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This is a transcript for dialogue with Supervisor Brown.


1DialogueGraygardenWorkRewardReady to hand over those mutfruits?Player Default: Yeah, I'll take those caps now.A
2Player Default: Yeah, I'll take those caps now.Jolly good! Here you are - two caps apiece.A1a
3Player Default: I'm going to hold on to these Mutfruits.Then our business here is concluded, I should think. Cheerio!B1a
4Player Default: Some other time, maybe.At your leisure, then. I shall be hereabout when you're ready.X1a
5Player Default: What are you offering, exactly?It's two caps apiece.Player Default: Yeah, I'll take those caps now.Y1a
6-{(See notes for Supervisor Brown) Shouting, starting a fight.} For Queen and Country!
7{(See notes for Supervisor Brown) Shouting, starting a fight.} You'll pay for that!
8If you could fetch me some mutfruits, I could extract the seeds, hand them off to the planters, and Bob's your uncle!
9And of course, there will be caps to line your pocket. We see to our friends here!
10Ah. Well then, perhaps another time.
11In that case, we must bear the burden and soldier on.
12{Marching orders} Bring me some mutfruits for seeding, and there'll be caps for your pocket. Off you go, then!
13{Marching orders} Caps for mutfruits, that's the way!
14{Sincere gratitude} You helped us in our most desperate hour, and for that, I salute you, madam.
15{Sincere gratitude} You helped us in our most desperate hour, and for that, I salute you, sir.
16Jolly good to see you!
17Lovely weather, wot?
18By jove!
19We could do with a spot of rain.
20Well begun is half done!


21DialogueGraygardenBrownGreeneSceneI say, Greene old chap, are you free?Greene: Now it's time for short break and a word from our sponsors.A1a
22Greene: Now it's time for short break and a word from our sponsors.I shall take that as a yes.Brown: We're very nearly out of mutfruit seeds.A1a
23Greene: Now it's time for short break and a word from our sponsors.Uh... yes, well...Brown: We're very nearly out of mutfruit seeds.A2a
24Greene: Now it's time for short break and a word from our sponsors.Right...Brown: We're very nearly out of mutfruit seeds.A3a
25Brown: I shall take that as a yes.We're very nearly out of mutfruit seeds.A1a
26Best if we set more of the fruit aside for extraction, wouldn't you say?Greene: That's a big "can do", Brown! Don't you worry about a thing.A1b
27Brown: I shall take that as a yes.That last trader made mention of those scalawags at the salvage yard causing trouble for everyone nearby.A2a
28Look sharp now, for they might make their way here.Greene: That's a big "can do", Brown! Don't you worry about a thing.A2b
29Brown: I shall take that as a yes.White thinks she might have spied one of those abominable Yao-guai sniffing around the river's edge not far from here.A3a
30Mind you keep an eye out. That's trouble we can do without, thank you very much.Greene: That's a big "can do", Brown! Don't you worry about a thing.A3b
31Greene: That's a big "can do", Brown! Don't you worry about a thing.Well, that's jolly good.A1a
32Greene: That's a big "can do", Brown! Don't you worry about a thing.Quite right, quite right.A2a
33DialogueGraygardenBrownWhiteSceneI say, have you noticed unit seven-seven-J acting a bit strangely, White?White: Really, darling, you must be a bit more specific than that.A1a
34White: Really, darling, you must be a bit more specific than that.Ah, yes, quite right.A1a
35Well, it just seems to be a tad slow of late, as if it's not running on a full charge.White: It's probably just a defect in the power unit. I'll have a look at it later.A1b
36White: It's probably just a defect in the power unit. I'll have a look at it later.Jolly good. Just let me know if we need a new power unit and I'll see if can't make a trade for one.A1a
37DialogueGraygardenGreeneBrownSceneGreene: Hi there!Yes, Greene? What do you want?Greene: Say, I was wondering if you could get your hands on some motor oil next time a trader comes through.A1a
38Greene: One of unit seven-seven-one's manipulator arms is getting just a little tight.Well, we can't have that.A1a
39Rest assured, Greene, I shall secure the needed provisions as soon as I'm able.Greene: Well that'd be just swell. Isn't he a great contestant, ladies and gentlemen?A1b
40Greene: I'm afraid that's all the time we have for now. Thanks for watching, and come see us again soon!Uh, yes.A1a
41DialogueGraygardenWhiteBrownSceneWhite: Brown, darling, I need you to pick something up for me the next time a trader visits.Hm? Yes? What's that, then?White: Drone Two's shear attachment is getting a little dull. We'll need to replace at least one of the blades.A1a
42White: Drone Two's shear attachment is getting a little dull. We'll need to replace at least one of the blades.I should be able to acquire a knife easily enough. I'm sure we can re-purpose that.White: I'm sure you'll do your best, darling.A1a
43White: Drone Two's shear attachment is getting a little dull. We'll need to replace at least one of the blades.Hm... that could be difficult, but I shall do my best.White: I'm sure you'll do your best, darling.A2a
44White: Drone Two's shear attachment is getting a little dull. We'll need to replace at least one of the blades.The last time I looked, wiring was cheap as chips. I'm sure it'll be no trouble.White: I'm sure you'll do your best, darling.A3a