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This is a transcript for dialogue with Svetlana.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 003F4BE3 003F4BF4 You look weak, but I will take what I can get. Welcome to training course, comrade capitalist.
2 003F4BE4 003F4BF0 I am not picky on order. Do these and we make secret agent of you, yet!
3 003F4BE5 003F4BEE Finally: Kill target. We use Protectron to test killer instinct. Any Protectron will do.
4 003F4BE6 003F4BF7 Third: Listen to mission briefing. I leave Holotape on table nearby.
5 003F4BE7 003F4BF5 Next: Craft weapon. Pipe Gun will suffice. Need weapon for killing.
6 003F4BE8 003F4BF3 First: Flip circuit breaker. This demonstrates technical know-how.
7 003F4BE9 003F4BF2 Complete course and you will be top notch double agent. There are four tasks you must complete.
8 003F4BEA 003F4BF8 Flip breaker, craft Pipe Gun, listen to Holotape, kill Protectron. These are your tasks.
9 003F4BF9 Craft Pipe Gun, listen to Holotape, kill Protectron. These are remaining tasks.
10 003F4BFA Listen to Holotape, kill Protectron. These are remaining tasks.
11 003F4BFB Craft Pipe Gun, kill Protectron. These are remaining tasks.
12 003F4BFC Craft Pipe Gun, listen to Holotape. These are remaining tasks.
13 003F4BFD Flip breaker, kill Protectron. These are remaining tasks.
14 003F4BFE All you have left is to flip breaker. Go do it!
15 003F4BFF All you have left is to craft Pipe Gun. Go do it!
16 003F4C00 All you have left is to listen to Holotape. Go do it!
17 003F4C01 All you have left is to kill Protectron. Go do it!
18 003F4C02 Flip breaker, listen to Holotape. These are remaining tasks.
19 003F4C03 Flip breaker, craft Pipe Gun. These are remaining tasks.
20 003F4C04 Flip breaker, listen to Holotape, kill Protectron. These are remaining tasks.
21 003F4C05 Flip breaker, craft Pipe Gun, kill Protectron. These are remaining tasks.
22 003F4C06 Flip breaker, craft Pipe Gun, listen to Holotape. These are remaining tasks.
23 003F4BEB 003F4BF1 Congratulations, comrade! You are now top notch secret agent.
24 I look forward to seeing what you do for Mother Russia.
25 003F4BEC 003F4BEF You are back? How is progress?