Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

*doors burst open*[]

What have you people done with Governor Dodge?! Nitty Tok. 20:58, September 17, 2010 (UTC)

  • bang* haha I just shot the president in the face with a grenade launcher, this gonna be fun.

"FREEZE!!!" *A tall, angry looking man wearing an Armored Vault 13 Jumpsuit and a fully upgraded Hunting Shotgun blasts in the door* "Make another move and I'll do things to you I was gonna do to Cook-Cook. Do you REALLY want wake up every morning with jumper cables zapping your tongue? That's just the warm up for the day, and every day the torture will get worse you LEGION WHORE!"

Do you

A)Run B)Fight C)Surrender D)Pray to God that this pissed off Vaultie grants you mercy

TJbrena 23:23, January 5, 2011 (UTC)


are there any consequences if you let him die during his speech while sided with the ncr/yes man?

No, people just become upset that the president died.

if u report to moore that kimball was assassinated u gain NCR infamy too--N00BHUNTER666 18:05, December 28, 2010 (UTC)

Arizona killer[]

Has anyone noticeed that if you dont do the arizona killer quest, people still say you killed Kimball? 23:25, November 13, 2010 (UTC)

Rise and Shine[]

Does anyone else think he looks like the Gman from Half Life?-- 02:11, November 27, 2010 (UTC)

Slightly RolandVH 04:17, December 9, 2010 (UTC)

Lemme see. Change the suit color, make the hair black, lighten the skin till he looks pale, change the eyes, and add a suitcase Gorilla Glued to his hand, and.... HOLY SHIT!!! The G-Man can travel to different universes, not just alternate dimensions with physics identical to our own! TJbrena 23:28, January 5, 2011 (UTC)

After the speech?[]

In the game it sounds like he says "OK let's get the fuck out of here. What are you waiting for you think I want to get shot" or something along that. Has has anyone heard this? Should it be added as a note?

Do you think...[]

That he's the embodiment of incompetence?

He was named after President Kimball from Captain America?

Lonesome Road[]

Does the quest where you have to save/kill him change if the NCR is nuked during Lonesome Road? I ask this because the artical says he dies if NCR are nuked. However what if this mission has not been completed yet? WilliamDouglasCampbell 11:30, September 24, 2011 (UTC)

Is there a connection between President Kimball from Fallout and President Kimball from Captain America 1990? I'm is it just coincidence or a joke?

My opinion on NCR and their leaders[]

Colonel Moore has a serious way of doing things i.e blowing up the brotherhood. While the Gen. is not evil, he is the reason the NCR hasn't gotten further in there main mission: to get the Mojave annexed. Also, I think I'd like workin' with hsu more than moore, who has the right idea but is backed only by the General's current position. Also, those crybabies who are the Mojave resident are ungrateful for what the NCR is trying to do for them. They are single-handling fighting there greatest enemy for the greater good of there citizens as well as to look good in the eyes of the people of New Vegas.--For NCR 19:11, March 5, 2012 (UTC)

Goddamn Bear-hugger! -- User:Azeroan

I approve of this post. NCR above all. I-disregard-gravity (talk) 17:32, May 22, 2014 (UTC)

Age Discrepancy[]

The page currently says Kimball was born in 2229, which would make him 52 during the game. However, during his radio broadcast of Kimball's death, Mr. New Vegas says he's 48. Where does his date of birth as currently listed come from? Drake Clawfang (talk) 04:39, March 19, 2014 (UTC)


Does anyone know why people keep saying the president is dead even though i havent been to the hoover dam yet?-- 03:45, August 21, 2014 (UTC)
