Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Quest Items Stuck In Inventory[]

Can't seem to remove "DiMA's Memory #2,3,5" from player inventory after completing the quest. Should be listed as a bug, or at least mention how to get rid of them. Noobyorkcity (talk) 03:31, June 19, 2016 (UTC)

Turrets destroying red barriers[]

I added the bug regarding the defense turrets destroying the barrier on the last mission. Evidently someone else confirmed it, but neglected to change the tag to verified.

They also said that this takes a long time, which is not true. In my first playthrough, it happened by the time I could build a bridge to the nearest island. In my second playthrough, it still happened before I could legitimately solve the puzzle. I believe what's actually happening is not the turrets dealing damage to the barrier, but rather an errant turret shot is striking the node that deletes the barrier. I haven't tested this, though. 18:06, June 22, 2016 (UTC)

  • Your hypothesis is basically correct. The barrier node will activate, and dissolve the barrier if it gets hit by anything. Although the OnHit event returns what hit, the script never bothers to check it.

Detailed walkthrough lacking info[]

I'm not entirely sure but I think the detailed walkthough is lacking some information. Is returning to Kasumi necesary to start this quest or can this quest also be started by confronting DiMA? I recall doing the latter myself but can't be entirely sure. Litheen (talk) 20:04, September 6, 2016 (UTC)

Additions to the Detailed walkthrough[]

I think many details to this extensive quest are missing in this article. I have written some additions to the detailed walkthrough (sorry for my bad English -> maybe someone can correct the grammar):

Detailed walkthrough
After obtaining Faraday's program the player character returns to Kasumi, ending Where You Belong and starting Best Left Forgotten.

She will reveal her suspicions about DiMA and give a quest to investigate DiMa's memories, which are stored inside the Nucleus Command Center.

To get there, the Sole Survivor must travel to the Nucleus near the center of the Far Harbor map. At the entrance (after a short scene) they can speak to Grand Zealot Richter. He says, that only Children of Atom are welcome in the Nucleus and everyone wants to join must drink from the sacred spring east of the Nucleus, starting the quest Visions in the Fog.
Here one has 2 options to get into the Nucleus:

Option A: proceed with Visions in the Fog
Return to Richter after accomplish his task, the player character is allowed to join the Children of Atom, get the Robes of Atom's Devoted and can freely enter the Nucleus. Optional one can now talk with High Confessor Tektus after his sermon and ask him for permission to enter the Nucleus Command Center. However, the guard on the door to the Command Center let the player character pass regardless of the permission from Tectus.

Option B: Force the way into the Nucleus
This makes the Sole Survivor an enemy of the Children of Atom and they must fight the way to the Nucleus Command Center. In that way all their quests, merchants and unique items become unavailable.

The Command Center consist of a series of tunnels which contain some robots and automated turrets. The last room is behind a security door unlocked via a terminal (inaccessible prior to this quest). After activate a circuit breaker and fight another assaultron the player character can use the memory-terminal. Selecting the first accessible memory-entry, one enters a virtual reality puzzle-room.
Here starts the memory game (similar to “Tower Defense”) in which the Sole Survivor must build/unlock a way for some Indexer to the memory and protect them with Defense_constructs from Sentry intrusion countermeasures. After the indexer have 100% of the data recovered the next memory-entry is unlocked.

Through unlocking the memories, the Sole Survivor also unlocks the coordinates of several locations on the Island to investigate: DiMA's secret medical facility at the Vim! Pop factory, the location of the nuclear launch key at the Harbor Grand Hotel, and the wind farm kill switch code at DiMA's cache.

• After uncovering DiMA's secret medical facility at the Vim! Pop factory the next quest is unlocked: The Way Life Should Be.

• Uncovering the wind farm kill switch code or the nuclear launch key unlocks Cleansing the Land.

--Tommygun11 (talk) 22:29, August 14, 2020 (UTC) You can also sneak into the nucleus. You won't make enemies out of the children, even though they will be temporarily hostile. You can also rush to the zone with the memories, they won't follow.--Damx (talk)

Quest stages are incomplete[]

The Quest stage part of the article starts from 50 "Gain access to DiMA's terminal" but this stage is not the first. I'm currently stucked at stage 20, (sorry no description available in english) outside the first locked door in the Nucleus' Command Center because the terminal is still in "ATTENTION" mode and I cannot progress. The Quest Stage section requires updates. TigerSteeve (talk) 15:41, 10 November 2023 (UTC)
