Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


I found nothing in the foot locker

Playing 360 with no updates--Brett Moan 04:36, 16 June 2009 (UTC)

I found power armor in poor condition, playing PS3, but am level 20. Possibly level based?

I found a power fist, poor condition power armor, and a power helmet (as well as darts and some misc. junk) in the footlocker at level 30, so it seems it probably is leveled.


Where is it safe to store my stuff inside the tent?

The containers in the tent seem to be relatively safe to store your items I put items in and went to Point Lookout and back which takes a month but I'm might be wrong.


I love this tent. My character has been living there for about an in-game month. I visit it regularly, and no items have disappeared from inside the containers so far. Other decorations are fine too (even a rake I left outside!). Some people say it's too far away from map-markers to fast travel, but the walking distance from the SatCom Array NN-03d isn't much longer than walking to your home in Megaton or Tenpenny. For some reason a single raider spawned nearby once. I took his body far away, just to be safe. Otherwise, the area is very quiet. There is a very distinctive silence inside the tent... There are no ambient sounds. It feels like it's isolated from the rest of the world. I love it.


Am I the only one that hears weird squishing noises inside the tent? Gary 42 05:51, May 24, 2011 (UTC)
