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This is a transcript for dialogue with Tad Chance.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
11 005D9970 005DCC20 That's true, but... Maybe you're right. Defeated
12 005DCC37 Well... Hard to argue with that. We're not exactly the most... disciplined bunch. player's got a point
25 005DCCEC Good lookin' out, your Steeliness. Stop by again some time, okay? Friendly
26 005DCCED Thanks again, Initiate. Looking forward to doing business with ya'll. Friendly
27 005DCCEE Don't bother checking if the food's got spit in it. It will. Mad
29 005DCCF1 You jack-booted piece of shit. Scathing mad, not yelling
30 005DCCF2 Well, I hope you're planning on giving the weapons back all the same. They're ours. Getting hostile
31 005DCCF3 Dangerous or not; doesn't make a lick of difference: these weapons are ours. Stern
40 005D9971 005D9CAD You have your orders. Is there something else you need from me? Straight forward
41 005DCC8B My wife, Gloria, handles all inquiries. I'm on my break. Playing around
42 005DCC8C Hurry back now, "your Steeliness." Playing around
43 005DCC8D You know, we really are looking forward to working with y'all... But, your attitude here has me second-guessing. A bit annoyed
44 When you get back, let's start fresh. I'm sure we just got off on the wrong foot is all. A little unsure, but trying to be friendly
45 005DCC8E Mike was just telling us about what happened out there... Terrible... I'm glad he's alright, at least. Heard sad news
46 005DCC8F Uh... Where the hell is everyone else? Really suspicious of the player
47 005DCC90 Don't look at me, Gloria handles all the business. Blowing the player off, a little playful
48 005DCC91 I think it's about time you got the hell outta here. Pissed
53 005DCCF5 Good luck out there. See you soon. Friendly
131 005DCB42 005DCC80 Aw shit... childish
135 005DCB45 005DCC03 Oh, c'mon now. A little annoyed
136 005DCB47 005DCC2C You're not going to make me do push-ups are you? Sorta joking, sorta not
141 005DCB51 005DCC50 Don't let the door hit you on the way out... you jack-booted piece of shit. Fuming mad
159 005DCB67 005DCC2A Keep in mind, you guys gotta hold up your end of the deal too. Friendly
161 005DCB6D 005DCC41 Whoa, for real? Damn. Actually grateful
162 005DCB6E 005DCC51 Uh, you know there's a whole town of Raiders that want us dead, right? A bit of disbelief
169 005DCB76 005DCC78 Do we, though? Can we really trust this "Brotherhood" if they'll just take whatever they want when they want? with spite
170 005DCB7A 005DCC96 Help? Well, I see you've got our weapons. You could start by giving them back. I told you: we bought 'em fair and square. Frustrated
171 005DCC97 Naw... We're just happy you could get Mike back to us safely. Thankful
172 005DCB7B 005DCC04 I'm still trying to wrap my head around it... Grief stricken
173 005DCB7C 005DCC4E Murderer... No better than a Raider... Angry, under his breath a bit
175 005DCB82 005DCC00 This doesn't just square things away. I hope you know that. Still mad
176 005DCB84 005DCC5E Hold up. Not only did our boys die out there... But you killed Mike because he wouldn't hand over OUR weapons? Did I just hear that right? Heart broken, emphasis on "our", growing anger
177 I think it's time you gave back those weapons and got on outta here. Doing everything he can not to kill the player
178 005DCB85 005DCC33 Mike... killed them all? For real? Having a hard time believing it
179 005DCB86 005DCC0A Oh man... T-that's rough. Heart broken
184 005DCB8E 005DCC47 Well, speak of the devil. Nuetral
207 005DCBB1 005DCC9D They're pulling your leg, hun. Snarky, to his wife, "they're just joking around, chill out"
208 005DCC9E You really think someone rolling up in Power Armor like that is here about Mac & Cheese? They're pulling your leg, hun. Snarky, NOT annoyed though, he likes her naivety
230 005DCBDA 005DCC55 Sure thing. We got weapons alright, Initiate. You Brotherhood guys make some high quality gear. Cocky
231 005DCBDB 005DCC2B Let's simmer down now, nothing to get all demandsive about. Besides, the stuff we got is on the level... Trying to calm things down
232 Unless you Brotherhood guys are making "illegal" weapons, I mean. A little snark. The "illegal" part is being quoted back at the player, so a bit of spite in it.
233 005DCBDC 005DCC9C Tell me if this sounds familiar: tubes of explosive death with your logo on the side? trying to be funny about it
234 005DCBDE 005DCC5D Oh... Well. The stuff we got definitely has your logos on it. Really sure of himself
235 005DCBE0 005DCC31 Oh, uh, sure. Or, no, actually. Realizing he can't
236 005DCBE2 005DCC08 Yeesh. Listen, I couldn't fork them over even if I wanted to. Getting a little annoyed
237 Some of our guys took them for a test run a little while ago. They're probably up by the East Mountain Lookout. Still annoyed
241 005DCBE4 005DCC3C Some guys from the town watch took them out for testing a little earlier.
242 I'm sure you can catch up with them, they normally practice at a small site they set up near the East Mountain Lookout, a bit North of here.
245 005DCBEB 005DCC1D Ooo-oo-ooh! Mocking the player spitefully. "oooh you're so scary!"
248 005DCBF0 005DCC53 Well, I'm the one who spent all our caps on 'em, so the least I can do is be the one answering questions about 'em. Snarky
249 005DCBF2 005DCC29 I know a guy, who knows a guy. I don't know the guy he knows, though. playful
250 My guy buys this and that from caravans and traders. He drops by here when he finds something interesting.
251 He didn't mention where he got these from. Just said he thinks he got a good deal on them. So he gave me a slightly less good deal. Friendly
252 005DCBF4 005DCC99 Um... Good? I mean, they're weapons, right? Shouldn't weapons be dangerous? Confused by the question
253 I'm not about to sign up for guard duty-I'm a lover, not a fighter, but- Being playful. Emphasis on "I'M"
254 005DCBF6 005DCC5A 'Cept they do, though. We bought 'em. I've got receipts, if you want to see 'em. They're handwritten, but we keep everything on the books here. Slightly annoyed by the player being presumptuous
255 005DCBF8 005DCC2E Pft. Can anyone live "peacefully" these days? Raiders, Mutants, giant sonic-boom screamin' bats. Outrageous comment from the player
256 You telling me you didn't bump into something nasty on your walk over here? C'mon now. Isn't buying the player's comment
257 005DCBFA 005DCC06 Okay then.
259 005DCBFC 005DCC39 Oh hush, you. Playful
260 005DCBFD 005DCC6E Like I was saying, I'm no guard, but I would want to be equipped with the deadliest of weapons if I was, follow me? Straightfoward


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
2 005D9969 005D99A2 Hey there, stranger. Don't mind me. Just got a bit of this and that to do. Friendly
11 005E57E2 If you're here for business, my wife, Gloria, is the brains of this operation. I just stack boxes and crack jokes. Friendly
12 005E57E3 Well, well, well, if it isn't the grand herald of Steel, gracing us once again with their presence. Friendly
13 005E57E4 I think I got the wrong read on you Brotherhood types. Foundation and ya'll will get along just fine. Friendly
14 005E57E5 It can't make up for the guys we lost... but I'm glad that something good came out of all this. What you did for us was real kind. A little somber, sincere
15 005E57FC You again... Really? Did you forget to hold me up by my ankles and shake my lunch money out? Hates the player
16 005E57FD 'Scuse me, but I'm trying to be an actual human being here. Imperialist bootlickers needs to stay outside. Hates the player
18 005E57D9 005E57E6 How are ya? Friendly
19 005E57E7 Ooh! Don't step on that! Playing a joke
20 Ha, gotcha. "Haha, I fooled you"
21 005E57E8 Heya. Friendly
22 005E57E9 You again. Smoldering
23 005E57EA What now? Smoldering
24 005E57EB Get on outta here. Smoldering