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Fallout Wiki


"immune to damage"? Mine took damage. It has a visible sliver missing from its durability, and its value has droped from 40 to 39.

Dunno mate, I've been using one for ages and it's still in perfect condition.Vryheid 08:12, November 3, 2010 (UTC)
It is immune to damage, the only way for it to be destroyed is with Jury Rigging or using it to repair a regular beret. Mictlantecuhtli 17:03, November 3, 2010 (UTC)

Mine definitely takes damage. Playing on PC very hard hardcore. Need to use Jury Rigging to repair it occasionally. It takes damage slowly, got mine at level 3 and by level 30 I only had to repair it twice. Unless when you guys say indestructible you mean it can sit there with no durability and still give the crit and perception bonus.

It is immune to damage on all systems. Mictlantecuhtli 03:54, November 10, 2010 (UTC)
What do you mean by that? That it wont break/stop working when its condition gets to zero? Because mines condition goes down. And when i open just the base NV .esm in the G.E.C.K. it says it has 50 hit points, though im not sure what it would say if it was indestructible. EDIT: Checking around boone's script in the G.E.C.K i see that the repair script for that item class is in there, none of the other companions have a repair script in their script. Its part of the script dealing with him checking to see if you have taken his beret or not. I don't use him as a companion and my hat degrades, someone i know uses him and theirs doesn't degrade. Could this be it? Someone who knows more about scripting should look at this.
No, because they (there's several in the game) do not degrade when he's not a companion. Mictlantecuhtli 22:44, November 10, 2010 (UTC)
You keep saying that, but mine does, as you can see in the screen shot it's condition goes down. Unless you mean something other than CND? Maybe he does not need to be a current companion to get the script to repair it? I never even take him as a companion temporarily then tell him to go wait somewhere.
If you're playing on the PC the screenshot could easily be faked. The beret does not take damage or this would be a more hotly debated topic, which it isn't. Mictlantecuhtli 11:05, November 12, 2010 (UTC)
I think I can settle this down. Do not confuse this item with "Boone's Beret" which is given for the quest. That item can be damaged and does not provide the +5% critical. Once you finish the quest, Boone will take back his and give you this one, which is immune to damage. Flaktrooper, November 23, 2010

It shouldn't take damage because only items which occupy one of these equipments slots should do so: head, hair, upperbody. The First Recon Beret only occupies the Hat and Headband slots. --Kris User Hola 11:34, November 12, 2010 (UTC)

Interesting. Ive tracked down the problem then. The optional 'headgearfix.esp' in Lings Coiffure mod flags this as 'hair' as well as hat and headband. Ill test this in game when I get around to it, but I notice the default NV esm does not have it flagged as hair, so this would all makes sense.

Since the red beret is only used in the USA for the boy scouts of america, perhaps the beret is a reference to the movie Taps.

What are talking about? First off, its maroon not red. And there are a couple of branches of the US military who wear similar maroon berets. ReapTheChaos 11:36, January 13, 2011 (UTC)


I don't suppose somebody could get a good closeup of the patch on this thing?

Clipping issues?[]

The beret seems to clip the player character's hair as well as Boone's. Has anyone else had this?

Nope, looks perfect on the back of my head. If I zoom in on Boone, all I see is a very small sliver where it seems to clip through. It that what you see? When I think of something clipping I think major, not something as subtle as this. Maybe it depends on what hair style you chose. ReapTheChaos 11:27, January 13, 2011 (UTC)


Does the +crit chance work for followers?

Not a usual US/Germany/Finland/etc beret[]

This beret is a UK style, with a tiny, stubby flap.

Stacked Berets in Inventory[]

Does the critical chance modifier also stack if you wear more than one 1st Recon Beret? I got one from Boone and reverse pickpocketed the second one from Manny Vargas. I am unable to check this on the Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3
