Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


  • Bugs

The Legion 'jailer' Alexis (that is what I'm assuming she is) disappears after dying, so you need to have your lockpick skill high enough to pick the locks on the jail cells. (X360)

It's Alexus, quite obviously a man by lookin at him, not to mention there's no female legionaires.-- 21:47, November 15, 2010 (UTC)

Failed for Straying from Reynolds[]

When Reynolds runs to alert you of the quest/situation if you keep moving and he isn't able to catch you before the leash mechanic causing him to not wander too far from his spawn area kicks in you will automatically fail the quest even if you haven't talked to him yet (xbox360). -- 21:42, December 2, 2010 (UTC)

Alexus is hostile[]

I'm Accepted with the Legion (though I was Vilified before I got the Mark of Caesar) and the recruits in the cave are friendly to me, but Alexus is hostile. If I wear Legion armor, he's not hostile but has no dialogue (just Goodbye). Is this a bug? 22:58, January 29, 2011 (UTC)

IDK if its a bug, but it is annoying. I just hid in the shadows and sniped everyone. There was some decent loot there too!--SoySauceSamurai 23:29, August 5, 2011 (UTC)

As soon as I completed this and stopped talking to Renolds, two lakelurks appeared in the road beside us and attacked. On Xbox360.TheJoebiusStrip (talk) 06:08, January 14, 2013 (UTC)

After I rescued the two soldiers from the cave when I went outside the Legion dudes were cool but Alexus was hostile and shot at me.
