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Sylvie was a Vault 22 dweller who, along with more than one hundred[1] survivors, escaped the vault.


After Randall Clark's one-man, year-long, guerilla war on the Vault 22 survivors, Sylvie decided to abandon the group in order to escape abuse by its male members, as well as avoid the sickness that they carried from the vault. On January 13, 2097, she stepped on one of Randall's bear traps at Cueva Guarache. Her pained screams lured Randall into investigating, and the way she was crying compelled Randall into sparing her. Upon revealing himself, Sylvie screamed in terror, likely realizing that he was the one that had been killing the vault dwellers. Afterwards, Randall took Sylvie in and nursed her back to health.

She did not know how to survive outside of a vault, but wanted to learn.[2] By September 9, 2100, the relationship blossomed and she was pregnant with Randall's child, Michael.[3] However, Michael was born breech, and eventually died due to complications during delivery. Randall gave Sylvie an anesthetic to put her out while he attempted a Caesarean section. He was too late and Sylvie never regained consciousness, dying along with their child. He buried them both south of the Narrows. Being by their sides comforted him, as he never got to say goodbye to Charlotte or Alex when they died upon the outbreak of the Great War.[4]

Before her death, Sylvie was a trusting and religious person, specifically referring to the Vault 22 survivors as "children of the devil"[2] and saying that it was God's will that they would have their child. Randall never told her about Charlotte and Alex, not wanting to tell his young wife about the previous one who he failed.[3]


Sylvie is mentioned only in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Honest Hearts.

