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This is a transcript for dialogue with Sully Mathis.


1DN138AfterAmbush01That's done it! Just listen to her go!Solly: Wait a second, did you hear that?A1a
2Solly: That's done it! Just listen to her go!Wait a second, did you hear that?A1a
3DN138FirstGreeting01Lookin to earn some caps? I could use a hand here if you're all done gawking, you know.Player Default: What do you need help with?A
5Player Default: Looks like you've got your hands full. I'll leave you to it.Fine. Whatever. Just stop buggin' me.Solly: The pump isn't in top shape, but it should at least start. There must be some leaky connections flooding me out. Think you could fix 'em?B1a
6Player Default: I could probably help, for a few caps extra?I was gonna give you something anyway. 75 caps for your time?Player Default: What do you need help with?X1a
7Player Default: I could probably help, for a few caps extra?Not gonna make this easy are ya? Alright, a hundred caps then.Player Default: What do you need help with?X2a
8Player Default: I could probably help, for a few caps extra?Ok, one twenty-five, but that's it. Any more and I'll just do it myself.Player Default: What do you need help with?X3a
9Player Default: I could probably help, for a few caps extra?Just had to push, didn't ya? 50 caps, take it or leave it.Player Default: What do you need help with?X4a
10Player Default: Help you with what, exactly?I'm trying to fix this old water pump. Should be plenty of scrap in here - if I can get it drained out.Player Default: What do you need help with?Y1a
11Player Default: Help you with what, exactly?Maybe I got some friends who like to go spelunking. Maybe I need a new hole to throw smart guys like you into. You gonna help or what?Player Default: What do you need help with?Y2a
12Player Default: Help you with what, exactly?Like I said, for scrap. Mind your own business. You helping or not?Player Default: What do you need help with?Y3a
13Player Default:The pump isn't in top shape, but it should at least start. There must be some leaky connections flooding me out. Think you could fix 'em?A1a
14The leaks will be underwater. Look for bubbles and you should find 'em.A1b
15-I'm not getting enough pressure. Some of the pipe gaskets must be letting air out and flooding the pump.A
16You see any bubbles on the surface? You should be able to follow those down to the source of a leak.A
17That's the ticket! You do the honors; hit that switch on the end of the pump.A
18Mirelurks. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that stirred 'em up.A
19Anyway, I've still got some tinkering to do on this thing. Shouldn't be too hard now, though.A
20Thanks for pitching in. Here's a little something before you clear out.A
21You mind? I'm busy here.A
22Unless you're gonna pitch in here, keep a distance.
23Hmmm... What if I redirect the flow through here...
24There should be some way to.. Ah, there it is.
25Maybe if I close off this intake I can get enough pressure...