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This is a transcript for dialogue with Swimming instructor.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 Swimming_Instruction_First 0042C578 Time to prove you can swim... and not just because you want a badge, but because I don't feel like dragging your sorry behinds out of the water if you can't.
2 The test is stupid simple: Put on a swimsuit, go to each buoy and get back here before time runs out.
3 Swim to them in any order, I don't care. Just make sure you hit all of them. And again: don't forget your dumb little swimsuits.
4 Also be "respectful" of any water-life you bum into, or whatever. No crying if you get bit by a snapping turtle.
5 Oh yeah, and don't drown. Then I'd have to get wet, and that'd really tick me off.
6 Okay, it's go-time: Ready... Set... Swim!
7 Swimming_Instruction_TryAgain 004178CA Listen close this time: swim to each buoy and get back here in time. Go in whatever order you want, but make sure you get them all. And don't forget your swimsuit.
8 Remember: no drowning. Ready... Set... Swim!
9 Swimming_Instruction_TryAgain_Champion 0042C576 You know the rules: hit each buoy in any order and come back here before time runs out.
10 Okay, you get it. Ready... Set... Swim!
11 Swimming_First 0042C583 Okay, twerps, listen up.
12 Swimming_TryAgain 0042C585 Ready to try again? Well, at least you're not a whining quitter, so bonus points for that.
13 0042C586 Well, look who's back for another beating. Want to give the swimming test another shot, do you?
14 0042C587 Another day, another dripping-wet failure crying for a retry at the swimming test. Okay, let's do this, then
15 Swimming_TryAgain_Champion 0042C589 Oh, look, an over-achiever back for another test. Whatever.
16 0042C58A Back for more? Alright, that's fine.
17 0042C58B You want to take the test again? Who are you trying to impress? Me, obviously, but that was rhetorical. Okay, then, go ahead.
18 M01C_Midroute_Chirps 004178C8 Don't forget to, like, come up for air every now and then. Shouting instruction, doesn't really care
19 If you're drowning out there, speak up. Shouting instruction, doesn't really care
20 Keep kicking. The water, I mean. Don't kick other kids. Shouting instruction, doesn't really care
21 You're looking like a real champ out there. Probably.
22 I should have mentioned sunscreen. Hope you brought some. Shouting instruction, doesn't really care
23 Remember to always "respect wildlife wherever you find it," even if it wants to bite your arm off. Doesn't actually care about wildlife
24 You're doing great and stuff. Not paying attention
25 I hope you didn't eat recently. Cramps can be a killer. His only genuine line. He really doesn't like swimming cramps.
26 00417A2B Hurry it up! Time is running out!
27 You're almost out of time, dorks! Swing those arms!
28 Time's almost up! Don't make me swim out there and get you.
29 M01C_Swimming_Results 004178C7 Okay, you did it. Yeah, woohoo. Make sure you dry off before going back to your bunk. Now, get out of here. Not really excited at all, if anything relieved to be done.
30 M01C_Swimming_Failure 0042B47B Wow, that was impressively bad. Come back to the start if you want to try again. Amused by your terribleness
31 0042C57D Turns out you're a loser. I never saw that coming! Come back here if you want to give it another shot.
32 0042C57E Okay, times up, doofus! You failed, pack it up. Since you didn't drown, I'll let you try again. Come on back.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 00421784 00421788 Hey! This swimming test is for Pioneer Scouts only. If you're not a Scout, scram.
2 00421789 Hey, chump! This swimming test isn't for you. Pioneer Scouts only!
3 0042178A Beat it! Don't bother trying this swimming test unless you're a Pioneer Scout.
8 0042C57C Obviously you need a swimsuit to take a swimming test. Come back when you get one.