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Fallout Wiki


I'm guessing that if you kill the Tech guy, the NCR will hate you, plus, because it also draws power from the NCR reactors, I'm guessing everytime you use it, some NCR town will go dark for a while. Mr White 19:21, July 17, 2010 (UTC)

I don't think so. Remember, "Fantastic" tells you that when you visit the plant, it's running at 1% capacity. There's not much to miss. Besides, the fact that you can only fire it once a day indicates that the pulse must come from some energy storage bank, capacitors or batteries, rather than from line power directly. Wunengzi 08:09, January 11, 2011 (UTC)

Real world tech[]

Real world technology is not too far from being able to produce a weapon like this. I've been keeping tabs on laser technology progression. Kris (talk) 20:23, July 17, 2010 (UTC)

Reagan tried doing this for 10 years. Mr White 11:41, July 18, 2010 (UTC)
According to the scientists, we would've had it by now should they have continued working on it. Still Star Wars was only a way of breaking the Soviet's back economy wise, along with Valkyrie and other projects. Reminds me of Blofeld's laser in Diamonds are Forever, just a hell of a lot bigger...--KnightNapier 23:07, October 13, 2010 (UTC)

Van Buren Reference?[]

Wasn't there going to be a computer named ARCHIMEDES in Van Buren, and since this is in the same place, it could be a reference. I didnt want to edit the article for the sake of unsureness, I know only bits and pieces of Van Buren. 23:41, October 23, 2010 (UTC)

GDI Ion Cannon?[]

Does anyone else think that this was inspired by the GDI Ion Cannon superweapon in the Command and Conquer games?

Yup, tracking beams and all. --Radnus 16:18, October 29, 2010 (UTC)

Missed my opportunity?[]

Was the only way to use this weapon to choose to send energy to it on the terminal during the quest? How come I can still test it afterwards? Clearly it works. Also, despite having idolized rep with the NCR, all the guards except LT. Haggerty outside Helios one are enemies to me now, yet they weren't after I finished the quest.-- 16:13, October 26, 2010 (UTC)

Edit page plz...[]

You dont have to kill or assist Fantastic to get control over it. Just arm ArchimedesII, which can be done without killing the NCR idiot tech boy. The killing of Fantastic is related to a preview of a pre-release build of NV. Killing Fantastic does NOY give you the targeting device. Also, the player version beam cannon is not nearly as powerful as the Archimedes test shot, even though previews mentioned it to be an insanely powerful weapon but with the penalty of a 24 hour recharge. It hardly ever kills anything since most will run away or are strong enough to overcome the damage. --Radnus 16:24, October 29, 2010 (UTC)

Has anyone tried calling it down right on top of Caesar's tent? I will be rather disappointed if some oilcloth can deflect it. Wunengzi 08:09, January 11, 2011 (UTC)

Yeah, it works :D I just stormed The Fort with an army (veronica companion glitch) and, yeah, I exploded the bastard with it in his tent :D --Bigcheese678 18:49, June 7, 2011 (UTC)

Dexter's Lab[]

In Dexter's Lab they have a weapon exactly like this but Dexter came first

Helios one sending out a blue beam when firing a2[]

if you fire archimedes 2 with the c finder at helios one a large blue beam is sent to archimeds two, which probably transfers the power for the shot. shouldnt this be mentioned in this article? Dariorthan (talk) 20:18, September 26, 2015 (UTC)
