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Fallout Wiki


I just took this perk and it may effect your running speed not attack speed. Logically speaking I should have seen my DPS go up. It did not, but I appeared to be running faster. --LordVukodlak 07:09, September 21, 2011 (UTC)

  • I just looked at the perk in the GECK. No movement speed increase, only attack speed. Also, in my opinion this is the best lvl50 perk, specially if you use VATS.--BSMaker 20:20, September 21, 2011 (UTC)

I did some further testing myself and found the running speed was indeed just my imagination but still It didn't appear to increase my attack speed. Didn't test the AP reduction though.--LordVukodlak 21:29, September 21, 2011 (UTC)

  • Were you using an automatic? Doesn't seem like this perk reduces AP costs like Fast Shot does btw, maybe the AP regeneration was to be a different VATS benefit from it in that way. Furoar 15:42, October 19, 2011 (UTC)

do u have to maintain karma at bad or evil to get the perk to work or is only a requierment to get it ? -- 21:24, September 21, 2011 (UTC)

The implication of the perk is you used to be a villian but not anymore. So no remaining evil shouldn't be a requirement.(especially as it resets our karma to 0).--LordVukodlak 21:29, September 21, 2011 (UTC)

Like the other two level 50 perks, it is "set" when you take it. You can alter your karma either way afterwards. --FourWayDiablo(talk) 15:53, September 23, 2011 (UTC)

Stacks with Fast Shot, I assume?[]

Does this multiply or accumulate with Fast Shot? I mean, does it increase ROF by 40% total with both, or by 44%? Not that it's much of a difference, but the combination of the two is scary either way. Also, does this perk suffer from the same glitchy behavior as Fast Shot? (Those who have used Fast Shot probably know what I mean - madly clicking in real-time sometimes results in the weapon being hesitant to fire at all.) I can't wait to see how the two perform together... and how many shots I can squeeze off in one VATS round, lol. A 40% ROF boost (or 44%?) seems kind of overpowered... and the bonus to AP regeneration just makes it even sillier! 01:42, September 29, 2011 (UTC)

  • Try stacking it with Rushing Water. Pretty much every semi-auto weapon gets screwed animations that way.-- 23:14, September 29, 2011 (UTC)

Stacking with slayer[]

How does the attack speed stack with the slayer perk?

Does this affect automatic weapons[]

Based on some testing, it appears Fast Shot and Trigger Discipline do not affect rate of fire or spread on automatic weapons, I was curious if anyone had tested this as well? I ran a timed test in the SINK, one with Trigger Discipline and one with Fast Shot, and in both cases an Assault Carbine (GRA) emptied X number of clips in the EXACT same amount of time. The DPS of the weapon under both perks also remained the same. I would be very curious to see if anyone around lvl 50 could run a similar timed test to conclude if this functions in the same way. I'm also curious if automatic Melee and Unarmed weapons like the Chainsaw and Industrial Hand would benefit from this at all.

Aonaran 14:26, October 10, 2011 (UTC)

Nope. It doesn't. The same applied for Rushing Water and Fast Shot. None of these things affect attack speed of automatic weapons. I tested this with Gatling Laser and LMG, using a watch. Then, I pulled out my Medicine Stick. With Medicine Stick and all those bonuses, the attack speed is pretty hilarious. The question is, is this a glitch? Or was this intended? Dark wizzie (talk) 10:43, January 7, 2016 (UTC)

I have tested this perk in an even more precise way: By changing its speed bonus to x2 instead of x1.2. This makes margin of error irrelevant. It is very clear to me that Medicine Stick is on steroids while Gatling and LMG continue to fire at default speed. No stopwatch needed for such a drastic speed shift. Dark wizzie (talk) 11:46, January 7, 2016 (UTC)

AP Cost reduction, really?[]

Can somebody confirm the reduction of AP Cost with this perk?

I just tried this with the Fast Shot Perk and the YCS/186. It didn't seem to make a difference if I had the perk or not. After two shots (AG10, Action Boy II) I always ended up with 23AP left.

So my assumption is that there may be an increased attack speed, but no reduction of AP Cost. I didn't check G.E.C.K, though.

( 15:38, October 19, 2011 (UTC))

  • It appears that an increase of rate of fire is not necessarily a decrease in AP costs, as may have been misleading from the Fast Shot trait if there are people on the web jumping to conclusions. "25% faster AP regeneration" makes sense as something in its place, though maybe we're getting glitched - does rushing water offer an AP benefit? Furoar 17:40, October 19, 2011 (UTC)
  • There is an AP cost reduction of 20% listed in the GECK, but it seems to be using the wrong entry point. Math Wrath and Fast Shot both use "Modify AP Cost", but Ain't Like That Now uses "Calculate Weapon Attack AP Cost". If you change it to "modify AP Cost", it works as intended, although it seems rather overpowered to have both a decreased AP cost and an increased AP regen. Dwaz 11:50, October 30, 2011 (UTC)
  • ROFL...yea..they used the wrong entry point for reducing AP cost indeed. The entry point "Calculate Weapon Attack AP Cost" only runs when the player attacks outside of VATS according to the GECK website. lol..only reduce AP cost outside of VATS attack is entirely pointless.Mr01

Even thou I agree with you that this I a programming error I am skeptical to that it should be stated as a bug since it's not mentioned in the game. The creators of the game probably skipped the "reduction part" in the perk description when they didn't succeed on getting it working.--GW.one (talk) 18:49, January 12, 2013 (UTC)

Two level 50 perks?[]

What would happen if I used the Goodsprings glitch to get this perk and Just Lucky I'm Alive? Would they interfere with each other, like maybe cancelling out the immunity to critical hits or something? I would test it myself, but I only have the 360 version, so I can't use the console to make it easier. 23:05, July 1, 2012 (UTC)

How on Earth can you get positive karma there? Bad karma can be done by add items to owned containers, then take it out one by one. Positive? Nada.Laclongquan (talk) 08:56, March 8, 2013 (UTC)
actually you can get them both. While in Goodsprings take a perk early on that provides +10% experience. Level up to 50 and take the first perk. When you leave Goodsprings and rebuild your character if you don't take the extra experience perk you won't go all the way to level 50. I used the skilled trait expliot and took the experience perks all 3 levels so when I rebuilt I only went back up to level 47ish.--Zarda123 (talk) 02:24, March 10, 2016 (UTC)


Okay, so I deleted some strategy from here. "A way to gain the negative karma before reaching level 50 is to go on a stealing frenzy, without being caught. This lowers your karma, but doesnt reduce faction reputation."

Shouldn't this be deleted? I mean no strategy right?

"'The One, The Only, The Gunslinger!" Monster of the East, huh? Well, I've got the Monster of the West in my holster right now. 15:28, March 26, 2013 (UTC)

Ain't like that now broken?[]

Just hit lvl 50 and took ain't like that now, but my dps displayed on pipboy is still the same, and i don't notice any difference on rate of fire either. is this perk broken?
