studios or not. While Bethesda studios was founded in Bethesda (hence the name), their offices are in Rockville.

When this is put anywhere, someone puts in the whole divergent deal and insists the opposite.

I'm just asking, even if there's an office, is there any evidence of it being a DIRECT reference to their studio? If it was, I would have expected some of their names in the computers or a firm for the Fallout world's form of entertainment. --MercZ 04:03, 5 December 2008 (UTC)

I imagine we can scour the area for evidence. But let's look at it from another angle. The alternative hypothesis is that the Bethesda Ruins are called that because they are the ruins of the town of Bethesda, Maryland. This would make them, as far as I can recall, the only building anywhere that is named for the town that it is in rather than the name of the building, the name of the company that owns or owned the building, a simple building type, or the like. And in general, the Fallout games and Bethesda Softworks are both well known for their easter eggs and sly references; given these things, I don't really understand the determination to shove the idea that this is NOT A REFERENCE down people's throats. —Chaos5023 04:19, 5 December 2008 (UTC)

Personally, I have an issue with every fricking thing being a reference to something else. I say we just shove all this irrelevant information into one big Easter Eggs page and leave the actual information articles informative to gameplay, not padded with unverifiable pointless conjecture. It's seriously annoying. --DarkJeff 04:28, 5 December 2008 (UTC)

Well, there kind of is such a page. Relevancy is subjective, though, and the fact that you only care about gameplay nuts-and-bolts doesn't mean that everyone is; the setting and its context matter to some people. We don't need duplicated and inconsistent text between the Cultural References and individual topic pages, though. What would be ideal, I think, is if the individual topic pages had an automatically generated Cultural References section that linked to any sections of the Cultural References page that link to the topic page. Meaning, if the Cultural References section on V For Vendetta links to Fawkes, then Fawkes gets a V For Vendetta link in her Cultural References section. This seems like the sort of thing that may conceivably be doable using the Semantic MediaWiki extensions, but I don't know if this wiki is set up with those. —Chaos5023 14:23, 5 December 2008 (UTC)

References are good, such as the one in Wadsworth, and McClellan family townhome. They're pretty much indisputable. The problem is the ridiculous amount of self-congratulatory "I'm so clever!" speculative references, where people disagree. In those cases it ought to be linked to the Easter Eggs page where it can be discussed and the page itself left alone. Cultural stuff like the McClellan family townhome is fascinating. When an article has four different "This may be a reference to" then clearly nobody knows WHAT it's a reference to (if it's even a reference at all! I mean, heck, every first person shooter that has keycards certainly aren't referencing Doom, are they?) It should be a discussion, not junk on the article itself. There's a page for discussions. (We're here right now! Hi!) --DarkJeff 16:19, 5 December 2008 (UTC)

Yeah, I agree entirely that people get ridiculous with it. I've cleaned a lot of garbage like that out of Cultural references in Fallout 3. (Not to say that there isn't garbage left, but it's stuff where there's at least a shadow of a doubt in my mind that it's garbage.) On the other hand, the whole "Bethesda Ruins are not a reference" relentlessness strikes me as just as much of a misguided "I'm so clever" maneuver. —Chaos5023 16:24, 5 December 2008 (UTC)

I personally haven't touched references on any page, but it's just silly on this one. It's very clear that the two statements were written by two people arguing. "Look, the real place is here!" "But aha, FO3 isn't in the real world!" That's really my issue. On the two pages I linked prior, the references aren't disputed. Here (and a few others) where they are, we end up with constant changes and contradictory statements. There should be one voice per article describing things to the reader, he shouldn't be reading two people arguing about something. Perhaps I'm just nitpicky, but I like my guides to at least SOUND authoritative, heh. --DarkJeff 16:32, 5 December 2008 (UTC)

Fair enough. I've rewritten the section to that end (renaming it References rather than Misconceptions, since calling the section that is argumentative in itself). See what you think. —Chaos5023 16:46, 5 December 2008 (UTC)

See, blurbs written like that are what I consider interesting factoids. Looks good to me. --DarkJeff 17:09, 5 December 2008 (UTC)

Great. Glad we were able to reach a satisfactory conclusion. Hopefully other people will find it equally so. :) —Chaos5023 17:28, 5 December 2008 (UTC)

GOD DAMN ALL YOU PEOPLE Of course it is a reference. IT IS A REAL CITY AND WHERE BETHESDA SOFTWORKS WAS FOUNDED. Why is that so hard to understand? Why are you all so stupid? And who deleted the edit I did last night saying that betheada is REAL? Does the fact that the city and the developer share the smae name click something in your minds like "OOh it must be fake there cant be a city named for a game developer Im gonna go be an IDIOT!" GOOGLE MAP it WIKIPEDIA IT I dont care figure it out! Monkeyman2547 16:56, January 3, 2010 (UTC)

Thanks for yelling at us for doing what you said. Read the goddamn page. Nitty Tok. 16:57, January 3, 2010 (UTC)


Of COURSE they are! When a game company puts a building in the game with their own name of course it's meant as a reference! The fact the there is an argument about this absolutely astounds me. Some people will argue for argument's sake. 10:19, 13 August 2009 (UTC)

Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't. Really doesn't matter either way, since there'll always be someone who crams it back in anyway, so it's the lesser of two evils to intentionally include it but keep it short.

However... any random guesses about how it could have the same floor plan as bethesda studios is just plain stupid. It could be modelled after any other building for all we know. So what? 07:47, January 11, 2010 (UTC)

I thought it best to just state the facts and let people decide for themselves whether it's an easter egg or not. However, it might be worth noting in the behind the scenes section that there is a debate about wether it's an easter egg on the talk page.
I always thought it was pretty straightforward. Bethesda Ruins is simply a reference to the ruins of Bethesda, MA - while the interior locations are a reference to office buildings in said town. The fact that Bethesda chose that particular town to include in their game, is a very obvious name drop; but that's the extent of it.

Behind The Scenes[]

Bethesda Softworks, was founded in Bethesda, Maryland, in 1986. The offices were moved to Rockville, Maryland in 1990. PS Sorry, I don't know how I broke the formatting, or how to fix it. 17:03, April 1, 2010 (UTC)

Child Skull Note[]

Changing the notable loot section quoted below:

The Bobblehead - Lockpick is located in Bethesda Offices East on a desk next to the Turret Control System Computer on the second level. (its right next to one of the only child's skulls in the game which can be picked up in the Playstation3 and Xbox360 version, PC unconfirmed.)

...and removing the note regarding the miniature skull. I can confirm that it is present in the PC version, although it can only be moved, not added to your inventory. While it is an interesting bit of trivia, it doesn't add to the section - it's not actually Notable Loot, and the description of the Bobblehead's position prior to the note is sufficient to locate it. 06:37, 17 February 2009 (UTC)

¿Notable Loot?[]

Is a cherry bomb REALLY notable loot? It seems to me that many people are editing articles and considering 'notable' some loot that barely qualifies as 'loot'. There should be some guidelines regarding this, and maybe two categories for loot, 'notable' (mini nukes, stealth boys, bobbleheads, skill books, unique items) and 'regular' (chems, general items, etc). I've even seen some random loot in the notable section (Yao Guai tunnels) that only helps to confuse people.

  • Given that the Cherry Bomb is a required component in the construction of the bottlecap mine, that Bottlecap Mines are one of the most powerful explosives in the game, and the relative rarity of the Cherry Bomb, I'm inclined to give the Cherry Bomb the benefit of considering it "notable loot". Anyone else have other opinions? - DaWrecka 19:36, September 1, 2009 (UTC)
    • I consider all custom weapon components notable loot. At least to the point that if there are more than 1-2 of them in an area. I list stuff like Lunchboxes, sensor modules, etc. a lot since they are useful for that schematic and most of these parts aren't that common.
      • I'm just playing devil's advocate here, but would that mean that we should list every Tin Can in the game as well? RudiganRex 04:57, September 27, 2009 (UTC)
        • Haha...I don't think so and I haven't seen anyone doing that although some places there are dozens of them so I wouldn't be against them saying that either. Stuff like Sensor Modules, Conductors, leaf blowers, etc are a bit more rare in my opinion so I would like to know when they are in an area at least. --Jimimorrison 12:43, September 28, 2009 (UTC)
  • Components are absolutely not notable loot. Books, bobbleheads, mini-nukes, quest items, unique items, large stashes of things like bobby pins or caps, and the like are notable. If an area has a significant supply of a specific component, put it in the article for that component, don't clutter up every single location. That way if someone wants cherry bombs, or leaf blowers, they just go to the cherry bomb or leafblower article. Simple. Comradephate 06:22, October 13, 2009 (UTC)

why ?[]

why is my frag granades note removed back ? --Replikanxxl 13:53, October 1, 2009 (UTC)

unconfirmed bugs[]

please verify these with more than two editors before adding them back into the article. Please also not which gaming platform it occurs on.

In Bethesda Offices East, if the player attacks Unarmed or with a melee weapon through V.A.T.S. while above the enemy on the ramp to the second level, they may become stuck in the ground and unable to move upon exiting V.A.T.S.

As soon as you enter Bethesda Underworks and the Ghouls run to attack you, put on the Ghoul mask and all of them will run past you through the entrance outside. They return shortly after though.

Reloading an autosave from the catwalk to the West offices sets off one of the shotgun traps even though there is nothing near the pressure plate

--Kingclyde 11:39, February 17, 2010 (UTC)

Just to add to this, has anyone else had a problem with followers spawning downstairs in the East Offices when entering from the bridge coming from the West Offices? Jericho in particular seems to like showing up wherever and whenever he feels like it. Ugh. 16:34, May 26, 2010 (UTC)HBS

Added a bit of trivia...[]

... noting differences between the real Bethesda and the fictional version. Also noted that Rockville is not much of a move. Trust me, I take the bus from one to the other most days.

Well, you basically just said what the behind the scenes section said. Nitty Tok. 05:04, July 11, 2010 (UTC)


Well I haven't played F3 in quite some time now, last time I think was back in March. Besides the fact, I live about a half-hour out of Bethesda, and I've been going to the NNMC for a while to get a goddamn ear infection taken care of. Took almost a month before I could hear properly... anyway, I was just wondering if there was any reference to the NNMC in-game. A building resembling the hospital, a holotape, or something like that? YuriKaslov-M1911 small Yuri Kaslov 03:18, September 13, 2010 (UTC)

Aww, poor guy. I get regular ear infections too.
As for the NNMC, there aren't any specifically made models unique to the Beth ruins, but there might be a building placed where the NNMC is supposed to be. Nitty Tok. 03:23, September 13, 2010 (UTC)

Catwalk Sniper[]

Anyone ever have the sniper consistently respawn on the ground level if they fall off the catwalk when you kill them? (PS3) Great Mara 02:04, June 26, 2011 (UTC)

As I recall, all the raiders at Bethesda will respawn, including the snipers. That's why you can get unlimited Big Guns Books. Kastera (talk) 02:53, June 26, 2011 (UTC)
I was aware of the respawning, I just find it odd that they aren't back up on the catwalk when they do. Great Mara 02:55, June 26, 2011 (UTC)
Oh, like if you come back later, the sniper once on the catwalk is now down on the ground? That happens to me all the time. I'm just running through and suddenly a guy is shooting at me with a sniper rifle. Ruins my day (no pun intended). Kastera (talk) 03:44, June 26, 2011 (UTC)
It makes sense tho, wherever they die they will respawn. Just like if u go in the Metro and lure the ghouls into the building to kill the Raiders they will spawn in the building. --KKotton 03:51, June 26, 2011 (UTC)

Is it worth mentioning in the article...[]

Is it worth putting in the article that you'll be jumped by 6 raiders upon fast traveling to this map marker? As a fast travel location this place is horrendous! 16:43, November 14, 2012 (UTC)

Bethesda Naval Hospital[]

I've looked, and haven't seen, but has anyone else seen a reference to the Bethesda Naval Hospital (a military hospital), located in Bethesda, Maryland?
13621 (talk) 15:23, December 15, 2012 (UTC)

Late response, but there is none. I was asking the same thing.... three years ago. Besides, it's called Walter Reed NMMC now. ЮраYuriKaslov - Sig image 06:56, July 28, 2013 (UTC)