Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


The ink will sometimes become permanent in your inventory even after delivering it during the stealing independence quest.

Pre-War Books for Scribe Yearling[]

Anyone found out if there is anything to the mention of something other than just money that Yearling makes? I used the console to spawn 100 Pre-War books and gave them to her five at a time and there was nothing special mentioned. --Trithemius 10:22, 16 November 2008 (UTC)

Considerable Loot Nearby[]

I think this should be added, even if it doesn't really have to do with the Library. Many of you must have noticed that practically right across the street from the library's door is a parking lot where a single raider (in my case female) stands on the window of a ruined three-story building, 44-magnuming the hell out of passersby (meaning you). Inside her trap-filled building you can find a workbench, 2 medkits, one gun cabinet, one footlocker, one ammo box, a bed, and 4 safes, 2 of which are very easy, one average, and one hard. There's also various drugs and food scattered about the place. I just think it should be considered since the loot is more than great, I got 2 or 3 scoped magnums from it, and it's quite a neat place to camp out. --Penumbra 03:22, 10 December 2008 (UTC)

It's actually mentioned in the article that it is across the street from Alexandria Arms and said loot is described in the page for the building. Templarion 03:32, 10 December 2008 (UTC)

Hadn't noticed the Alexandria Arms... must be further down the road. Thanks --Penumbra 03:51, 10 December 2008 (UTC)

What about the sewer next to the Talon Company Outpost? It has a lot of ammo in the lower level behind the locked dor. AmnesiaBR 10:55, 19 January 2009 (UTC)

Doesn't resemble actual Arlington Public Library[]

I noted in the Trivia section that someone posted that the library building in the game resembled "the Arlington Public Library". I've been to all of the branches (my wife works for Arlington County) and I can tell you that the in-game library looks nothing like any of the public libraries in the area, either Arlington or Alexandria. I have not been able to locate historical images, however, so it could be based on a building that has since been torn down. It is also possible that the devs were just going for a scaled-down Library of Congress style structure. Just my $.02. -- 14:14, 31 March 2009 (UTC)

  • It probably is Library of Congress, someone (Jameson?) mentions like that: "I also have scribe Yearling in the Library of Congress". Rothessy 09:54, 14 August 2009 (UTC)

Fresh Apple[]

Ok in the women's bathroom next to the trash can, there is a fresh apple, no joke... go look for your self!--OfficerBlue 13:13, 4 May 2009 (UTC)

(Confirmed on Xbox 360) Nice find, mate. Hehehe... BrenMan 94 23:06, 14 May 2009 (UTC)

I can't find any trace of this delicious mystery toilet-apple in either of the two women's bathrooms in the library, but I just wanted to say while I was looking for it I noticed one of the Paladins regularly comes and stands in one of the stalls (in the women's bathroom near the entrance), where he stares into the bowl for a few minutes before leaving. 12:59, March 16, 2010 (UTC)
Reloaded an older save game and it's definitely there - I assume it got picked up and eaten by the wandering Paladin, who seemed to have taken a fair bit of damage at some point (presumably the fight with the raiders in the central room). 13:30, March 16, 2010 (UTC)

Jukebox Trailer[]

In front of the Library entrance (West) there's a Nuka-Cola truck with three jukeboxes inside of it. Turning all of these on can give you a good, full surround-sound experience for the GNR radio. BrenMan 94 22:53, 14 May 2009 (UTC)

Whoa, pretty cool[]

Yikes, look what I found: [1]. This stuff, in theory, places a journal in the library. Using that journal results in a nice flashback. In theory, because it is incomplete.--Amitakartok 21:33, 14 June 2009 (UTC)

That's a third party mod for the game, just like any other mod. I don't see what's "Yikes" or unique about it.

  • Sign your posts. Anyway, are you trying to say every mod for FO3 is the same? And this one is quite different from most of the others, as they usually give you a huge house (fully stocked armory and pantry of course, with respawning ammo containers), the option to have sex with Amata, because apparently a lot of people want that, a Fat Man that fires 250 mini-nukes at once, or a huge overhaul pack because apparently no one likes what Bethesda did with this game and want to create their own. This one expands your childhood in Fallout Wiki, something that no other mod has ever did or attempted to do. If you still think this is "just like any other mod", then you obviously don't care about the story and just want to shoot raiders. Or something. Yukabacera 06:56, April 5, 2010 (UTC)

Talon Company Merc Camp[]

If you're facing the Library and you look to your right you'll see a road. It's hard to notice because much of the opening is covered in rubble. However if you go down this road you'll come to an intersection, you can only go right because the left is covered by rubble. By this time you may have already encountered the mercs. I came across 3 of them, along with a sentry bot and a turret. They took up residence in the crater of a small building just down the street to the right. However when I began to approach their camp a Vertibird flew right overhead and bombed them, so it looked. I saw 2 explosions resembling a Fat Man explosion. The Vertibird never landed and it flew over pretty fast, so I'm pretty sure it was a bombing run. I'm not sure if it was a BoS or an Enclave Vertibird. There was a large loot of flamer fuel and 2 rockets. There was also a workbench and a safe with standard loot. I have all the DLCs on the 360, so I am not sure if this was recently added. I don't see this workbench listed under workbench locations. Anyone else come across this, I was on my way to the ferry to Point Lookout. Berkbelts 21:49, 23 June 2009 (UTC)

Raider Camp[]

If you come out of the Library and you follow the highway going west you come across a turret on top of a bridge. There turns out to be a blockaded Raider camp defending the area just past the bridge. I encountered around 4-5 Raiders, one with a missile launcher, and of course the turret. There was a considerable amount of custom weapon's parts in the camp. Has anyone else come across this? Tallon05 20:50, 19 July 2009 (UTC)

Yes. I have seene the raiders camp there[]

I have seen this camp. There was a lot of loot there too.

Unable to enter Arlington Library[]

I play on the PS3 Game of the Year edition, and now I can't get into the library. I've played about 30 hours (real time) since it first wouldn't let me in, and it still hasn't resolved itself. I think there are items inside of the library that are causing this glitch. On my sweep through of the library during Moira's quest, I picked up damn near every item in the library (useless or otherwise). When I left, I took what I wanted with me, and I let the rest in a few locations (one of which was the Nuka Cola machine that is on its side in the first area of the library). I came back to the library on multiple occasions to give the scribe my Pre-War Books, and nothing went wrong. Eventually, I decided I'd start working on cleaning out the library. I took 250 pounds of useless crap from the Nuka Cola machine that is on its side, sold it, saved the game, and returned. Ever since then, I haven't been able to get back in. I've done everything I can think of to fix this, but nothing seems to work. I've waited for more than 3 full days outside of the library, killed and destroyed the bodies of anybody even remotely near the outside of the library, played a long time in other parts of the game, and nothing has helped.

Too long; didn't read: Do you know how to fix the bug that prevents you from entering the library?


I just found this: in the lobby area, there's a room that looks kinda like an executive's office. (there's two couches and four destroyed paintings in it) I don't exactly remember how you get to it, but I think you have to climb the stairs in the library room (with all the shelves and books and stuff). There should be a door there, and it leads to a hallway. I think there's three rooms in the hallway, one of these is the office I'm talking about. Anyway, in the office, on a shelf on the wall, are two plaques. If you look really closely on one of them, it says "Germantown Police Department"! Quite strange. Yukabacera 17:31, March 14, 2010 (UTC)

Only 10 Pre-War Books[]

There's only 10 Pre-War Books in this place. The one near the Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor in a room with the pool table doesn't exist. And I think it's not a bug. Since I've checked it in my 7 playthroughs(using old save of course). Every time I am out of Arlington Library, I only have 10 Pre-War Books with me.

There are only 3 in the lobby area. The last 2 listed on page must be from a mod (talk on it below "one more book").

Mistake in article[]

The Arlington Library article says there is a "Talon company camp" nearby and there's a link to said location's article, but this is wrong. Who ever added this information probably mistook the words "camp" and "outpost", as it is the Talon outpost that is located near the Library. This should be corrected to avoid further confusion. Assassinador 22:54, March 20, 2011 (UTC)

Mary from the Republic of Dave seen in Children's Wing[]

I recently went on the Survival Guide quest to the Arlington Library and within the Children's Wing. I am playing on the xbox 360. Additionally, I am playing a very evil character who slaughtered everyone in the Republic of Dave except the children. They fled outside of the city's walls and I imagine somehow the AI scripted her to wander all the way to this location. If anyone else has seen Mary or the other Republic of Dave children in the Arlington Library, please confirm and add it to the page. I have posted this same message on Mary's page. 05:22, May 21, 2011 (UTC)

The Arlington Library in Fallout 3 is clearly based off of Central Library in Arlington, VA (http://library.arlingtonva.us/locations/central-library/), not the Library of congress, which is in D.C. I am from this area, and it is pretty obvious based on location and the building that this is what it was modeled after. Just thought this would be an interesting note for fallout fans. 04:04, March 5, 2012 (UTC)

Another Book[]


I have found another Pre-War book in a metal box on a shelf in a room in the lobby section. Room location is marked with a red rectangle in the screenshot. I use a mod to replenish containers; if you can't find it, it can be because of this mod. BlueScreenError (talk) 00:08, February 14, 2013 (UTC)

Lobby Loot[]

I did not see the fresh apple in the women's bathroom but there were 2 cherry bombs in the sink.--Heilspawn 17:03, November 14, 2014 (UTC)
