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Fallout Wiki

Dialogue for Trent Barrister, a guard for the Water Merchants


{100}{}{Stay away from me! Leave me alone!}
{101}{}{Hello stranger. You shouldn't be out here. There's only death out here!}
{102}{}{You wouldn't happen to know anything about missing caravans?}
{103}{}{Who are you?}
{104}{}{What kind of death?}
{105}{}{I need some supplies. Hand them over!}
{106}{}{I'm looking for a water chip. Can you help me?}
{107}{}{I was wondering what you know about the Death Claw.}
{108}{}{Rurr? Sniff?}
{109}{}{What do you want! Leave me alone!}
{110}{}{Rrr. Snrg.}
{111}{}{Big! Big! The size of three men! Claws as long as my forearm! Ripped apart! Ripped apart!}
{112}{}{Yes. What else?}
{113}{}{Calm down, man. You're safe now.}
{114}{}{Man, that sounds like one ugly son of a bitch!}
{115}{}{Did you kill it?}
{116}{}{I'm Trent. I'm a guard for the Water Merchants. Our caravan was attacked . . . by a monster! So huge, so fast. It ate Joe, and took rifle shots and didn't flinch! So huge!}
{117}{}{What attacked you?}
{118}{}{Sounds like a kind of mutant.}
{119}{}{That sounds like the Death Claw!}
{120}{}{Well, that'll teach you to keep jacking up your prices!}
{121}{}{Fine. It's not like I need 'em any more.}
{122}{}{Water chip! I'm a guard, not an engineer! Check with the water merchants at the Hub, they'd probably know!}
{123}{}{Death Claw!}
{124}{}{What are you doing? Leave me alone!}
{125}{}{I . . . I don't know. I haven't slept in so long. Hungry. Thirsty. Tired. I need to get home.}
{127}{}{Huge horns, sick red skin, like something out of a story about demons, and it ate Joe in three gulps . . .}
{128}{}{Nobody's safe! Nobody's safe, nobody's safe any more, and what am I going to do . . .}
{129}{}{Are you crazy! I put three rounds from my Desert Eagle into it, and it didn't even flinch!}
{130}{}{I don't care if it's a mutant, an alien, or a demon from Hell, I never want to see another one of those things as long as I live!}
{131}{}{I'm just a guard, dammit! Don't blame me! And they pay me well! I don't have any problems with them!}
{132}{}{How can I help you?}
{133}{}{Death Claws got 'em. I just thought they were stories, but . . . you wouldn't believe how big they are, or how fast. First we smelled them, then they came over the ridge and tore into us. We all ran, and somehow I got away.}
{134}{}{Trent, Trent Barrister. I live in the Hub. Lately work's been getting scarce, and I'm a pretty good shot, so I hired myself as a guard to the Water Merchants. Pay's good, the risk's low - or so I thought.}
{135}{}{I haven't a clue. That's old tech, ain't it? I suppose scavengers might find one, now and a gain, but I wouldn't begin to know where to look. No one uses them any more - do they?}
{136}{}{They're huge. Like big lizards, but leathery. Huge claws, and teeth, huge horns and they love the taste of humans. And fast, God they're fast. I'm just glad they decided not to chase me, or I'd be dead.}
{137}{}{Thanks. Maybe what happened was just a misunderstanding. I don't have much money, but it's yours now.}
{138}{}{Thanks. Oh God, that's good . . . I don't have much money, but it's yours now.}
{139}{}{Thanks. Maybe what happened was just a misunderstanding. I don't have much money, but . . . damn! I must have dropped it. It's yours now.}
{140}{}{Thanks. Oh God, that's good . . . I don't have much money, but . . . damn! I must have dropped it. It's yours now.}
{141}{}{Help me!}
# TRANSLATION NOTE: The following two lines are identical in English, but they # differ in foreign translations. The first line is for the case of the # player-character masculine ("my friend" will be masculine); the second line is # for the case of the player-character feminine ("my friend" will be feminine).
{142}{}{The smell of death, my friend. The smell of death . . .}
{143}{}{The smell of death, my friend. The smell of death . . .}
