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Surge's letter is a paper note that was cut from the Fallout 76 update Wastelanders. It was written by Surge.



Dear Daddy,

I know you ain't around no more, but I wanted you to know that your little girl made it, thanks to you. I fell in with some decent folks I met up around Appalachia. They're survivors, and they ain't afraid to do what it takes to live to see another day. You'd like them. Well, maybe not all of them. Especially not this guy I've taken a shine to, but you never did think anyone was good enough for me. I still remember you chasing around Hank with a shotgun and that time you accidentally shot Wade in the leg.

I miss you. I know you wanted me to stay, but I couldn't spend another day in that damn bunker. I reckon you understand seeing as how you died down there and I couldn't get your body out anyways.

RIP Daddy,
