Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Enclave Soldier[]

The enclave checkpoint north west of the car fort had an enclave soldier and an enclave eyebot here when I was at level 4. I had not done any of the main quest yet. So can somebody explain to me why he was there?

Probably just a random encounter, like the Enclave patrols at Rockbreaker's last Gas and outside Dukov's place that can also be encountered at any level, regardless of your progress in the main quest. 06:55, September 5, 2009 (UTC)


This was a weird one. I can't fathom why this place is prominently marked on the map, as though it is important. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with anything. No quests, no items, and no explanation. Something cut from the game? Bl1nd5ch1z0 21:50, February 20, 2010 (UTC)

'Cause they could. Why are the Five Axles Rest Stop or the Lil' Tyke Playhouse marked? Nitty Tok. 21:52, February 20, 2010 (UTC)

It's very similar to the inside of Rivet City's Marketplace. If you notice carefully, there's 1 inaccessible door, 2 blocked off booths and 1 empty booth. What makes me think that the inaccessible door was originally meant to be used to house another merchant is that if you remove the 3 pieces of scrap in front of the door, there's a chalkboard blocking off the entrance to an empty room. I gotta admit, this made me stop and pause for a minute while I'm continuing to mod my fallout 3 Car Fort City Gamesave. I plan on using it at some point, but not sure when.Hellrazordirty 12:42, October 29, 2012
