Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


I wonder if by "chasing ghosts," he meant their being sent to Baja was a fruitless endeavor or if they were chasing a boogeyman, like Enclave or Master's Army remnants.--OvaltinePatrol 00:31, November 12, 2010 (UTC)

It's very interesting. Feargus Urquhart was interviewed a few months ago and was asked if Obsidian could make another Fallout, where would it take place? He stated he would like to see it in the Boneyard, that "would be nice." Then you recall the Enclave patrol looking for MacArthur Military Base in Van Buren, which is south of L.A. The "chasing ghost" in Baja could make for something interesting in the future.--Wert1978 (talk) 20:11, June 8, 2013 (UTC)

What are those ghosts?[]

Does anybody have an idea? The Mutants wandered off and not ALL of the enclave went east, some wandered like ghosts of the past, the part that should be forgotten. Hence the term "chasing ghosts" ^ have a 360? trevor969 put this up. like fallout 3/New Vegas? NEED TIPS? LOOK UP THE TAG ABOVE!!!

Maybe Hei Gui. Hei=Black, Gui=Ghost.--STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUM 02:46, August 20, 2011 (UTC)

Ghost are ghost, not literely demons, but not there at all.[]

You two are reading way too into it, it's just a pointless campaign, no Enclace, Master, or Steel Plague. Just another unwinable and pointless war like the Mojave

- Untitled because I'm a guest

Why didn't they said "lost cause" then? Remember, everything in game has been written. This means that somebody wanted to use those exact words. And why did they deploy elite troopers, if the situation was like the mojave one? No, NCR is chasing somebody in Baja, and this somebody is very elusive and dangerous, more dangerous than Caesar and mr. House. I hope it's a new faction (a chinese organization which wants to end what's left of the U.S.A., perhaps? they have advanced stealth technologies), but that could be the enclave too. Super mutants and nightkin are too clumsy and ferocious to be called "ghosts", "demons" would be more suitable for them.--Damx (talk) 14:31, December 31, 2013 (UTC)