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This is a transcript for dialogue with Surge.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
302 0056FA01 0056FA23 I ain't had this much fun in... shit, how long's it been? Now stay still so I can shoot ya better! Shouting out to the player while in combat.
307 0056FA02 0056FA2D Ahh! Damn it, you almost got my shootin' arm! Getting attacked by the player.
308 0056FA2E Aw, shit! We might be in trouble, Lev! The player attacked her.
309 0056FA2F Shit! Anytime you wanna come on out and help us, Lev! The player attacked her.
310 0056FA30 Ow! Damn it, I ain't givin' up yet! The player attacked her.
311 0056FA03 0056FA14 Stay still, so I can get a bead on ya! Shouting to the player, while trying to shoot at them.
312 0056FA15 I hope you realize why I have to do this, friend. Meg was going to lead us to ruin! Shouting to the player, probably over the sounds of gunfire.
314 0056FA04 0056FA1A Shoulda stayed outta this, newbie! Now I gotta kill you! Shouting to the player, who is intruding on their base.
315 0056FA06 0056FA0C Someone's there. Keep your eyes peeled. Shouting to alert allies. They've detected the player.
318 0056FA07 0056FA20 Oh, I'll try not to make a hole in your face, so Meg can see just who we're sending back to her! Shouting down to the player from her sniper perch up above.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
12 0056F789 00585969 Sugar, unless you want to see my mean side, I suggest you head on over and bug someone else.
13 0058596A Y'all don't know how to respect a woman's privacy, now do ya?
14 0058596B Gonna be doin' some long distance target practice later. Hope I don't mistake y'all out there for one of them feral ghouls.
15 Be a real shame, I tell ya.
16 0058596C Can't a gal just relax after doin' her fair share of hard work, without some newbie comin' in with a mouthful of questions?
17 0058596D This ain't a good time, newbie. I'm fixing to go huntin' soon and I need to clear my head.
89 005834BE 0059EEF8 Look who we have here!
308 0059EEEB 0059EEF3 Yeah, they'll gut you like a fish and strip your corpse for caps, but at least they're up front about it.
309 Those Foundation settlers will gossip and lie about you behind your back. Before you know it, you have no friends.
310 Here, if I prove myself they won't judge me.
315 How did you end up here? 0059EFF4 After my Da died, I walked the Appalachian trail. Figured why not.
316 Spotted Lev in a firefight with some super mutants through my scope.
317 Thought to myself 'now that's a man I need to know better.'"
318 You look pretty comfortable with that rifle. 0059EFF1 My Da had me shooting as soon as I could hold a pistol straight.
319 He's gone now. Killed three yao-gaui with a pistol once, but couldn't stop his own ticker from quitting on him.
320 What's your name? 0059EFF5 They call me Surge. As in surgeon, but I'm no doctor.
321 I can put a round in a molerat's buck teeth at a thousand meters though.


(Bless y'all's hearts)

# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 0056F9EE 0056FA0F Heh, I will miss Molly and her supply of good booze. I ain't lookin' forward to doin' without, I tell ya that. She thinks this is all ridiculous, but she's embracing the ridiculousness of it.
2 0056F9EF 0056FA26 Like Lev says, only a matter of time 'fore one of 'em snaps and kills y'all. She thinks this is all ridiculous, but she's embracing the ridiculousness of it.
3 0056F9F0 0056FA12 Most of all, I won't miss Meg takin' in all the unnatural freaks of the Wasteland. She thinks this is all ridiculous, but she's embracing the ridiculousness of it.
4 0056F9F1 0056FA31 I will not miss sharin' a home with a walkin' corpse, and a green-skinned monster. She thinks this is all ridiculous, but she's embracing the ridiculousness of it.
5 0056F9F2 0056FA10 So yeah, I know I won't miss y'all cheatin' at cards. I'm lookin' at you, Johnny. She thinks this is all ridiculous, but she's embracing the ridiculousness of it.
6 I can target a chipmunk's nuts at two thousand yards with my fifty cal, and y'all don't think I see you slippin' that ace outta your sleeve? Please!
7 0056F9F3 0056FA1C Guess it's like a final 'fuck you,' to y'all or something. I dunno. I just do what he says. She thinks this is all ridiculous, but she's embracing the ridiculousness of it.
8 0056F9F4 0056FA25 Hey y'all. Lev wanted us to leave behind some messages to all of you Crater folks who we're leavin' behind. She thinks this is all ridiculous, but she's embracing the ridiculousness of it.