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This is a transcript for dialogue with Superstitious refugee in Expeditions: Atlantic City.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
4 006E6DCE 006FB83F Oh, I'm never going outside again. Superstitious Refugee
5 006FB840 I feel so... haunted. When will it go away? Superstitious Refugee. Haunted by their experience seeing the Jersey Devil
6 006FB841 I'm far away now... It can't hurt me. Superstitious Refugee. Haunted by their experience seeing the Jersey Devil; trying to reassure themself.
39 006E6DCF 006FB82E So... peaceful around here, isn't it? *awkward laugh* Superstitious Refugee. Awkwardly making small talk, but actually very nervous
40 006FB82F Be careful... You never know what's out there. Superstitious Refugee
41 006FB830 Do you think it's really safe here? Superstitious Refugee


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
22 006F0137 006FB84F Be careful if you go to Atlantic City! The Jersey Devil is real!
66 006F235D 006F2375 Sorry to interrupt you. I just heard you were going to Atlantic City, and I... Awkward, feeling guilty for eavesdropping
67 It's not safe there! There's a monster. I saw it... People keep going missing. That's why I left. Socially awkward, but concerned enough to say something. The monster they saw is the Jersey Devil.
68 006F235F 006F2372 It's real! I swear!
196 006FB7E3 006FB809 Loud tourists, low-tier entertainers, showgoers on their way home from the Pier... The Devil swoops down from the sky and swallows them whole!
201 006FB7E9 006FB81E They're siphoning its blood and turning it into a drug. That's why it's so angry now! Like a crazy person. No sane person hearing this should believe them (Ironic because it turns out to actually be true)
204 006FB7ED 006FB810 You did?!
205 006FB7EF 006FB82C Long ago, a woman known as Mother Leeds cursed her thirteenth child. With drama, telling an old folk tale
206 When she gave birth to the child one stormy night in the Pine Barrens, it transformed into a winged devil and flew off into the night.
207 It's been tormenting Jersey residents ever since!