Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Quest relevance[]

I'd like to create a new version of this page, but I couldn't get into this building without the console, even after completing the quest. What's "supposed" to happen with it? Neenish Tart 11:16, September 20, 2009 (UTC)

I did the protectection for blood packs things, but Alan never moved in, here 200 gameplay hours and a completed game later (this was like my first quest). I never was hostile with the family and have talked with Alan. weird, and annoying because I need that last Pugilism to get 100 in Unarmed

New bug?[]

Sooo...imagine my surprise when I came in the house...Alan was running around and wouldn't talk, and then (in front of my own eyes) a hostile Sentry Bot spawned in the northwest corner of the first floor. Alan fired the first shot but of course he was dead after one go of the bot's Gatling Laser. I understand there's a lot of "incongruous spawn" bugs but this is by far the most extreme one I've seen. Has anyone else experienced this? 05:50, July 5, 2011 (UTC)
