Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

I have some notes but don't feel confident enough to edit the page directly:

1/. Can't grok what "Two sets of power armor are on the same frame." means - where the two laser tripwires are, I don't see any armor?

2/. Managed to find a mechanism to stop the spare frame in the garage from being used during the Gunner fight. I surrounded it with 4 of my own sets of PA to block access.

2a/. I could then steal it with no issue after the fight but jumping on the yellow toolchest near the power armor station. I was going to use a Stealth Boy but didn't need it.

2b/. Atom Cat members seem to have used at least one of my sets during the fight as it had moved but it was empty again.

2c/. Found that when I went back to reclaim my sets raiders would attack - Rowdy and Bluejay would have a tendency to try to (re)enter my remaining PAs but judicious sprinting can avoid that. That said, quite sure that they would exit them again after the battle?

--Chaosworrier (talk) 11:02, December 10, 2015 (UTC)

Purchasing Atom Cats mod[]

Rowdy offered this to me right away for ~6000 caps, no side quest required; unless I already completed the quest. But I've had no interaction with them except accidentally running into Duke and getting the Atom Cats garage location added to my map. -- 08:27, January 15, 2016 (UTC)

It seems when you complete the quest you get a discount, but the custom paint job itself is always available for purchase. 18:58, January 16, 2016 (UTC)

Power Armor Frame owned[]

I can confirm that the power armor frame is set as owned. I just did it and it says "Steal" instead of "Enter". PC version. [Edit] I did the first quest and saw that another frame was outside the shop. The one I found before was next to the power armor workstations but I'm sure it wasn't there before I bought the item from Rowdy. So maybe the item actually spawns 2 frames? I0brendan0 (talk) 04:59, January 30, 2016 (UTC)

Bed and saving Peepers[]

After the quest, there is a bed available you can sleep in. It is the one behind the curtain, behind Rowdy's working place. Before the quest it is owned.

Saving Peepers the eyebot during the fight is difficult at higher level. The only way to do it is about timing. When the gunners start spawning and attack, Peepers should be wandering inside the compound. If it is outside it gets killed pretty fast. You need to be quick enough and stick with Peepers the entire fight. Whoever it shoots at, you fight that someone with it. The gunners usually switch to attack you first whenever they see both of you and Peepers, thus saving the eyebot. Even if you stick with it all the time there is still a chance it gets killed by car explosion. So it is difficult you need to try reload the save several times, if you care. 07:54, March 13, 2017 (UTC)

I've just done this quest - Peepers survived the gunner attack because was in one of the back rooms. After the attack Zeke made a point of saying that everybody had survived. Is there different dialogue if Peepers dies? Do you get less discount from their trading items? 13:58, March 29, 2019 (UTC)