Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

You'd think they'd all have been picked clean by now, but somehow new bottles keep appearing in the machines.Malcolm Holmes

Sunset Sarsaparilla vending machines are vending machines which vend Sunset Sarsaparillas. They can be found throughout the Mojave Wasteland.


A large machine bearing the Sunset Sarsaparilla logo and namesake at the top. The machines were manufactured and distributed before the Great War. The machine has five buttons for dispensing and is coin-operated with coin-changing functionality. Bottles of Sunset Sarsaparilla and caps can be found inside the machines. They can sometimes be found next to Nuka-Cola vending machines.



Malcolm Holmes tells the Courier that it seems like bottles are restocked in the machines around the Mojave, but is unsure who is doing so.[1]


Sunset Sarsaparilla vending machines only appear in Fallout: New Vegas.


PCPC Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Sometimes when entering any building with a Sunset Sarsaparilla vending machine, a loud crashing metal noise can be heard, this is due to the vending machine has turned around 180 degrees and facing the wall, meaning the player can only see the back panel, interaction is still possible. It may turn back after re-entering the room.[verified]


  1. The Courier: "Where can I find more of these caps?"
    Malcolm Holmes: "All over the place. The easiest place to find them is unopened bottles of Sunset Sarsaparilla. You'd think they'd all have been picked clean by now, but somehow new bottles keep appearing in the machines."
    (Malcolm Holmes' dialogue)