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Fallout Wiki

The Suffolk County Charter School terminal entries are a series of entries found on six terminals at the Suffolk County Charter School in Fallout 4.


Note: This desk terminal is located on a counter in the office reception room.


Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink

Principal's terminal[]

Note: This desk terminal is located on the principal's desk in the principal's office.


Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink


Suffolk County Charter School Network
<User Login- Jackie Hudson>

> Documents[]


Principal Hudson,

Again I thank you for your school's willingness to participate in the Nutritional Alternative Paste Program, or NAPP for short. You and your students are doing a service to this country by helping us push the limits on our knowledge of food and nutritional science.
During the period of this program, nothing but NAP should be served to the students. No outside food should be tolerated on school grounds. We will be sending scientists periodically to observe reactions to the NAP, and ensure proper testing conditions.
Noncompliance will result in funds revoked, so please make sure your faculty and students remain obedient.

-Dr. Jerry Gibson

> Safe Control[]


Note: This wall terminal is located on the first floor in the stairway room next to the protectron pod. It has a Novice level lock.

Mr. Davidson's terminal[]

Note: This desk terminal is located on a desk in a classroom on the first floor.


Suffolk County Charter School Network
<User Login- Henry Smith>

> Complaint Letter Draft[]


Principal Hudson,
I am sorry to ask, but where has the integrity of this school gone? Forcing all teachers and students to consume nothing but flavorless pink goo is inhumane and demoralizing.
Food is an avenue of socialization for our students' growing minds, and they are growing restless of the paste. If nothing else, I am sure you have noticed the growing rate of visits to your office for misbehavior.
Also, I could almost swear everyone seems a little bit pinker after a week of eating the stuff.
Please, I ask that we terminate this mistake of an experiment and find alternative funding opportunities for the school.
-Mr. Smith, English Department


Note: This desk terminal is located on a desk in a basement. It has an Expert level lock.

> Security Door Control[]

Note: Accessing this command opens a door.[clarification needed]

See also[]
